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Soft Stool Issues....

Guest cwalsh156

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Guest cwalsh156

Well when I adopted my boy back in December he had diahrrea problems I had him on Evo food. I switched him off of that and transitioned him into Nutro lamb meal and rice with the help of scrmabled hamburg and rice. His poops hardened right up and looked normal. Up until this yesterday afternoon he has had fine poops now they are getting progressively softer and lighter in color. His stomach tends to growl a little too but not a lot. Not to sure what this could be I think I will give it a day and if things dont change possibly a visit to the vet?

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Guest longdoglady

I do not give any food for 12 hours to rest and clear the digestive system then I feed half the normal amount with added prebiotic and probiotic supplement. Next day I give 3/4 the normal amount with supplement and then gradually increase food to an amount which maintains weight and good poops. I only give the pre/probiotics for a week just to help the good bacteria get going. I do not give any treats or extras until all is back to normal. It sounds as though the Nutro lamb and rice suited him so there is no reason to change his food yet. Try experimenting with quantity as dried food is so concentrated that it is easy to overfeed and overload the digestive system, reducing the amount by a tablespoon may help. Most greys seem to get loose stools rather than gain weight when overfed, finding the balance between maintaining weight and not overfeeding is an art form with greyhounds, good luck!

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Guest Energy11

Cari had stools like that for a while, but she was fine medically. We started her on Canidae Grain Free food about two weeks, ago, along wiht a 10 mg Pepcid AC, twice daily, and no more loose poopy! You might be looking at a food allergy, too.


Welcome to Greytalk, and good luck with all of this!

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the canned pumpkin did the trick for my Sammy. I add a dollop (about 1/4 cup) into her evening meal and that fixed her right up. If I run out of pumpkin and skip it, within a cpl days her poops are mush again.

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