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Spencer's Hindquarter Weakness - Again

Guest Spencers_Greyt

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Spencer is back to being totally incontinent and walking very very poorly. This is the thread of when it originally started

---> Link He's barely able to support his weight and falls over a lot. He's back on Prednisone and gets weekly acupuncture. The vet told me that if the Pred doesn't work this time then it might just be a chronic problem of hindquarter weakness. I could get an MRI for $1,200 and then if it indicates surgery then that would be $2,500. I have already spent close to $4,000 on Spencer already and of course if I have to then I will spend more. Hopefully my credit card won't max out. I'm just so tired and depressed about this. This all started within weeks of Spencer's 8th birthday last year.I just feel he's too young to go through this and I just don't understand why him! I never let him jump in or out of the SUV. I was always so careful with him because I know that back problems can occur in long-backed dogs and yet it happened anyway. I have a 7 y/o foster that acts like a total puppy and then I have Spencer who acts like he's super old. Anyway, I'm just blabbing - I don't really have anyone to talk to about this as my family (dad, sister, etc.) although they love their dogs they wouldn't spend the money on them like I have on Spencer and there's always that underlying thing I know they're thinking - to put him down which is NOT an option! Below are the possible causes of Spencer's problems. He has had the depro shots which did absolutely nothing for him but the acupuncture has helped and I hope it does this time too!


1. Disc compression (herniated disc or bulging disc)

2. Fibrocartilagenous Embolism (FCE)

3. Lumbosacral Stenosis (LS)

4. Spinal cord tumor



Thanks for listening.





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{{{{Donna}}}} I know how you feel. Buddy is going through something quite similar, and it is SO hard. Fortunately Buddy isn't incontinent....I know if that happens my DH will say it is 'time'. But like Spencer, Buddy has had so many ups and downs, it's awful. :(


It really does sound like how Buddy is when it's really bad: hard time getting up, getting down, even walking. He's all hunched over with his head down, you can just tell he's hurting and depressed.


I hope the acupuncture helps your guy. Buddy is going on Thursday to see about that.


Hang in there, along with me. Someone (and I am not the ONLY someone) knows exactly what you're feeling. :grouphug

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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Oh Donna, I'm so sorry :sad1:cry1 It must be very frustrating. I do hope the next acupuncture session provides some relief. :goodluck :goodluck :goodluck :goodluck


:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Alan is not incontinent but has a lot of bad days this past winter. I was slacking with his acupuncture and that may have made things worse. I'm trying to keep up with that now b/c it did help in the past. Try that, as often as you can for a while, and see if it helps. Alan is 11.5 but it's still sad to see him having that rear leg/end weakness. His foot knuckles a lot and he stumbles on walks. Good luck with Spencer. Praying for him.

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Donna - I am so very sorry. I know I also described Indy's trials and tribulations in a prior post. Again, I flipped for a MRI (gee, Indy's exam with the neurologist, MRI, and spinal tap cost me $3000+, which I am still paying for. $1200 sounds like a bargain!). Surgery would have cost about $3000 as well.


Although I didn't intend to agree to the MRI - I did and it revealed mild to moderate LS and slight disk protrusion. Ruled out whatever else a MRI can rule out. By the way, (1) Indy did race, so who knows what happened during the early part of his life; (2) I have a little SUV and the hounds jump in and out (I didn't train them on a ramp. My fault.).


To be candid, I truly understand the $$$ issue. I have spent THOUSANDS (as in five digits) on Indy. :eek I don't know how much your budget can bear, but if you have exhausted all other diagnostic tools (x-rays, scans, anti-inflammatories, etc.) - a MRI may be the only way to confirm what is at issue. Do you have a Care Credit account? (not the cheapest interest rate, but it's another financing option). No pet owner ever intends to spend so much, but one thing leads to another and there you are -- up to your eyeballs in vet bills.


Spencer is still a relatively young hound. Indy was 10 when he had the MRI. Surgery is not an option for Indy, but thankfully, he has responded very well to the acupuncture and is not incontinent. I have already made the decision that when he can no longer navigate on his own and there is no more I can do for him - it will be time to say goodbye as I will not allow him suffer in pain. I'm all about quality of life. By the way, Indy did not respond well to the Pred, so not an option there either.


It sounds as if Spencer's problem is clearly more serious than Indy's. If Spencer is incontinent and can barely walk -- that's no fun for him or you. If you have exhausted all other options it may be time for the decision tree of life -- where you have to make a yes/no decision about a MRI. If you say yes and it reveals something that can only be corrected through surgery (but no guarantee on the outcome) -- are you prepared to proceed? Do you need to solicit another medical opinion?


I have had to wrestle with all of these decisions. None are fun and none are easy. You wish you had a crystal ball, but alas you don't, so you just do the best you can. By the way, my family members would never, ever do what I have done for my beloved hounds so I don't even bother to explain anymore.


Hugs to you and Spencer. Be brave. :heart








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It is so sad that handsome Spencer is plagued with these problems at such a young age. :sad1 I just spent a goodly amount bringing Suze back from the dead with acute renal failure with absolutely no guarantees. As with many of "us", I could never reveal to anyone what we have spent on our crew for fear of being declared incompetent. :mum

Having said that, even in ICU last Sunday, while I was giving Suze healing belly rubs and whispering in her ear just how much I loved her, I had to keep reminding myself of something I read here on GT, "Better a day too early than an hour too late."

Spencer, buddy, we're sending healing white light :candle , gentle hugs :grouphug and prayers :hope that you feel better soon.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Thank you everyone for your words of advice and kind words. They definitely brought tears to my eyes but in a good way.


I went home today at lunch to change out Spencer's belly band and there he was being all cute with his perky ears just smiling away. I love him so much. I took him outside with the other dogs and took off his belly band so he could go do his business (he doesn't know he leaks and still goes potty just like he normally does). I closed the door to clean up inside and in comes Buzz, the foster through the dog door, and then right after came Spencer! Wow talk about surprised! I didn't think he could do the dog door but apparently where there's a will there's a way. But the stinker was running all over the house peeing everywhere but I just had to laugh.


Anyway, I have made a decision to get an MRI for Spencer because this has happened to him in a 3 month period twice so it's obvioulsy not going to resolve itself and Pred is definitely uncomfortable for him but he can tolerate it. Meanwhile he has has his acupuncture treatment tonight and I always hope for the best!


Thank you all so much for your support and I'll keep you posted.




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Donna - I know how much I love my Indy (and my Holly), so I'm pretty sure I know how much you love Spencer.


I said yes to the MRI because I didn't want to regret that I hadn't done everything I could for Indy. Was it a ton of $$$? Yes. Could I afford it? Ah, no. Indy is only a dog. True -- but we are their protectors, their defenders. I chose to adopt Indy, so it's my responsibility to take good care of him. And I love Indy way too much to allow him to suffer. Regardless of the outcome, you do the right thing and you do the best you can.


But I absolutely agree with the quote referenced by Duncan41: "Better a day too early than an hour too late."


Spencer is very fortunate to have you as such a caring mom. :heart



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