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I Just Got To Thinking

Guest Shana

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How many GTers live in basement suites? Any?


I would LOVE to live in a basement suite for my first home as opposed to an apartment or the like. That way I can have a nice home to go to, with a back yard, and the size I like (I dont want a mansion lol) and the budget will fit for me. I like the look of houses better than apartments, and I certainly can't afford to buy my own house anytime soon. (and for safety of any pets, I would make sure that a separate entrance is in order so that upstairs person doesn't "forget" to close the door, cuz I sure love my cat)


But I got to thinking about SA and basement suites... Obviously when I adopt I am not going to know the dog well (duh) and there is always potential for SA to develop in any dog. I know the basics about SA, what to do and what not to do. I've read "I'll be Home Soon". So this question isn't about how to solve SA.


I was wondering, if I had a dog that developed some SA and lived in a basement suite... would hearing the upstairs person walking around all day (or whatever their schedule would be) be absolute torture for the dog? I am assuming it would be, but I would like to hear GT experience, or even if you had any friends with any kind of dogs in basement suites in general.

Would this just be horrible for any dog to know there is someone upstairs, why am I locked up downstairs?


Do you think something like this would be workable? I really like basement suites, but I also really like dogs haha. If I had to abandon my hope of having a basement suite I guess I could do that. Lol. I don't want to set up any dogs for disaster. I don't want to move into a basement suite, then adopt my dog, and then find out ** is going to hit the fan (potentially speaking of course).

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It will all depend on the dog, of course, but my thinking is that it might actually be comforting for a dog to be able to hear sounds of people moving around. In a racing kennel they'll often hear people without being able to see them - but they know they're there, and things are still running as usual. That's in England of course, but I think it would probably be the same in a US racing kennel.


The worst thing for a dog with SA to deal with is being alone, and in many homes, the isolation is pretty complete. We have double glazing which muffles sound carrying in from outside, the dozens of other dogs are gone, the smells are gone, and even the sounds of the house are different. I'm guessing, but I would imagine that hearing people moving around upstairs might be reassuring, rather than disturbing. He - or she - will know it's not you up there. Dogs' hearing is so much more sensitive than ours.


You'd need to talk to your adoption agency, but personally, with the right dog, I don't see it would be a problem.


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Guest twhitehouse

Agreed. It's going to depend on the dog. You're going to want to get a very confident dog and perhaps even one that's been fostered as an only dog so you know chances of SA are small.


As far as hearing people moving around, I think the same is true for most apartment and condos as well and there are plenty of dogs living in those as well. They'll probably get used to hearing people move around upstairs and it won't be an issue.


So I think it's safe to say, you're dream of having a basement suite and a greyhound are llikely to happen! :)

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Guest AGirlNamedMe

We live in a townhouse-style condo and can hear the people on one side of us. Sometimes, Bella's ears will perk up a bit at their sounds, but she mostly ignores it (and their yapping puggle dog).


I think over time, they are able to figure out which sounds and movements apply to them. A car door slamming means Hef (my SO) might be home - that's a sound that applies to Bella - her ears perk up and she might even go stand at the baby gate. A baby crying doesn't apply to Bella - she either just glances up or ignores it completely.


If I get up in the middle of the night to go pee, Bella doesn't budge. If I get up from my desk in the middle of the day, her tail starts wagging like crazy because we're going o-u-t or it's cookie time.


So, most of the time, they figure it all out and adjust to what is going on around them.

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The negative about a basement apartment vs an apartment are the steps. If God forbid the dog is lame- there is no elevator to fall back on. Carrying a 70+ pound dog up and down the steps could be crippling.


Just a thought. I realize that anything can happen anytime...



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