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Must Not Freak Out...

Guest SandOSU98

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Guest SandOSU98

On October 6th I'm bringing Colby in for his first dental. He is only 4 and as far as I know in otherwise excellent health, but I am really scared about this, to the point where I am considering canceling the appointment. I really don't have a good reason to feel this way, but am so worried that something terrible is going to happen to him during the procedure. Also, the procedure is on my husband's and my second wedding anniversary (haven't decided if this coincidence is a good thing or not).


He does really need the dental. He has lots of buildup and his teeth are especially vulnerable because he was a cage biter in the kennel and wore his teeth down substantially and has even broken one. This is my first greyhound, first DOG that wasn't my parents too, and I have never gone through this before. I should also add I do trust the vet. It's a small practice, but it came highly recommended and I have been very pleased with their attention to Colby so far. I've just heard the horror stories about greyhounds and anesthesia and am starting to get paranoid.


Any pre-op/post-op/keeping my sanity advice would be appreciated :(

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Guest CindiLuvsGreys

You are going to worry so don't even bother to try not to. LOL Have the vet do pre procedure blood work and have them call you when he wakes up. That keeps the worrying to a minimum. Most Greys do fine with the dental and it is more than worth it with all the problems that can come from bad teeth. Not to mention pain. My 10 year old had 4 teeth pulled and he was just fine. He was back to normal the next day. Worry a little but try not to freak out. That's the best you can do as a dog mom.

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Guest NewGreyOwner

We just took our grey for his first dental on Tuesday (well, first since he's been with us). I, too, almost cancelled the appointment because I was worried how he would handle it. We've had him for almost a year, and he's 4 1/2. The vet we use is one that was recommended by our adoption group, so they know greys very well, but we also had read up on their sensitivity to anesthesia. We met with the vet prior to scheduling the dental, and he told us that with the modern drugs that are used that greys really aren't any more susceptible than other breeds. We tried to stay busy during the day to keep our minds off what was happening, and asked the vet's office to call us when he was coming out of the anesthesia as it would take us about an hour to drive over and get him. He was very groggy when we picked him up but was able to pee-pee outside the vet's office and get into the car with no problem. He slept most of the way home. He was very hungry since he couldn't eat past 8:00 the night before, so we gave him several small meals over a couple hour period which he ate right up then went back to sleep. He did go out for a short walk and pee later in the evening, but mostly slept the evening away. He was pretty much back to his normal (?) self the next day. He didn't need any extractions and his teeth are beautiful. We are both relieved he handled it so well. I had been obsessing about his appointment for several weeks, but it really worked out just fine. You just have to trust your vet and the techs - they know what they're doing. I'll be thinking of you and your pup next week!


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Guest LeanneSchatz
On October 6th I'm bringing Colby in for his first dental. He is only 4 and as far as I know in otherwise excellent health, but I am really scared about this, to the point where I am considering canceling the appointment. I really don't have a good reason to feel this way, but am so worried that something terrible is going to happen to him during the procedure. Also, the procedure is on my husband's and my second wedding anniversary (haven't decided if this coincidence is a good thing or not).


He does really need the dental. He has lots of buildup and his teeth are especially vulnerable because he was a cage biter in the kennel and wore his teeth down substantially and has even broken one. This is my first greyhound, first DOG that wasn't my parents too, and I have never gone through this before. I should also add I do trust the vet. It's a small practice, but it came highly recommended and I have been very pleased with their attention to Colby so far. I've just heard the horror stories about greyhounds and anesthesia and am starting to get paranoid.


Any pre-op/post-op/keeping my sanity advice would be appreciated :(


Don't worry! I am the same way but the dentals are so very important. Make sure you ask your vet as many questions as you can to help calm you. My girl goes in for her dental tomorrow. I am terribly nervous for her so I feel your pain! She needs two extractions so make sure you don't put off the dental! It will be worse in the long run if you do! Good luck and stay calm! :)

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Guest CindiLuvsGreys

Just think by this time tomorrow it will be all over and your baby will be home with you. Think positive.





Thanks everybody... I've managed to talk myself out of canceling but it's tomorrow and I'm sooo nervous...


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Guest IrskasMom



Well Sandy , you already heard a few People telling you they are just as nervous as you are . Tell the Vet , to call you

right away to let you know everything went well ( even if you are at work , you want to know) . Oral Health is very Important

to your Baby's Health .We will love to hear your Update about Colby. I am keeping my Fingers crossed and sending

gentle Hugs and Prayers for Colby. :grouphug:hope:grouphug

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Everything should turn out fine just as long as your vet is greyhound savvy and has a good understanding of the anesthesia issues with greyhounds.


You may also notice that your greyhound is "colder" than normal when you bring him home so you might want to cover him "very lightly". Expect that he may sleep most of the night.


One of my greys was 11.5 years old when he had a teeth cleaning and it turned out fine although I was so worried before the procedure that I also almost canceled the appointment.


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Take a deep breath.


If you cancel, you'll just have to face this down the road, when his teeth have gotten worse. And if your boy's teeth are bad, the resultant gum disease can allow serious infections to get into your boy's bloodstream. For his sake, you have to tough it out and get him taken care of.


Having said that, I'll make a few confessions. I get both my dogs' teeth cleaned on the same day, because I can't take the stress of doing it on two separate occasions. And one time, when my guys weren't through "on time" (at the time the tech had estimated), I burst into tears from the stress. I packed up my knitting and drove back to the vet's office; I sat in their waiting room and knitted until the dogs were ready to go home. It turns out that my vet puts the "trouble-free" dogs--like greyhounds--later on his schedule and does his "problem dogs" first thing...so being late is good news--unless you're a stressed-out grey-mama like me.





Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest Capslock

I just had Otis get his (and my) first dental, and he turned 12 a while ago. I was nervous, too. Plus, we had a couple lumps removed (benign). He came through fine - sure, he was a mess right after the surgery (the 20+ stitches in four areas didn't help), but he bounced right back, now with pearly whites and lump-free! Try not to worry, it will be worth it.

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Guest SandOSU98

Thank you all for the advice and support! The vet just called and said he is doing great and that he is "one high energy dog" :lol: So looks like my big goofy boy did just fine, like you all said he would! Now it seems like it was such a silly thing for me to get all worked up over :blush

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