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What Does A Broken/dislocated Toe Look Like?

Guest AlmondJoy

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Guest nerak254

The last couple of days Aruba has been limping occasionally, she'd limp after getting up and then be just fine. Today it has been a little more obvious. I've looked at her foot in good light to see if there is a corn and didn't see anything. I also looked between her toes to see if there was anything there. I think there may have been a little splinter kind of thing because after I scratched it to see what it was, there was a little blood. The problem is her rear left foot and it looks like she's standing on it differently and her outside toe looks like it is in a different position than on the other foot. What else can I look for? I manipulated her whole leg and foot and she didn't say a thing and she would have, but she was trembling a little. Ideas for me? :huh I have to try and figure this out here before I try the vet because the cash to go is an issue right now.

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Guest monasmom

Rocky dislocated his toe last weekend (he was climbing up on the counter, using the kitchen shelves as steps, to get to the *empty* food bowl!) The baby toe on his back left paw was completely sideways. I took him to the vet and they said x-rays probably weren't necessary because it's basically the same treatment for a broken or dislocated toe. It was an outside toe, so not really weight bearing. The vet repositioned his toe and wrapped the sore one with the one next to it in gauze and then wrapped the whole thing in more gauze and vetwrap. Rocky wore the bandage for two days. The vet also gave him some pain meds and an anti-inflammatory for a few days. That was it.


Hope that helps!


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Years ago, I had a greyhound who was lame on a rear leg but I could find nothing wrong. I took him to the vets a couple of times but they found nothing either, even after an x-ray. Eventually, I took him to see a track vet, who said that the outside toe was dislocated at the third joint up from the ground. Once he pointed this out, I could see that this joint had a more acute angle than the same joint on the other leg, but it wasn't glaringly obvious. If you can, I'd try to find a vet that treats racing greyhounds to have a look.


When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

Always Greyhounds Home Boarding and Greyhounds With Love House Sitting

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Guest wmlcml6

The broken toes I've seen have swelled and there was an obvious bulge on the knuckle.


One dislocated toe we had in the kennel recently just kept popping out of place and it was stretched away from the other toes (looked like her toes were forming a V instead of being straight. Popped right back in place with no other treatment.


The other dislocated toe we experienced it looked like someone stepped on the toe and smashed it sideways. Picture the toes as they normally are, and picture the injured toe kind of laying on it's side. That is the one we taped.


We used the same procedure Monasmom described for Mudd puppy Tank when she fractured/dislocated her toe recently. We also kept her in the kennel instead of letting her run free outside with her sisters (which she absolutely HATED), but after three weeks, it seems to be healed. She's running on it now with no problem. The trick is to use the adjacent toe to keep the injured one in alignment. My friend broke her toe, and the doctor did the same thing - taped two of her toes together. Don't wrap too tightly though or you'll cause swelling. Good luck!

Edited by wmlcml6
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Coltrane dislocated his toe last month. It was a little swollen, and we took him to the vet as he wasn't putting any weight on that leg. The toe wasn't sticking out funny at all. The vet popped it back in and we left it wrapped for a week. He's dislocated it once since then, and I popped it back in myself. Good luck!


ETA: Coltrane cried out when we manipulated his foot before we taking him to the vet. He is usually very quiet.

Edited by Saharasmom

with Atlas the borzoi, Luna the pyr, and Madison the cat, always missing Sahara(Flyin Tara Lyn) and Coltrane(Blue on By) the greyhounds

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Guest MnMDogs

I only have a really bad pic of my foster's dislocated toe. His was bent at a 90 degree angle at the first knuckle. So if looked at from above, it was pointing at the toe next to it (it was a weight bearing toe on his left front). It wasn't swollen or anything.

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Guest nerak254

She is still limping a little and I'm going to take some pictures of her foot later. I had some baby aspirin and asked her if she wanted a treat. :blink: She did not fall for it so I put them into a couple of spoonfuls of yogurt... that worked. :rolleyes: I hope it will help.

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