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What Flea And Tick Meds Are You Using This Year

Guest SueG201

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Guest SueG201

My vet has stopped carrying Frontline because he said fleas and ticks have become immune to it

He has Advantix or Vectra, I am very leery of trying something new on my girls, I personally have had

great results with Frontline, What is everyone using this year??

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Guest CBDTherapyDogs

If you have cats, be VERY weary of Vectra 3D. It is deadly to cats.


I use Frontline Plus because it works. I also use Sentinel too, which helps, and if needed, a dose of Capstar.

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Guest romeosrents

Our vet recommends Advantix...we've used it for almost a year now and it's great. We had an awful tick problem in CT last fall and the Advantix took care of it all!

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Guest Grhndad

We use Frontline Plus here. Down here we use it year round. Have been using frontline and now the plus for almost 12 years with no problems.

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Frontline Plus has always worked for us, but I switched Bootsy to Revolution this year because he's been battling hookworms. My cat is on frontline plus for cats.


Christie and Bootsy (Turt McGurt and Gil too)
Loving and missing Argos & Likky, forever and ever.
~Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. ~

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Guest SueG201

Thanks I do have 2 ancient indoor cats so I think I will stick with the tried and true

Frontline, Is Advantix deadly to cats too or just the Vectra??

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Guest kydie
My vet has stopped carrying Frontline because he said fleas and ticks have become immune to it

He has Advantix or Vectra, I am very leery of trying something new on my girls, I personally have had

great results with Frontline, What is everyone using this year??



I use Advantix, on all my dogs, where I live can't take a chance with Lymes ,no problems ever kydie

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I don't normally use flea prevention, but I do use the Preventic collars for the ticks

Ditto on the Preventic collars for ticks. I am a native Floridian and last year was the worst tick year that we've ever experienced around here. Nothing worked until I tried the Preventic collar. It worked like a charm. I am sold on it as a tick preventative. You can buy them from 800 pet meds.com and they're not even expensive. (less than $15 and they last 3 months).


I use advantage for fleas.


PS With the types of ticks we have in North FL, Advantix did nothing for the ticks. Advantage works great for the fleas though.

Edited by fsugrad

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Guest EMcElfresh

I am curious about the Preventic collars, I was told never to put a flea/tick collar on a grey as the metabolize drugs differently (as in, faster) and that it might also cause their hair to fall out...the only thing I have ever used on Gordon is Frontline Plus because that's what my group had him on...and after reading about all the "grocery store" brands like BioSpot giving animals seisures, I am super paranoid...


eta: the reason I ask is that I've been taking the dogs on hikes more often now-adays and we do get ticks regardless of Frontline Plus application...Gordon came to me with fleas, but after a bath, a FL+ application, and a steady amount of garlic that first week or two, I have never seen another one.

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Guest greyvettech

There is no proof that fleas have become immune to Frontline- In fact, it has been studied by Merial and the fleas and ticks always die. I think a lot of people are not happy with FL because the fleas have to bite and the ticks attach before they die..... Maybe they had too many complaints of it 'not working'.... Anyhow, I am curious does anyone have any opinon about Vectra..this is a product they we don't carry at the clinic I work at.... I use comfortis for flea prevention (works well) and preventic collars,if needed for ticks.


I am curious about the Preventic collars, I was told never to put a flea/tick collar on a grey as the metabolize drugs differently (as in, faster) and that it might also cause their hair to fall out...the only thing I have ever used on Gordon is Frontline Plus because that's what my group had him on...and after reading about all the "grocery store" brands like BioSpot giving animals seisures, I am super paranoid...


eta: the reason I ask is that I've been taking the dogs on hikes more often now-adays and we do get ticks regardless of Frontline Plus application...Gordon came to me with fleas, but after a bath, a FL+ application, and a steady amount of garlic that first week or two, I have never seen another one.



Preventic Collars are safe for Greys :colgate - Bio spot and other collars do not work well and I wouldn't put them on a grey but preventic collars are ok.

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Our vet (who owns greyhounds) ok'd a preventic collar for Toby last year. I hadn't even heard of them til I read about them on GT. The ticks were deep in Toby's ears (we had to pull them out with tweezers a few times a day), between his toes, in his armpits, it was horrible. Preventic collar...poof! No more ticks.

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Guest SoulsMom

Yes, they are safe for greys and very effective. But if you have cats, the cat cannot go near the dog or where the dog has been with the collar on.

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I'm in FL and I was using Frontline Plus and it was not working for fleas. I switched to Advantage. I had better success with Advantage, but, I'm still seeing fleas.


