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Coming Out Of Anistesia From Yesterday..

Guest UESBrindle

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Guest UESBrindle

William came home from the dentist yesterday and today we're still seeing some odd behavior out of him:


1. drinking TONS of water


(and probablyas a result from #1) 2. peeing in the house, which he's never done since we brought him home


3. tiring more easily on walks


4. looks like he has little bags under his eyes


The doc said the meds should have worn off after last night, so I'm curious how long your dogs have side effects.


Also, after an anistesia dental, do your dogs usually have any drugs? antibiotics for infection or pain killers for once their home? We didn't get any- should we have asked for any? We had them after he had the non-anisthetic cleaning for 2 weeks after...


And when you take your dog in for an operation at the vets, do they usually walk them once they come to? As soon as we brought William outside, he had 2 of the longest pees we've ever seen him have.. not sure if it's related to the anistesia, of if they just never took him out? It's a large hospital, so I'm sure they have lots of dogs in their care. Is taking them out to pee/poo a reasonable expectation?

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Mandy usually drags a bit for a day or so after a dental, she's the lowest of low energy dogs, but she there is a noticeable difference. She didn't need antibiotics once, another time she did. Ditto with the pain killers. As for the vet's office taking her outside, they do so if she's there for several hours, otherwise, I take her out. Of course, my vet's office is used to my overprotective ways! As for the peeing--I know when I have had anaesthesia, my throat gets dry and I drink more after surgery, so I usually have to "go" more too. Has William been drinking more than usual? They probably gave him water at the vet's office too (at least in small "doses").


I hope William feels better tonight!

Beverly. Missing my happy toy-flinging boy Sammy (Where's Mandrill), (8/12/2009-9/30-2021) Desperately missing my angel Mandy (BB's Luv) [7/1/2000 - 9/18/2012]. Always missing Meg the Dalmatian and Ralph Malph the Pekeapoo.

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Dogs can be a little off after anesthesia and it can take a day or so to wear off completely. Depending on what the procedure is, I might hold off doing the daily walk for a day or so.


If your dog is on the older side, then maybe you might want to ask about antibiotics. When my 11 year old went in for teeth cleaning he had a heart murmur so he was on antibiotics BEFORE the cleaning.

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phene recently had a dental and he was off for a few days (although with him it's hard to tell :beatheart ). he wasn't given antibiotics afterwards.

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Milky Way is also usually off for a few days after his dentals. When I say off, I mean he isn't interested in going out, seems tired, and yes he does drink more than usually.

Alicia and Foster Yoshi ( pit bull) 

Always in my heart: WV's Milky Way 6/25/2000- 4/22/2013, Hank ( St Bernard/Boxer) ???? - 10/3/2017 and Sweet Pea (English bulldog)  2004 - 6/19/2019


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Often, I think, the decision about antibiotics has to do with how much gum deterioration there has been and whether or not teeth need to be extracted. That is, if there's going to be much bleeding from the dental, then you're more likely to want to give antibiotics to the dog. Some vets will prescribe antibiotics before the dental, then decide whether the drugs are needed afterwards based on what they had to do while the dog was knocked out. (This mirrors what happens with people, I think. My last extraction, I was on antibiotics for a week in advance.)


Last time my guys were in for dentals, the vet asked if I wanted painkillers if there were extractions. I said yes, but neither dog needed anything pulled so we didn't go home with painkillers. Again, the vets' plans varied, based on what they had to do to the dog.


For one of Sam's dentals, I'd faithfully fasted him the night before--no food, no water. So when I picked him up after the dental, I was surprised when he just planted all four feet flat on the floor in the vet's waiting room and peed an entire lake in front of a whole lot of witnesses. Clearly, they'd given him all he wanted to drink after the dental.


On more recent visits, I've been advised to not let them drink a lot when I get them home, for fear that post-anesthesia queasiness will have them vomiting up the water. The vet's office has advised giving small quantities of water the first night (they suggested I put out ice chips the dogs could lick), as well as very little to eat. So after nearly 24 hours of restricted intake, my guys are eager for all the water they can get. They can only hold so much at one time, so they'll tank up, pee soon, drink lots more again, pee more, and repeat for a day or two. They don't usually pee in the house, but there are times when they barely make it out the front door.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest PiagetsMom

Piaget had a dental last week. She didn't lose any teeth, but did have some gum issues and was given an antibiotic to take for 5 days. First day home, she was really out of it and slept through most of it. Second day she also drank more water than usual and was definitely not back to her normal self......we took a much shorter walk than normal as she was not especially enthusiastic. Much better the 3rd day.

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Any arthritis? Last time Patrick had his teeth done he was someone agitated afterward--I called the vet and she suggested he might be in pain from having been out on the table, then in the crate during recovery--a slow walk and using our backup pain medication solved the problem.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

How old is William? Did he have any extractions? Those 2 questions will determine what his after-care should be. Spencer was on antibiotics when he had extractions but the other times he wasn't on anything. He also wasn't given any pain killers but was given a shot before he left the vet's office when he had the extractions. Spencer would also be very dehydrated from the anesthesia so drinking lots of water wasn't unusual and since I have a dog door he was able to go out as often as he needed. Two years ago with Spencer's dental he took about 3 days to recover and I was anxious about it. This last time he was practically normal when I picked him up from the vet's office so it can be different each time for recovery.


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Guest HeatherDemps

As Dempsey got older, it got a lot harder on him. The last dental he had was when he was 11 and it took a little over 2 days before he was back to normal. Mostly, he was just way more lethargic, was stumbly on his feet some, and needed help getting up on the couch, bed, etc.

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Guest UESBrindle

William just turned 5, no extractions. I just checked in with DBF who's home during the day, and William is back to his normal self! Thanks for sharing your experience-- it made me feel better, and I'm so glad to have him *back* :)

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Rusty was 11 last year summer when he had his dental, he also had 6 teeth extracted. It took him a good 3-4 days before he was back to normal. I've decided that that is probably the last dental he will have. It was a rough one for him. Solo had his dental the same day and is two years younger. He had three teeth extracted and was back to himself the next day.

Jodie D (hope to have another grey name her soon)
Missing my Bridge Babies:
Rusty (Cut a Rusty) 10/18/95-06/09/09
Solo (Tali Solo Nino) 01/10/98-03/25/10
Franny (Frohmader) 02/28/04-08/31/17

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