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Thinking About Discontinuing Chemo

Guest EmilyAnne

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Guest EmilyAnne

I have Riley participating in a study for a chemo drug they are trying out for mast cell tumors. In the past, mast cell tumors have not responded well to chemo. Riley had first Chemo April 24th. Next one will be May 15th. It doesnt seem like he is making much progress. I see some variation in the size, but I think that may be due more to swelling from pain and picking at it. He responded better to Prednisone, but had to be taken off it after only a few days because of the rules of the study.


I'm trying to keep from being emotional so I can think with a clear head and so that I dont upset Riley. Does it take a couple chemo sessions for this stuff to work? Would you wait it out till next chemo session and then see what happens? By the way, the chemo has not made Riley sick at all. I just hate to see Riley continue to suffer meanwhile. He is wearing a sweatshirt so he cant pick at it. His limp the past couple days has gotten a little worse. I'll make a video next time he is awake, and then we can compare a video I made a couple weeks ago to today. I think sometimes when our animals are sick, it's sort of like boiling a frog, in that they get sicker so progressively, we dont realize how uncomfortable our furbabies have gotten. It would just really help to have the support of GT'ers as I try to figure this out and make right choices by Riley.


I hate cancer. :brokenheart


Will post pics and video in this thread today.

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I understand how hard it is to not second-guess things when it comes to our pets,

but by participating in this study you are also doing something directly to help others with this type of cancer in the future.


It is really important to see the treatments in the study through to the end. You need to give things time to work (or perhaps not work).


You went into this by doing what you feel gives Riley his best shot .... that's all you can do & love him through it.


Hugs to you.


CORY and CRICKET - Solitary Tremble & CASPER - Pj's Mia Farrow
* With CAPT. GUS - Solitary Trigger, RAINY - Peach Rain, PUP - Red Zepher, DOC - CTW Fort Sumpter
and MAX - Shiowa's Silver Maxamillion / Afghan .... all waiting at the bridge

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Guest EmilyAnne
I understand how hard it is to not second-guess things when it comes to our pets,

but by participating in this study you are also doing something directly to help others with this type of cancer in the future.


It is really important to see the treatments in the study through to the end. You need to give things time to work (or perhaps not work).


You went into this by doing what you feel gives Riley his best shot .... that's all you can do & love him through it.


Hugs to you.


I know, and I do feel guilty about that part. I know Riley is a star patient in that he does not get sick from the chemo. I'm just awfully impatient for his tumor to feel better. :(




That is not the lastest picture by the way, that is from about a week ago, a few days after chemo. I'll take another in a bit...

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Guest goodtimekid

Ooh, that does look sore. I can only say that we are praying for Riley and you of course. As far as his treatment, you go as far as you feel you can.. Hugs to you both.

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Guest EmilyAnne

Here's Riley's walk~


Sorry, I had a brain fart and thought it would be such a great idea to hold the camera vertically for the video. :rolleyes: Riley tends to just walk slower instead of getting much more of a pronounced limp.

It took me a few tries to get this video. First, Henry wanted to be the star of the show :star and show ya'll his lovely sit that he has been working so hard on and is quite proud of. Next try, my big booty kept blocking too much of the camera. Then Riley was ready for a nap. And I had to wait. Finally I got the above video.



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It's probably going to take several treatments before you'll see any difference. Flippy is getting chemo every other week for 6 months for her mast cell, and the months are dragging by. I'm curious...why wasn't the tumor removed so he would be more comfortable, and then followed up with chemo?

Denise & Strider, Blake, Fields, Frank, FlippyDoo, and Momma Gail.

The Bridge Angels Zack(Ags Marble Chip) 4/25/93-2/16/06, Wanda(Rainier Rowanda) 12/14/94-06/09/06, Brooke/Boogers(Rainier Restive) 01/01/99-10/20/08, Warlock(Rainier Rammer) 4/29/99-10/01/09), Patsie(Frisky Patsy) 5/17/96-2/05/10, Hatter(Cals Madhatter) 6/3/00-3/11/10, Dodger(Rainier Ransack) 4/29/99-4/16/10, and Sparkle(Okie Sparkle) 11/8/2000-1/28/11

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Guest Greensleeves

I know this is a very tough question, so I didn't want to ask it earlier, but since you're questioning the wisdom of this treatment... do you know for sure that Riley's getting the new medicine, and that he's not in the control group and getting the placebo? I think that would make a big difference for me, in making the decision. If he was getting worse, and it was possible that he wasn't getting *any* medicine, I'd probably go back to the prednisone. But if he's getting the medicine, it might be worth sticking it out a little while longer (don't know the prognosis for this type of cancer, so I can't say how long I'd stick it out....).


What do his doctors say about his condition now, vs a few weeks ago?

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Guest EmilyAnne
It's probably going to take several treatments before you'll see any difference. Flippy is getting chemo every other week for 6 months for her mast cell, and the months are dragging by. I'm curious...why wasn't the tumor removed so he would be more comfortable, and then followed up with chemo?

Only operable by full limb amputation. =(

Edited by EmilyAnne
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Guest MnMDogs

I know with people, cancer studies generally do not have a placebo arm. It would most likely be measured against another type of chemo. I'm not sure if it's the same for animal studies.


But to the original post, I'm not sure what I would do. Most likely, take him off and continue with the pred if he seems worse.

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Guest EmilyAnne
I know this is a very tough question, so I didn't want to ask it earlier, but since you're questioning the wisdom of this treatment... do you know for sure that Riley's getting the new medicine, and that he's not in the control group and getting the placebo? I think that would make a big difference for me, in making the decision. If he was getting worse, and it was possible that he wasn't getting *any* medicine, I'd probably go back to the prednisone. But if he's getting the medicine, it might be worth sticking it out a little while longer (don't know the prognosis for this type of cancer, so I can't say how long I'd stick it out....).


What do his doctors say about his condition now, vs a few weeks ago?

He is definately getting medicine, we just dont know if he is getting the *New* one. He did show better progress in just a few days of Prednisone, which makes me anxious, because if the chemo is not going to work, I'd like to just go back to that.


In the paperwork they gave me, about the study, it says that if the patient does not show improvement, that patient is disqualifed from the program.


I'll have DH call the vet tomorrow to see what they think, and to ask when improvement is expected.


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