My vet just recommended Comfortis. I'll let you know how that works.

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Guest WhiteWave

I'm in central FL. Up until about 6 months ago we had NEVER had a tick, but we started hiking and they picked them up in the woods. We were using Frontline Plus and it didn't work at all on the ticks and we had to reapply every 3 weeks to keep the fleas off.


Switched to Advantage for the cats and Advantix for the dogs and so far it is working. I also use the Prevenatic collar on days we go hiking.


I do spray the yard monthly with a product made by Bayer that is the same ingredient as Advantage. Plus we got rid of all the carpet and tiled the house. I think that made the biggest difference!


I have 2 dogs highly allergic to fleas. One fleabite and they will scratch themselves raw. :( I'm allergic too so I know how they feel.

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I'm in FL and I was using Frontline Plus and it was not working for fleas. I switched to Advantage. I had better success with Advantage, but, I'm still seeing fleas.


My vet just recommended Comfortis. I'll let you know how that works.

Stacy, is Comfortis the new pill they have out for fleas? I would be interested in finding out if you have luck with it. Is it more expensive than Advantage, Frontline, etc?

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Guest eaglflyt

We are using Frontline Plus and I have my Yahoo calendar set up to send me email reminders when the date for application is approaching. This year we started EARLY and so far, we're having very good results. We are having a very heavy tick season this year and Frontline Plus is working on all but our very heavy coated and elderly Aussie. We have added a Preventic collar on him, and now he's flea and tick free, too.


For us, the trick is to NEVER get behind on the application date and to even treat a few days early if necessary. We have Ady Bea, our wonderful 19 month old Greyhound, our four mini dachshunds, and our elderly Aussie. So, if we get a flea or tick problem, it's a BIG problem. So far this season with Frontline Plus, all is well.

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I just ordered Frontline Plus from Omaha Vaccine. It is on sale right now. I used Advantix on Shanti once...never again. She had a horrible reaction to it.


We only use flea medicine when we take the girls camping. They will get dosed this week. :D We don't have fleas here (knock on wood) and have never had a problem. We are not in a tick area either.

The Girls

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Guest Dillymom

I'm in Central Fl and I use Advantage Multi. In the 13 months I've used it I've not seen a single flea or tick on either of my girls. I did find a tick on a foster last summer and she was on Frontline b/c that's what our adoption group gave me.

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Stacy, is Comfortis the new pill they have out for fleas? I would be interested in finding out if you have luck with it. Is it more expensive than Advantage, Frontline, etc?


Yes, it's a beef flavored chew. My vet says she's had good luck with it on her iggy.


I found it at Allivet.com for $65.99 for a six pack. Advantage from the same source is $58.99 (I'm sure you can get Advantage cheaper from Deadfleaz.). So, it's a little more expensive, but, if it works, it will be worth it!! Flower is scratching herself raw. :(


I only ordered a six pack. I'll let you know if we have good luck with it over the next 3 months. :goodluck

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Guest eaglflyt
I just ordered Frontline Plus from Omaha Vaccine. It is on sale right now. I used Advantix on Shanti once...never again. She had a horrible reaction to it.


We only use flea medicine when we take the girls camping. They will get dosed this week. :D We don't have fleas here (knock on wood) and have never had a problem. We are not in a tick area either.


I'm jealous! Where do you live that there are no fleas or ticks? If you are mosquito free, too, I think I want to move to wherever you are. :colgate

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I'm jealous! Where do you live that there are no fleas or ticks? If you are mosquito free, too, I think I want to move to wherever you are. :colgate

Some parts of Arizona maybe? :dunno

In my area of old East Dallas we never saw a tick in 7 years so I used Advantage. If you only have fleas and no ticks it works WAAYYY better than Frontline. BTW the vets in Dallas are saying that many fleas have become Frontline resistant -- not just one or two vets, but many. My wariness with Advantix is the Permethrin which some greys are sensitive to...but I had a foster that was allergic to whatever the egg inhibitor was in Frontline Plus, so I guess you never know.

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Guest greyvettech

Comfortis works so well! I am surprised to see that you can buy it online. You are not supposed' to be able to get it online because not all dogs should have comfortis. If a dog has had a history of seizures, it could be a risk to give it to your pet. Also, you have to give comfortis with a full meal or it is less effective. Also, not all dogs tolerate Comfortis-Sometimes, vomiting and/or diarrhea occur. Luckily, for my hounds they tolerate it and it works great! In fact, I will never use another flea prevention product....

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