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Beware! It's Spring Time...

Guest momz

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And that means a lot of loose dogs in our neighborhood! My dh was walking Ziggy last night and out of nowhere a Jack Russell (off-leash) comes running up and latches himself on Ziggy's hind leg! He was actually hanging off of him! Went to the evet and got stitches and antibiotics. I've been muzzling him as he has already licked out one stitch. The vet gave him novox for pain - how long do you think he should take it?? The owner is going to pay for the vet bill. And we decided to report the dog, because last year he bit a little girl in the leg! Why are some dog owners SO irresponsible????? I tried to walk him today and he was skittish and even barked once when dogs came too close - he was never like that before...I hope he's okay.

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Guest lynne893

Oh my gosh, I can't believe the stupid owner! People truly are idiots.


Don't they get that they could have to put their dog down? Ughh!!

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Guest Lovey_Hounds

jack russels are Notoriously bad with other dogs1 i have personally owned one and groom numerous jacks at the salon where i work.

He will be ok in the long run. :)

my boy Vegas has been attacked a few times ( we haved moved from that neighborhood). his first attack was a pitbul who ran all the way down the block with its piss head owner running behind it, it knocked him to the ground and circled to come at him again my husband then procded to kick the hell out of the circling snarling dog. he was pretty shaken up and was bleeding a bit, but the next day we had him back out and showed him it was ok and nothing was going to eat him.

Another time we were walking him through a park and a dalmation came running up off leash of course while the owner was yelling he is friendly!.... the dam dog had its hackles up! it ran around me and my husband and got vegas in the bum, and then came back at him. at this point he is growling and trying to fight back and we had a tight hold on him so he couldnt ( its less of a fine if we do something back, if bites back he might have to be put down... as per city by law). i rushed towards the dog Yelling NO NO NO!!! at him and made him back up and submit ( i have been though a few dog courses including a reactive dog course with my old jack russel). i then grabbed the dog and gave it back to the dumb lady who was still trying to tell us he is friendly and was playing. i screamed at her and then followed her to her car and wrote down her licence plate number to give to the police.

he still doesnt like dalmations but other than that he has gotten over being nervous when dogs run up to him.

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Our normal walk route is nine tenths of a mile and we have had encounters (2 attacks) with 24 unleashed dogs! GGGrrrrrrrr! Unfortunately, Animal Services is useless in our community. Unless you have a photo of the encounter/attack, it's a case of "he-said-she-said".

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest greyorkie

It really is frustrating to have dogs rush you. It almost makes us not want to walk...but mine LOVE it!!


Precautions, precautions, precautions....question is though...why is it that the responsible owners are the ones taking all the precautions??? Hardly fair is it? :(


Hopefully everyone's walks this spring will be safer.

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Guest rubysdad
And that means a lot of loose dogs in our neighborhood! My dh was walking Ziggy last night and out of nowhere a Jack Russell (off-leash) comes running up and latches himself on Ziggy's hind leg! He was actually hanging off of him! Went to the evet and got stitches and antibiotics. I've been muzzling him as he has already licked out one stitch. The vet gave him novox for pain - how long do you think he should take it?? The owner is going to pay for the vet bill. And we decided to report the dog, because last year he bit a little girl in the leg! Why are some dog owners SO irresponsible????? I tried to walk him today and he was skittish and even barked once when dogs came too close - he was never like that before...I hope he's okay.


My whippet would rip that Jack Russell a new one. Give us his address.

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Ziggy is feeling much better today! Went for a walk and he was great - I was a nervous wreck with the citronella spray ready to fire! He's a tough guy and I really hope it doesn't cause him much emotional trauma. He's getting plenty spoiled with kisses & cookies from us! Thanks for caring and I will definitely update you on any legal happenings - I'm not going to let this one get away! URL=http://s257.photobucket.com/albums/hh238/russnlisab/?action=view&current=ZiggyBite008.jpg]th_ZiggyBite008.jpg[/url]th_ZiggyBite011.jpg


Sorry- I'm not that good on posting pics yet!

Edited by momz
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