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Clindamycin (Antirobe) For The Mouth

Guest NeroAmber

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Guest NeroAmber

Took Nero to the vet today, she says he has unusual gingivitis as his teeth are fine but the gums are blood red and sore. and wow, he has got some AWFUL breath. Anyway. She's prescribed him with 375mg of clindamycin (antirobe) once a day. I was wondering if anyone else has used this, and if it has worked?


(p.s. I'm still getting used to just how much of a beating my bank account takes after each vet visit, ouch! :eek )

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Guest TeddysMom

I did give with food and usually gave a pepcid with it just to make sure it did not upset their tummys. Let us know how it works.

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No experience with Clindamycin and dogs but my youngest daughter is taking it right now :P She fell a few days ago and scraped up her knees pretty bad. They got very infected and the doc said that Clindamycin is a great antibiotic for skin stuff. The only things they said to watch for was diarhea (she would hate that I told you that :lol) They said to be sure to take it with food and to drink plenty of water :) Hope that helps just a bit...

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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We've done it before with Naples, with success. Just the usual upset tummy that any antibiotic can cause.


We usually go with cephalexin (Keflex), because it's less expensive.

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest NeroAmber

Thanks for the advice, everyone, I just wanted to know it would really make a difference for him, as Nero is in discomfort with his gums at the moment, I feel more secure that these pills will help. I just wish I could disappear his pain right now :(

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Guest JudiK

My vet always prescribes 10 pills for a dental - 2x a day, beginning three days prior to the dental. We have so many fosters go through here that she sells it to me by the bottle.

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Clindamycin works well. Gustopher P Jones had his dental the other day and is on it. To help your wallet, have your vet write the prescription and take it to Target/Costco/BJ's pharmacy. Gus's Rx cost me $6.00 at Target. The vets seem to charge a fortune for antibiotics so mine always writes the scripts for my four.


BTW - one pharmacy said they didn't carry Antirobe and I had to tell them it was Clindamycin. Once they Googled it an saw I was right they filled it without question.

The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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Guest greytkidsmom

Kebo is starting pulsed clindamycin therapy for his bad gums. He needs a dental every 6 months. It is a week of clindamycin one week of every month. It has been about 2 months since his most recent dental and so far I have noticed a lot less bleeding when I brush his teeth. Hopefully this will work and we can extend our time between dentals. I would be interested to hear what daily dosing does for Nero.

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Guest MyBoys

My Murphy is using the liquid for his gums right now, vet said his teeth look good but he has one spot on his gum that is a little tender and red. I have been putting it on now for a week and the spot already looks much better. I am going to ask my vet for a prescription for it because I found it on Drs. Foster and Smith at a much cheaper price.

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My Murphy is using the liquid for his gums right now, vet said his teeth look good but he has one spot on his gum that is a little tender and red. I have been putting it on now for a week and the spot already looks much better. I am going to ask my vet for a prescription for it because I found it on Drs. Foster and Smith at a much cheaper price.


You are still going to get it cheaper, quicker, no shipping charge at Target/Costco

The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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