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Presumably Coach's Last Boat Ride

Guest TaraCoachCougar

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Guest GreysAndMoreGreys
Things seem ok. Still has an uneven gait, but she's managing the stairs and getting up and laying down just fine. I gave another 1/2 tramadol just to be on the safe side fo this afternoon. And boy, did they eat up the turkey and bread I shared from my lunch.


Other good signs- she sleep through the night with only one potty break, but that's usual. This morning she climbed into bed with DH and me and flopped down right beside me so we got to snuggle a few minutes before I had to get up and get ready. (Remember, mattress is directly on floor now.)


Regular vet was supposed to come in at lunch so I'm hoping to talk to him after he's had a chance to review her Sat. x-ray.


It's totally normal that she will have an uneven gait, but getting up and down stairs and on and off beds, laying down, all those things are WONDERFUL!

Manage the pain and your doing super and it sure sounds like your doing just that.


I'm glad you both had an enjoyable weekend

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Sounds like a wonderful day :)


Will you tell Vinnie and Rex to be on the look-out for Coachie so she won't be alone when she does get there?


Well that right there got the tears started for me :cry1 .

What a beautiful memory you are going to be able to add to the many you have already of her. It's been so sad lately with so many of our loved ones leaving us. I've spent a lot of extra time hugging my own. I hope though that there will be many more moments for you to share with her before you have to say farewell.

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