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Hopefully Soon-to-be Owner In Mi

Guest limbrooke83

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Guest limbrooke83

Hello everyone,


I'm a newbie, though I've been lurking here for months reading all of your awesome posts. I'm from Michigan and have been waiting a few months to adopt a greyhound. I went to the Greyhound Event of Michigan last weekend and met one girl that just melted my heart. She's a senior, and I heard other families were also interested in her, so my hubby and I rushed home and sent our application in that same night. Here's a link to the girl we're hoping to get:




We haven't heard back on the application yet, and I'm too excited/anxious to sleep, lol! DH thinks I'm nuts (which I am, of course!) and can't wait 'till we get a dog so I quit keeping him up tossing and turning all night. Can you tell I'm excited? ;)


Anyway, we know we may or may not end up with Lindsay (though she really is the first grey to totally steal my heart!), but I thought since we've officially applied for a greyhound it was high time I introduced myself. Thank you to everyone who posts here - your posts were most helpful in answering so many of the questions I had about owning a greyhound. I've also gone over many of your posts in preparing to buy doggie supplies very soon. Thank you! :D



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Guest WhenIGiveIn

Well congrats and good luck! I am acutally with GEM and I know lindsay she has come to my house for hound sitting before. Coming off the GEM even weekend everyone is trying to get back in the swing of things so hold tight Im sure you will hear something soon.


Oh and I dont know if we met Im guessing we probably did I was at the registration table most of the morning till 12 or so.

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Guest kelli123

Brooke, Lindsay is beautiful, hope every thing works out. I have adopted 2 of my greys from Gem. And they are perfect sweet hearts. Where do you live in Mi?

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Guest limbrooke83

Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! I'm sure I'll be spending loads of time here from now on (as if I didn't already, lol!)


Michelle - Thanks, I hadn't thought about the fact that everyone's probably busy settling in again after the big GEM event. I know it's only been two days since I applied, but it seems like forever - especially since I noticed today all the other seniors on the GEM website suddenly have "adoption pending" under their names! :o I'm soo happy for them, but nervous Lindsay might be gone before we get a chance to adopt her, lol! Oh, and I'm not sure if I met you at the event or not - DH didn't want to go too early, so we got there just before one and stayed till around five. :)


Kelli - It's so cool to know there are other GEM adopters on here. DH and I are in Ann Arbor. We usually go to the meet-n-greets here on the first Saturday of each month, and I plan to continue once I have a dog myself. After all - it wouldn't be right to keep our lovely greys from their adoring public, would it? ;)


Thanks again to all for the warm welcome. I'll let you know how everything turns out, and definitely post some pics once we have a dog to take pics of! :D

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Guest BigPercyInMa

Wishing you the best of luck on adopting this beautiful little girl :) She looks quite a bit like my girl ;)

Once we sell our house here, we'll be moving to Battle Creek, maybe we'll get to compare our girls some time :)

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Guest kelli123

Brooke, oh im like 170 miles north of you in Whittemore. Its by Standish,or Tawas. If you know where that is? Was hopeing you where a northern girl. There are no greyhound adopters adopters in my area. Crossing my fingers you get your girl. Kelli

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Guest limbrooke83

BigPercyInMa (sorry, I don't know your real name!): Battle Creek isn't too far - maybe we can have a playdate sometime. ;) Lindsay is a little older now than in the pictures at the link I posted, so her muzzle has a lot more white (and is absolutely beautiful!). I'd love to see your dog!


Kelli - It's too bad you're so far north! Do you ever get down to southern MI? As for being a northern girl, I'm originally from Missouri and Iowa, so in my mind anywhere in Michigan is "up north!" ;)


MandysMom - Thanks! I'll keep everyone updated as things progress. :D

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Guest WhenIGiveIn
Brooke, Lindsay is beautiful, hope every thing works out. I have adopted 2 of my greys from Gem. And they are perfect sweet hearts. Where do you live in Mi?


Who do you have??

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Guest kydie

Good Luck, if things don't work out for you with her, jst remember there are other beautiful hounds looking for a good home, from someone like you

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Guest houndstooth4

Good luck! Even if it doesn't work out with Lindsey, the perfect hound is waiting for you! When we've been ready to adopt, the dogs that I've looked at and thought I really wanted on the website and from first looks are never the ones I've ended up with, but all of them are perfect!

