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Acupuncture, Yourself Or Your Hound

Guest Annie

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Guest Annie

We are still looking for ways to help Canyon with his torn disc at C5/6. I have no personal experience with acupuncture and have a few questions:


Did you find it to be helpful? How?


Was the procedure disturbing/frightening/painful for your pup? (Canyon is terribly sensitive).


What condition was it used for?


Was it effective for pain management?


Does it reduce inflammation?


Thank you for your input! :colgate

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Guest fatesrelease

Well, I don't have my grey, yet...but I've had acupuncture before and I LOVED it. If it was covered by my insurance I'd have it all the time.

Did you find it to be helpful? How?: Yes, I did because it relaxed me completely. It really took a lot of stress away.


Was the procedure disturbing/frightening/painful for your pup? (Canyon is terribly sensitive).: It wasn't stressful, but then again I don't mind needles.


What condition was it used for?: I just did it to become less stressed.


Was it effective for pain management?: Yes! I felt like I was walking on clouds afterwards.


Does it reduce inflammation?: Yes! I had problems with swelling due to hives and stuff and it went away!


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Guest boondog
We are still looking for ways to help Canyon with his torn disc at C5/6. I have no personal experience with acupuncture and have a few questions:


Did you find it to be helpful? How?


Absolutely. I was a total skeptic, but it has done wonders for Dillon.


Was the procedure disturbing/frightening/painful for your pup? (Canyon is terribly sensitive).


Dillon is about as sensitive as it gets. She has to be carried in to the regular vet's office. She willingly goes in to the acupuncturist's office. By the end of the session she is lying down and almost dozing off. Believe me, that is miraculous.


What condition was it used for?


Spinal arthritis that appears to be concentrated around C6-7

Was it effective for pain management?


She does not require any pain meds at all. Dilly is a bit dramatic, so I would know if she's in pain.


Does it reduce inflammation?


I don't know the details on that, but I guess it does. I would tell you to try it. It certainly can't hurt. Good luck!

Thank you for your input! :colgate

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Here's my responses from Spencer's experience with acupuncture. Spencer has compressed discs just below his shoulders which affects his walking and makes him wobbly and have an "S" curve to his back. He doesn't seem to have pain from it though.


Did you find it to be helpful? How? I did find acupuncture very helpful for him. It just seems to help him relax more and be more limber but it takes a few sessions to really start working.


Was the procedure disturbing/frightening/painful for your pup? (Canyon is terribly sensitive). Unfortunately Spencer is extremely fearful of vets and vet offices in general so he was scared. The needles sometimes hurt him but mainly I don't think he really noticed because he was concentrating on being scared witless anyway.


What condition was it used for? Compressed discs - hindquarter weakness and incontinence


Was it effective for pain management? Can't say because Spencer really hasn't exhibited any signs of being in pain.


Does it reduce inflammation? I don't know because Spencer was on Prednisone which helps with inflammation.


Personally I would recommend acupuncture - it will not make Canyon's condition worse and could quite possibly help him!



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Guest hermione

My siblings and I had it done as kids for Asthma. Although, I'm not afraid of needles I did not find it painful. One needle did hurt a little but it was in a sensative spot. After having acupuncture my siblings and I were taken of our daily medications down to "when needed" medication. I currently take an inhaler 1-3 times a year; and this is 20 years later. If ever the girls need it I will be on Greytalk.

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Tanner had acupuncture for some very painful bone spurs. The vet here who does it, wanted to see his xrays first as that would tell him if he thought he could help Tanner. He thought yes.

Tanner was a boy who would never lay down anywhere but home so he stood through all the procedures which were about 20 min.

This particular vet also tends to all the polo ponies here at the polo grounds. Once the needles were removed he would adjust Tanner a bit and also told me to use the Traumeel gel and massage it down the spine starting from the neck.

