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Abscess In Prairie Dog

Guest EmilyandSioux

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Guest EmilyandSioux

This afternoon I went to feed my prairie dog and noticed his face was swollen and nasty looking. He had a abscess in his cheek. With my husband's help we opened up the abscess. I was a vet tech for 20 years so this is not new for us. The poor little guy had abotu 4cc's of puss come out of his cheek. He was so good he just sat and let me do it. I feel so bad for him. He was acting like he feels better now. He just needs some prayers tonight. He is getting old and is the last one left. He is the sweetest thing though.

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Poor baby, at least you were able to help him. I would have had to wait to take one of ours to the vet. We have 3 left out of 5 and they're the best, just like little puppies tumbling around and "talking" to us all the time. I hope he gets better soon.

Lake Jackson, Texas
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Guest EmilyandSioux

Thanks. He is doing better today although that is just gross what is coming out of his cheek. Today when we went to give him his meds he fought us and that is always a good sign. I would send a pic but I don't know how. I am not really good with electronics. There is a place here in Houston you get prairie dogs. I can put you in touch with the lady and she ships animals. She is reputable and have used her for years. I had 5 at one time and this is the last one and he was born here at the house. Keeps the prayers coming.

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O wow! He was born there?! I've always been told they didn't breed in captivity so we always had ours neutered. The last one we got was during the monkey pox ban and the lady at the pet store sold him to me for 1/2 price just to get him out of her store. We've lost one to cancer and 2 to old age so far, and 2 others are getting very old now so I'm kind of sad when I think about it...

Lake Jackson, Texas
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If there's still a lot of puss, might your little friend need an antibiotic? Sounds bad...


Gotta ask, how do PDs and greys do together?

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest EmilyandSioux

Yeah they breed in captivity. We had a litter of 2. He is doing much better tonight. He fought over taking his meds it was great to see that. He is on Cipro which is similar to Baytril. I take it and crush it up and then mix with water and syrup to cover the flavor. Sioux the grey doesn't pay him any attention unless he is out of his cage and he is in our arms. A PD loose in the house is not good. I have a place here in Houston that ships them all over. I can get you in touch when the time is right.

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