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Pudding Poo Accident At Home

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After 24 hours, Enza FINALLY had a bowel movement this morning. It was nice and firm, as can be expected. A few feet later, she had pudding poo all over the road. I figured it was due to "holding" it for the storm and only going once a day for a week vs twice/three times.


I got home, and she had another pudding poo accident in the living room and on our walk, she did it again.


She did have the buffalo TOTW last night vs her regular TOTW Salmon. That and the only going once for a week are the only things adnormal.


I'm going to give her a small amount of bland diet tonight but thoughts?

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The longer Beth holds it, the firmer it gets. The second poo is always looser. But if she doesn't usually have pudding poo, it's probably food-related. We use TOTW Salmon and I'd like to try the High Prairie one, but I can just about feel the pudding coming when I read the ingredients list.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Changing the main protein of her food could cause it, that could be a pretty major change for her system. Lima is real sensitive to any changes to her diet (i.e., any change = pudding poo, guaranteed).


Yeah - I'm leaning towards that, but after the crazy day with the neighbor's house fire and taking her poor dog to the vet, it was all K had her house when we finally got back and collapsed. Fed her some mashed potatoes and chicken and she's curled up ignoring the Olympics.

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