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Limping; Maybe Neck Problem?

Guest bluesy410

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Guest bluesy410

my greyhound Blue was in the garden wandering around when he screamed out in pain. When I got to him he was holding up his paw but I could find nothing wrong. I rushed him to the vet who examined his leg but couldn't find a sore spot. He gave him a painkilling injection and painkillers. Took him back the next day as crying even more and still no sore spot. More painkillers. He has since been X Rayed and nothing found, although the vet did notice he yelped and flinched when he turned his head one way. Blue has been holding his head down towards the floor and 2 weeks later is still limping. There has definitely been a small improvement since he did it as not crying as much now. My vet does not seem to know what is wrong with him and is now talking about an MRI scan (a facility a long drive away); anyone any ideas? Eating OK but very sad.

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Slim used to experience intermittant lameness in his right front due to a neck injury. He would actually hold the leg off the ground-kind of pointing forward -carrying it kind of forward-did not let it hang down-and hop with it that way. Board certified vet was clueless about what was causing the lameness and couldn't help him. Holistic vet diagnosed him immediately and treated him with accupuncture. It got a lot better and it only occassionally flared up after that. He continued to get accupuncture every now and then just to keep it from flaring up again.

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Funny you should ask - I just got back from the vet with Tehya. She was holding her tail completely under her, back end kind of hunched under, head hanging down, kind of in a daze, and doing the GSD every 45 minutes last nite. She ate fine, drank fine, no problem doing her business. She started acting strange yesterday and cried a few times, thought maybe she was just laying wrong.


I got an appointment first thing this morning, expecting full x-rays. My vet right away noticed she wouldn't turn to her left. Seems as if the pain is in her neck. She tested her for Lyme - negative - and decided to try a steriod injection and muscle relaxers. If this doesn't work we will do x-rays. She also mentioned a compressed disc, but we will see.


We have been home two hours and I only heard a small whine out of her so far. So, keeping my fingers crossed.


I don't know if this will be of any help, but sounds like somethng similiar.




forgot to add - she was also wobbly on her feet and didn't walk in a straight line

Edited by Nichole


Flying Racine 7/25/08 and Twelve Pack 12/1/2004
At the Bridge- Abenacki Icebox (Kiaba) 4/21/2002-4/1/10 and Wumps Niece (Tehya) 4/21/2002-11/26/2010

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Guest oldNELLIE

We has a similar experience with Nellie, except she was just getting up off the couch. She started with the screaming everytime she had to lift her legs (like to get over a door jam, for instance) We took her to the e-vet and he felt her all over and found the pain to be in her neck. She yelped when he turned her head to the right. He told us neck pain can be hard, because it radiates out through all the limbs. She took a pain killer of a few days and we restricted her movement for a week or so (no stairs, couch, bed etc) and she started to feel better. We had to lift her off the porch to go out because she had a really hard time jumping in a down direction. She could go up the stairs before she felt well enough to come back down.


2 weeks seems like a long time to not be feeling better to me, but then again, Nellie probably had a minor strain or pull since she was just getting off the couch. Maybe your guy has a bad pull. I am sorry he is not feeling well. It is so hard when they can't tell you what is wrong :(


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Also. I gave Tehya 2 50mg trimadol 3 hours apart ( 1 ea. time) because she was in so much pain and they didn't help one bit.


Flying Racine 7/25/08 and Twelve Pack 12/1/2004
At the Bridge- Abenacki Icebox (Kiaba) 4/21/2002-4/1/10 and Wumps Niece (Tehya) 4/21/2002-11/26/2010

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Sounds like it could be his neck. We've been going through similar problems here with Sunny the last few months with intermittent lameness on his right front leg. Our regular vet could find no reason for the lameness so we took him to a greyhound vet who diagnosed it as a problem with one of the joints in his neck between his shoulder blades. Rest and painkillers + muscle-relaxants didn't cure it so we've been seeing a McTimoney chiropractor which does seem to be helping. I wouldn't say it's been an instant cure but we are going for longer and longer periods without problems.


When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

Always Greyhounds Home Boarding and Greyhounds With Love House Sitting

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Limping is nothing to ignore.

However, it could be so many things. I ALWAYS get more than one opinion.


1. Get Blood Work and rule out tick diseases, Valley Fever

2. Xrays to rule out bone cancer, fractures, calcium buildup - a radiologist needs to read those

3. Check for Corns

4. Check for broken toes


The head hanging is a big signal, if a vet could read it right.


I'd find a holistic vet - that does acupuncture and chiropractic work. I had a hound that was always throwing out his neck because he played so much with toys - throwing them in the air. He would not be able to move his neck much without yelping. His name was Blue, too. You can read about him on Gang's Blog - BLUE.


Hopefully, he has just thrown out his neck and needs an adjustment.

Claudia & Greyhound Gang
100% Helps Hounds

GIG Bound!

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Did the vet prescribe steriods and muscle relaxer?

Rest, no stairs, no running is a big part of getting better.

Good luck, keep us posted.

Oh, definitely find a recommended canine chiropractor.

Edited by msjpk
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Guest bluesy410

still no better this morning, in fact had a bad night with him. Even though he is limping, I'm convinced it stems from his neck. Back at the vet on Friday where I will ask for muscle relaxers (although is it difficult telling a vet his job?!). Having read some of the comments on this forum, I think I will also ask the vet about alternative treatments; sounds like some of you guys have had success with chiropractic e and acupuncture. Although worried this might make it worse? Just want my dog to get better. thanks for the advice.

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An update on Tehya - the steriod injection along with the muscle relaxers made a world of difference. She will stay on the oral steriods and muscle relaxers for a period of time.


Flying Racine 7/25/08 and Twelve Pack 12/1/2004
At the Bridge- Abenacki Icebox (Kiaba) 4/21/2002-4/1/10 and Wumps Niece (Tehya) 4/21/2002-11/26/2010

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Guest bluesy410

Blue has been taking the steroids since Thursday and seems to have improved enormously, although he still not right. At the moment it may be the steroids masking the problem but to see my dog up and walking about relatively pain free is wonderful. The steroid dose is to be halved on Thursday so keeping my fingers crossed.

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Glad to hear Blue seems much better. Did you ask your vet about chiropractic or acupuncture?


When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

Always Greyhounds Home Boarding and Greyhounds With Love House Sitting

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Guest bluesy410
Glad to hear Blue seems much better. Did you ask your vet about chiropractic or acupuncture?



yes, I did as I am a big fan of acupuncture(cured my tennis elbow), he wasn't opposed to it but also wasn't a great fan. I was happy with the steroid choice first but am keeping the alternative medicine choices in my mind.

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I had similar situation with my grey (at the bridge). Western vet wanted to do myleogram (sp?) so I got a second opinion from the holistic vet that did chiro/acupuncture and then finally prolo treatment. We did six sessions of prolo with the holistic vet and never had another problem with limping or neck issues. It is a series of injections (www.getprolo.com) but ask your holistic vet if you have one. Please keep us posted.



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