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Megaesophagus Help Needed

Guest Seabiscuit_Lucy

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Guest Seabiscuit_Lucy

Hello there. I spoke with a very kind rescue representative in Mo today that suggested that the great people of this forum might be able to help me and my whippet Lucy. I am trying to find the woman that built this bailey chair :


KC, the lovely model and foster of Joyce McHugh with GPA - OC/GLA, and her Charlie Chair (Bailey Chair) posed for our megaesophagus lecture.





I have a 1 year old whippet that I welcomed to our family 2 months ago. I am vet tech and decided to have a barium study done to find out why she was regurgitating and not gaining weight. The diagnosis was rough but I am over the initial shock and am trying to find a bailey chair that will work for a sighthound body. I have tried many things that have failed. The last was a high back baby booster chair, but she slumps to much in for it to be effective. The person that built chair for Charlie understands how it needs to be made and I really want to find the builder and see if they would be willing to make one for my Lucy.


Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. My Lucy is my miracle child as I can not believe she made it to her one year birthday without being diagnosed. I want her to have a long and happy life and finding the right method for her to get nutrition is crucial.


Thank You - Robyn (AKA Lucy's Mom)



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I wanted to welcome you to GT and I am sure there are some GT folks here that can steer you in the right direction. I don't have any information to pass on to you but just wanted you to know that Lucy and you are in my thoughts. Bless you for giving her a great home and trying to do this research.



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