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Darn Dog Stole 2 Beef Skewers!

Guest ChasesMum

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Guest ChasesMum

So I was dumb dumb dumb and left the plate of 3 skewers out on the counter when I went out to start the BBQ. Figured I'd be gone half a minute and she was asleep on the couch... I come in to find her scarfing down the second of 3. AARGH! At least she had the decency to chew the skewers apart into short segments inside the meat.


I called the evet to make sure that making her vomit wasnt the best plan, and they said that no, probably not the best plan, and if I felt comfortable watching her then that was my decision.


Hopefully that is the right decision, and if she is up pacing or acting odd through the night I can take her in pretty easily.


I don't think giving her bread will be any benefit as she seemingly chewed up the skewers into smaller pieces, and she has eaten contraband chicken bones and steak bones with minimal issues. Hopefully *fingers crossed* that we get the same iron gut luck....


any advice on what else I should look for, and when I can be comfortable that things are ok (24 hours? 48 hours?)


Totally my fault too... so I had to run to the grocery store to get a rotisserie chicken for supper. sigh.

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Guest Energy11

I would have still given the bread ... still can, to "coat the wooden skewers," and ease them through the digestive system. Just watch for signs of pain, ... panting, pacing, blood in vomit or stools, but they will probably come out fine in "the end!"

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Guest ChasesMum

12 hour update: Slept like a log and was coughing around 6 or so but didnt want to get off her bed. She came down for a late breakfast this morning around 7:30 and after a couple bites DH ran her out to the yard to barf. She chucked up the majority of the skewers (YAY!) and DH took away her half a breakfast and he decided to fast her a little longer just in case.


So... so far so good, her gut seems to either let it go through or pukes it up in the morning. Her palate however isnt so discriminating! lol


Unfortunatley this isnt the first time we have been on watch. Somewhere deep in the archives of Greytalk is the story if her eating the silicone funnel off of my breastpump and requiring major surgery 6 weeks later when she blocked. sigh probably also the one of her eating 2.5 LBS of chocolate and needing to be rushed to the evet.

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Somewhere deep in the archives of Greytalk is the story if her eating the silicone funnel off of my breastpump and requiring major surgery 6 weeks later when she blocked. sigh probably also the one of her eating 2.5 LBS of chocolate
:omg Life must just be one culinary adventure after another with Chase. I hope everything is okay this time, too.


What were the skewers made out of?


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Guest ChasesMum

HAHAHA! Oh lordy yes, it has been! She will eat anything and everything even remotley related to being edible. Ripped open a bag of flour, dry rice, brocolli cheese dry soup mix, ExLax (made her barf that one out... seemed like the devil you know vs the devil that wakes you up 8 times in the night), you name it she has tried it. We have a file a mile thick I think.... at both the vet and the e-vet. Heck she can lick a sharp knife clean and never has nicked her tongue! She is remarkable really.... :lol:


almost 7 years she has been this way and I made a rookie mistake with her. ah well, I blame it on pregnancy brain :)


thankfully the skewers were bamboo and she is currently making sure that the couch doesnt float away...cuz they do that when the dog isnt on it ya see....

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