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Giardia Without Diarrhea?

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One of my dogs tested positive for giardia with her annual stool sample check.


She definitely doesn't have diarrhea. No one else has diarrhea, either.


My vet is going to have me treat the whole pack, including two fosters. Is it routine to treat without symptoms?


And how contagious is it really? Does anyone know? (like, if I had a play date at my house, are those dogs now at risk?)


With Buster Bloof (UCME Razorback 89B-51359) and Gingersnap Ginny (92D-59450). Missing Pepper, Berkeley, Ivy, Princess and Bauer at the bridge.

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Guest Winterwish

Giardia is contagious and can defintely show in the specimen without diarrhea showing up yet,so it's good that it did. You'll be ahead of it hopefully.

Also,even without diarrhea I'd still make sure to wash your hands after taking them out for pottying,pick ups and such. Not that you wouldn't anyway,but mentioning it just to be sure.

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Guest Winterwish

For the playdate that visited,the potential is there to catch it,in the yard playing for example,from a source of infection being out there- potty particles etc. But it's not like ringworm which could be contacted thru' simple contact,and without the presence of any poops.

(altho' the potential for giardia to be transferred by contact is always there microscopically which is why the heightened awareness of handwashing,but it's unlikely unless actually contact with excrement was made.

If they were playing in the yard,maybe you could let the people who have the playdate know just in case?

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