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Guest kelli123

Michelle, We adopted Jds Cabo Wabo 9 years ago.He has gone to heaven now and is living in the hands of the Angels. Free of osteosarcoma. (We loved him and miss him so bad) Then came Gracie 2yrs ago last october. She was fostered by Nancy Halle. And Sweet Kathy Drafler and her husband delivered her all the way here from Detroit. We also adopted Zane from TLC MI 9yrs ago. Another great group. I have been looking at Wendi on Gems web site. She is still in the prison program. Love. Love. Love her.

Oh, Brook you will be blessed with who ever you chose and your life will be changed forever. Cant wait to here the update.

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Guest limbrooke83

Thanks everybody! I just got word that my home interview is this Saturday. I can't wait! :offwall


"Houndstooth" - I know what you mean about not always getting the dog you saw on the website and thought would be great. I was actually really interested in another dog from GEM's website, but when I met her last Saturday nothing really "connected." She was and is a wonderful dog, but the connection didn't happen. I really wasn't looking for a senior - I wanted a younger dog that would be with us longer, but I looked at Lindsay and she looked at me, and my heart was gone, lol! Oh well, even if I don't end up with her, she at least opened me up to the possibility of a senior. :)


Kelli - Windy grabbed at me too - she is SO beautiful! I love those black dogs! I have a feeling you'd better grab her fast if you want her, 'cause she probably won't last long as beautiful as she is! If Lindsay doesn't work out for us, we'll meet up with all the other fosters and see how things go. There sure are some beauties, both inside and out!

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Guest limbrooke83

Morgan - You're right - they do look a lot alike! Beautiful dogs! I assume the black one is yours too. Gorgeous! :D

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Welcome and hooray for seniors! Regardless of how this whole thing turns out, it's amazing how we fall head-over-heels in love - maybe not instantly, but most definitely forever!


M - Go- Blue!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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I hope your home visit goes well. Don't worry about how clean your house is .... a home visit is mainly to see that your house and fencing is safe (they will point out any potential dangerous or problem areas in and around your home) and they will sit down with you and tell you all about greyhounds, and make sure you understand the needs of the breed.


It is much more a "visit" than an "inspection" - so relax and enjoy the visit. I do home visits for another Michigan group, Compassion for Greyhounds.


Good luck !!!! :ghplaybow

CORY and CRICKET - Solitary Tremble & CASPER - Pj's Mia Farrow
* With CAPT. GUS - Solitary Trigger, RAINY - Peach Rain, PUP - Red Zepher, DOC - CTW Fort Sumpter
and MAX - Shiowa's Silver Maxamillion / Afghan .... all waiting at the bridge

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Guest WhenIGiveIn
I hope your home visit goes well. Don't worry about how clean your house is .... a home visit is mainly to see that your house and fencing is safe (they will point out any potential dangerous or problem areas in and around your home) and they will sit down with you and tell you all about greyhounds, and make sure you understand the needs of the breed.


It is much more a "visit" than an "inspection" - so relax and enjoy the visit. I do home visits for another Michigan group, Compassion for Greyhounds.


Good luck !!!! :ghplaybow


Yep that is exactly the case! I acutally do homevisits for GEM (but not yours) and we are not the dust bunny police just the common sense stuff, example low hanging blind pulls. a lot of people without dogs dont realize those can be a big danger. Low/ground level windows, greyhounds dont always see screens so a baby gate might be in order. Just things like that and to answer any all all questions and ask out questions of course. Dont get to worried just relax you'll be fine.

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Guest limbrooke83

Thanks, guys! All the greyhound owners I've met thus far have been a great bunch of people, so I'm not too nervous. Although I will admit it's always a little nerve-wracking when you have something like this set up - especially for people who don't "entertain" at home much. ;) Mostly, though, I'm just anxious to finish the home visit and hopefully adopt my first grey!


Michelle - do you know what the process is after an approved home visit so far as how soon the adopter can choose and bring home their dog? I'm asking because if Lindsay is still available we'd like to adopt her ASAP, since we know there are others also interested in her who've been hesitating for a few days now in making their final decision. If she's already adopted, we'll look at the other hounds, but if not there's no question in our minds we'll want to adopt her. ;) Thanks!

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