I lost Tanner months later but I do know that his pain was helped by the acupuncture, pain meds, and the Traumeel massages.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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I have used accupuncture on a couple of my hounds. It has proven to be a remarkably effective treatment. All my hounds loved it and enjoyed getting it. They lay down very relaxed and enjoy it. I currently take Cash for maintaineance treatments every six months. The vertebra in her neck (might even be the same ones as Canyons) are smashed together from trauma from racing which also included broken teeth and a broken leg. She used to occassionally scream out in pain but very rarely does that anymore. However I think one of the main reasons is I put a BIO-FLO magnetic collar on her I obtained from the UK. I noted immediate improvement. It is a Class 1 medical device there. It is a special kind of magnet and the typical collars etc. you can buy in U>S> just don't work as good. I mean to tell you it is amazing. It has pretty much completely eliminated those times now. I really would encourage you to try it. I found out about it from the Whole Dog Journal and will email you privately with the info. I will look it up for you tonight and try to get back to you by tomorrow. Give Canyon a hug. I also got one for my 13 year old and I think it has really helped her remain spry etc. and frankly I wear one too and it honestly has helped me too!

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We are still looking for ways to help Canyon with his torn disc at C5/6. I have no personal experience with acupuncture and have a few questions:


Did you find it to be helpful? How? I did it with Rascal in two different life situations...once after FCE...he was left with no bowel/bladder control and after 6 weeks of acupuncture he completely regained control. Unfortunately, it didn't stay and to continue doing it indefinately was just too expensive as we went once a week. Then later in life we did it when he was battling lymphoma....it helped strengthen his back legs that were getting weak.


Was the procedure disturbing/frightening/painful for your pup? (Canyon is terribly sensitive). He became totally relaxed and laid down.....


Thank you for your input! :colgate


Donna and...Lucy and Chubb
Rascal H 10/1/91-5/22/04 My best friend and Bounty Boon 1/23/99-6/25/07 My boy with the biggest heart
Cody 7/28/99-8/1/13 My boy that always made me laugh and Dylan 5/12/04-12/29/2017 The sweetest boy ever

Miss Mollie 1/1/99-1/30/15 and Pixie :heart:heart-10/10/2017 Lincoln :heart-2/14/2021

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I've used it on both angel Icarus and Echo. Theirs was a combination of acupuncture, chiropractic, and chinese herbs.


Did you find it to be helpful? How? It wasn't just helpful it was miraculous.


Was the procedure disturbing/frightening/painful for your pup? (Canyon is terribly sensitive).

It wasn't that bad of a procedure. The hardest part for mine was being up on the examination table. Neither of them like the heights. The actual acupuncture/chiropractic part was quick and painless.


What condition was it used for?

angel Icarus had mal-alignment in his spine, hips and left knee (injuries caused by a loose dog attack). For two years previous, he was unable to walk without a moderate limp on his left side.

Echo injured herself when she slipped on the ice in our back yard. Initially, I thought it was her leg she had injured as she kept tucking it under her. Inspection by our vet and the acupuncture vet showed that it was actually an injury to her spine, similar to human sciatica.


Was it effective for pain management?

The results were near immediate. We did five treatments with Icarus and four with Echo. In both cases, by the end of their treatments, they were back to 100%. In fact, I saw Icarus run for the first time in 2 years just weeks after his second treatment. He was back to his silly self! In those two years of his injury, he had been in and out of our vets office with different pain and inflammation meds. Modern medicine just wasn't able to help him.


Does it reduce inflammation?

Echo's sciatica was relieved after the first treatment.

She no longer squealed every time she went to lay down, so I would say yes, it did reduce inflammation.

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Cody had a disc problem in her mid-back that affected her rear legs & tail. She was on pred for 1.5 years and I also took her for acu for that whole 1.5 years, about every month, then every 2 months.


I believe it helped her a lot - didn't fix the problem but helped greatly with the pain & knuckling under...


She was never afraid and she'd lay down and just zone out during the treatment. (My acu lady used a laser instead of needles AND she got down on the floor with Cody to do the treatments.)

Jeannine with Merlin, the crazed tabby cat and his sister, Jasmine, the brat-cat

With GTsiggieFromJenn.jpgAngel Cody(Roving Gemini), and Weenie the tortie waiting at the Bridge

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Guest ss556

I tried it twice, can't say it did anything for me. Alan had acupuncture a number of times - it does help w/ his rear leg problems like stumbling and knuckling. His overall well being improves as well - he's 11.5 now and has had treatments on and off for the past year. I continue with it for him. He shakes most of the time - usually will calm down and the benefits from each treatment show in a day or two later.

