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Sadie Is Shedding Like Crazy

Guest Ashley

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Guest Ashley

Are any of your greys shedding lots at the moment? I thought it was kind of late to be blowing her coat for the summer. When petting her, sometimes little clumps of hair fall off of her.

She was just at the vet last month and got a clean bill of health. Should I take her back again though, or am I just worrying unnecessarily?

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Carl and Claire are shedding a lot right now, as is my non-grey, Sheila. I thought they were shedding awfully early, not late. I'm hoping it means that winter will be coming early!!!

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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Guest Ashley
Jet sheds enough to build an IG pretty much every day.


:lol :lol Ah, well I'm glad that it isn't just Sadie leaving little clones on the carpet everywhere then.

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Guest Energy11

I, too was worried, about three weeks ago, when Curfew, my "mystery diagnosis," dog, started blowing his coat! I MEAN, twenty to thirty grooming mitts of hair!!!!!!!!!!!! Then, the other four started! You could make a full grown HORSE out of the hair I have gotten out of ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It finally stopped, and I did start adding a coat additive to their foods. I was just adding Canola Oil prior, but this called for the BIG GUNS!


They are all fine, and I am sure, it is just what we went through! Too bad there wasn't a market for all the hair we got out of these dogs!!!!!!! :-)))

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Guest Dillymom

They manage to lose a lot of hair for a 'nonshedding' breed :lol


Mine tend to shed a lot more also when they are stressed so the last few weeks after moving they've both been shedding up a storm. I've been taking them outside with the Furminator every 2-3 days to keep it under control.

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Guest Lovey_Hounds

She is doing a seasonal shed because our weather here is going from hot to chilly so its hot again and ahe is getting rid of extra hair. Im a groomer if you want to stop by i can show you a few tips on how to get most of the loose hair off. if you want to message me and i will can her groom at my shop for free i can get tonnes off that way. also try adding more omega 3's to her diet ( salmon oil, flax oil, ground flax).

she is most likely still shedding her farm coat/ kennel coat and it will slow down, what type of brush do you have? get a Zoom groom or a rubber grooming mitt to start.


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Guest MyBoys

All 3 of mine seem to be shedding right now, I just finished brushing all 3 of them and if I knew how to knit I could knit myself a nice furry greyhound sweater.

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Guest RocketDog

Mine are starting to blow coat too... a full two months earlier than they did last year! With three hounds in the house I'm sweeping and swiffering at least twice a day, with no end in sight!

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Most dogs blow coat twice a year, spring and fall. My front yard looks like a dog exploded in it, because I groomed and bathed two of the hairies yesterday. And they are still losing a ton! It's normal, not to worry!

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest D_MansMommy

Lots of seasonal shedding here too. I washed the doggie bed covers today and had to stop the dryer twice to clean the lint catcher. It was full of hair.

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Guest Ashley
She is doing a seasonal shed because our weather here is going from hot to chilly so its hot again and ahe is getting rid of extra hair. Im a groomer if you want to stop by i can show you a few tips on how to get most of the loose hair off. if you want to message me and i will can her groom at my shop for free i can get tonnes off that way. also try adding more omega 3's to her diet ( salmon oil, flax oil, ground flax).

she is most likely still shedding her farm coat/ kennel coat and it will slow down, what type of brush do you have? get a Zoom groom or a rubber grooming mitt to start.


Brandi, you are awesome! I would love to go to you for Sadie's grooming, is your shop located up in the area near your house?

As for Omega 3's, we give her a capsule of Salmon Oil each night with a spoon of peanut butter. She is the softest dog I have ever met :D

I have two different types of brushes, a wiry one and a... hogs hair kind of one? :blush I really don't know what they are called. I will try to find a Zoom groom though, thanks for the tip!


I'm so glad to hear that it is normal. I thought she had already blown her summer coat, so I was freaking out!

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Guest EmilyAnne

Henry went through this a few months ago. It lasted about two months and the amount of shedding was unbelievable! No change of food or anything. Just happened. Didnt happen last year though for some reason?

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Rocket's not shedding too much THIS week. One of the biggest surprises of being a new greyhound mommy the past 8 months has been how much this non-shedding breed sheds. As someone above said, if I could knit, I'd have a closet full of sweaters. :lol

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I have no idea why, but all of my animals are shedding worse this year than usual--maybe there's something funny with the weather?

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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Guest simile
Jet sheds enough to build an IG pretty much every day.


Same here. All three of mine shed pretty much all the time, though sometimes more and sometimes less. In any case, they all shed more than my huskies ever did.

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Yep! all mine are shedding early thids year, I thought it was due to our very cold summer, and for us this is a sign of an early winter, I live in the mountains of western Pa.

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Guest Energy11
Lots of shedding here too, with the exception of Ekko. Believe it or not, she doesn't shed

That is really cool that Ekko doesn't shed. I never realized that :-))) She is sooo beautiful!


I thought of putting glue on my house when I brushed them, I would have a fur lined house :lol :lol

That is Hillarious, but, just might work :-))

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Guest katieandpadfoot

Lots of shedding here too...I have to greyhounds and have now made a third from all the fur that has come off of them. I agree lots of fur for a non shedding breed...but it's all good!!!! Furminator here we come!!!!

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