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Older Grey, Tummy Problems?

Guest Balfie

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Guest Balfie

Hi all!


My little girl is going to be 10 this year, and I wondered if it is usual for greys to become very sensitive to what they eat as they get older?

She has become very prone to tummy upsets and has lost weight from it.

Is this 'normal' for greys as they get older?


Edited to add:


I wanted to expand on what I put, she has been to the vets about it, and he said it was a tummy bug. Treated it with antibiotics and special food. But she still seems very prone to being loose if we give her anything other than her biscuits she has for her meals, and rawhide chews and bonios for treats. Anything else makes her loose again. It worries me as I would like to try to put a bit of weight back on her, and we have a recipe for 'satin balls' to give her with her meals, but I dont see how we can feed her them if they are going to go straight thru her. We gave her a bit of liver that was left over and that set her off again. So I think the sating balls may have the same effect.

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Guest Swifthounds

How long has it been since the "bug" started? Depending on how bad the irritation was, it can take weeks to months for the GI tract to totally settle. If she's still prone to tummy upset, I definitely would not do the satin balls. They can create upset in a dog not already having an issue, and if you trigger more GI upset, she's likely to drop even more weight. If she's ok on her regular fare, I would simply increase her daily intake a bit and give her time to put the weight back on.

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Guest Energy11

I'd maybe keep her on a bland diet for a week or two. Boiled chicken and rice is a good one. You can also add plain yogurt and canned, unflavored pumpkin for the tummy as well.


I would avoid treats, especially NO rawhide (not recommended due to bacterias, and the possibility of it getting stuck in their GI tracts).


Yes, it can take a while for a grey to get over a GI bug, so, I'd recommend the bland diet, watch the treats, and go from there.


Welcome to Greytalk, and I hope your baby feels better soon!


Dee and The Five



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Guest Balfie

Thankyou for your replies, I didnt know it could take them so long to get over a bug, so its a relief thats what it is. It has been approx 3-4 weeks since she first became ill.


We will cut out all treats, keep her on bland diet for a while and give her time to get over it.


Thanks for your advice, I feel much reassured.

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A bland diet (rice and meat) is usually used to "calm" the GI tract as it is non-irritating and easy to digest. In some dogs the bland diet may also firm up the poop but usually you'll need to add in some fiber to the diet to see the poop get firmer. Try adding in some cooked green beans (1/4 cup) and see if it makes a difference.

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Guest Brindled_Greys

Thriller is 14, and he is on Nutro for sensitive stomachs. It does seem to help! His poo is "firmer", and there's not so much of it, which tells me he's absorbing more of the food. Plus, the kibble is smaller and easier to swallow. Having a senior is a bit of a different world! :-)

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Ten is a bit young to be having problems, but it does happen. Try boiled ground meat or roasted turket only and see if her stomach and bowel calms down.


I do not feed rawhide anymore because of the digestive and bowel upsets. Also, you have to be very careful the product is from the USA. Many countries outside the US treat the product with nasty stuff to keep it from spoiling.

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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