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Billirubin In Urine

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Daisy had a urinalysis done on Tuesday due to a recent bout with a UTI. We just wanted to make sure there was no infection left. The good news is the infection is completely gone! She said that she does have Billirubin in her urine at a +2. She had blood work done in Oct and her AST was slightly elevated,everything else was normal. Should I be worried??? Should I give some Milk Thistle?? Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Milk thistle can't hurt. Some small amount of bilirubin is normal, but if it's elevated that can mean bad juju. My experience has been that the urine test strip color for bilirubin is a very subtle difference between +, ++, and +++. If it's read by eye, it should be tested again- and I *think* there are machine readers that are more reliable than eyeballing it. So, you might check to see how it was tested- in-house, or sent out, and if tested in-house, what technique they used to read it.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest Energy11

Yes, some Billirubin in the urine can be normal. Goldie had it last year, and not this. Her liver enzymes have always been good. You might want to get Daisy tested again in a few months, both the urine and liver enzymes, just to be on the safe-side. Could be anything at this point. I'd keep a close eye on her. Be sure she is eating, not lethargic, and, do, get her retested in two months or so. Good Luck!

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Guest Energy11

Dee, she shows NO signs of lethargy and her appetite is great! colgate.gif She will be 9 in April and I "think" she feels pretty good. She acts like a puppy at times....



Well, as you know, I am NOT a vet, but if she were mine, I'd just keep a close eye on her, especially given her lack of lethargy and great appetite, and repeat the liver enzymes and urine again in about two months. I believe Cari also had Billiburin in HER urine last summer for her last check up, and they don't come any healtiher. Makes me WONDER, if all the stress of the vet visits have anything to do with it???


Good luck, and lots of love to you and Daisey!

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Guest lovingreys

Daisy had a urinalysis done on Tuesday due to a recent bout with a UTI. We just wanted to make sure there was no infection left. The good news is the infection is completely gone! She said that she does have Billirubin in her urine at a +2. She had blood work done in Oct and her AST was slightly elevated,everything else was normal. Should I be worried??? Should I give some Milk Thistle?? Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


We had a grey with cirosis of the liver a couple years ago. I don't recall him having bilirubin in his urine, but his liver enzymes were very high. A couple of the OTC meds the specialist recommended was Denosyl and Vitamin E. I'm obviously not a vet, but you may want to consider starting her on both. You can get the Denosyl on line.

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From what I've heard it's completely normal for greyhounds to have some billirubin in their urine. I took Hobbes to a so called greyhound savvy vet for a UTI and she had me in a panic something was wrong with his kidneys because of the billirubin. I come to find out it's normal for them.

Hobbes-Ricard Hatch09/23/99-12/21/09 Always loved, never forgotten. Wally TNJ Boy Howdy, GLS Genuinerisk Corinna

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