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I tried it for Sugar's back end weakness, and it was literally a lifesaver for her. Her condition was (in my layman's understanding) a degeneration of the vertebrae which pressed on and/or exposed the nerves. She was nervous at first, but got used to it, and would just lay on her blankie for the procedure. It worked so well for her I started getting it for my arthritis, and it works great for me too :)


I know it doesn't work this well for everyone, but I always think it's worth a try!

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Guest Annie

I can't tell how happy I am to see this positive feedback! It gives me more hope that we can resolve his disc issue without the invasive surgery!


I made an appointment this afternoon at 3:30, and will let you know how it goes. :)



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Guest Annie
Tanner had acupuncture for some very painful bone spurs. The vet here who does it, wanted to see his xrays first as that would tell him if he thought he could help Tanner. He thought yes.

Tanner was a boy who would never lay down anywhere but home so he stood through all the procedures which were about 20 min.

This particular vet also tends to all the polo ponies here at the polo grounds. Once the needles were removed he would adjust Tanner a bit and also told me to use the Traumeel gel and massage it down the spine starting from the neck.

I lost Tanner months later but I do know that his pain was helped by the acupuncture, pain meds, and the Traumeel massages.


Claudia, did you shave the area you put the Traumeel on? I have some here (for myself) and could use it on Canyon! :)


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Tanner had acupuncture for some very painful bone spurs. The vet here who does it, wanted to see his xrays first as that would tell him if he thought he could help Tanner. He thought yes.

Tanner was a boy who would never lay down anywhere but home so he stood through all the procedures which were about 20 min.

This particular vet also tends to all the polo ponies here at the polo grounds. Once the needles were removed he would adjust Tanner a bit and also told me to use the Traumeel gel and massage it down the spine starting from the neck.

I lost Tanner months later but I do know that his pain was helped by the acupuncture, pain meds, and the Traumeel massages.


Claudia, did you shave the area you put the Traumeel on? I have some here (for myself) and could use it on Canyon! :)


No need to shave, and if you have the cream, I wouldn't suggest it. I bought it once by mistake instead of the gel...what a mess! And most of it didn't penatrate the fur. The gel massages in so very easily


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Tess was my heart dog she passed away four years ago after a stroke, we miss her terribly. Any treatment she needed she got.


She snapped the ligament in her spine by turning quickly running, synovial fluid leaked and pressed against the nerves in her spine causing pain and inflamation.


By crating, rest and pain relief she recovered. As she got older one of the vertebra hooked over at the top and she got arthritis but accupuncture really helped her, she relaxed sometimes even went to sleep whilst the vet put the needles in and the veterinary nurses held her up.


Hope this helps convince others it works, as dogs don't have any preconceived ideas.....

Edited by crazygang

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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Guest Annie

I have the Traumeel cream. I wonder if I should shave him? It might be worth it (I have a lot of it). ;)

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I have the Traumeel cream. I wonder if I should shave him? It might be worth it (I have a lot of it). ;)


Oh Annie, I wouldn't. Just because you would have to shave him so close and that might irritate him. Just my opinion


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest Annie
I have the Traumeel cream. I wonder if I should shave him? It might be worth it (I have a lot of it). ;)


Oh Annie, I wouldn't. Just because you would have to shave him so close and that might irritate him. Just my opinion


Good point Claudia! I'm just getting a bit ahead of myself! :colgate

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Acupuncture/chiro was very effective for my two greys. Neither one of them was scared and it did not hurt them (well I did not hear them cry). They just stood there. Probably been doing it for seven years. One grey needed it for weak back and weak back legs. The other one needed it for renal failure. The same holistic vet also does prolotherapy (here is that word again). We go on a maintenance basis now every 6 weeks, sort of like a tune up. I really believe it has made a difference in the quality of their lives. It certainly can not hurt. One western vet wanted to do surgery and a myleogram (sp?). I opted to not do the surgery and do the acu/chiro instead.



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Guest Annie

Well, we just got back and it was the most amazing experience!!! Canyon went into the office totally stressed out and we left with him relaxed and moving well. During the procedure, he lay still, cuddled up to me and enjoyed the whole experience. I am shocked at how well it went!!!!!


He seems very comfortable and has not cried out once! :)

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That's absolutely wonderful news.................I'm not surprised though as I completely believe accupuncture helps

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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