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Rainey Needs Your Prayers!

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Welcome home G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S! Something tells me that if you play your cards right, you could have just about anything your little heart desires! BUT, you must first follow orders from headquarters and take it easy. We are all so relieved that you're home where you belong! Hugs :grouphug and kisses. :kiss2

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest BlackandBrindle

How did I miss this???


I'm so glad your baby girl is hope with you. Sending lots of prayers for an easy recovery and hugs to you for all the worry you've been through :grouphug

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Guest greyhidden
We are at the evet and Rainey has bloat!!! She is going in to surgery as soon as the surgeon can get here


Her stomach is not full of gas but has flipped. I pray we have gotten her in in time!! The dr is vey concerned because of her age and that there may be something else very bad causing this!!


Please please please pray for our little girl! We cannot bear to lose her. It would kill me



Update 2/3 4:30am


thanks to all that sent prayers (so late at night!!!) -- Rainey made it through the surgery and was still recovering when they suggested we go home and get some sleep (3:30am). They opened her up and luckily the stomach had NOT flipped completely so there was minimal blood loss :yay also, they said everything looked great inside there -- they were very worried that a tumor or tumors had pushed it where it was :( On the xray, her stomach was up near the top left of the abdominal cavity (she was facing left in the Xray) and it's supposed to be down near the bottom right, so some how it was flipping around in there??? They got it back where it was supposed to be and did the gastroplexy (same as Nube had) to help keep it in place from now on.


she's not out of the woods yet -- one of the things they're concerned about is this triggering a full-blown pancreatitits attack :( but she's in good hands there. I just cannot BELIEVE this is now TWO pups that have had this happen! (Nube bloated full in May of 2006). ?????


when the doctor came in with the xrays and told us how serious it was -- and the fact that they were really concerned about finding really nasty things -- we both though we'd never see her again. :( :( Thank GOD she is doing as well as she is!!!! :yay She's a pretty tough little princess :)


what happened was:

we had a few folks over last night for Superbowl -- and we fed her in the morning around 10:30am, then again at 4:30pm. She seemed a little "off", which she's acted like before, when we suspected the first pancreatitis in March of 07 (she was REALLY off that time) and since then, like 3-4 times, when we thought it might be flaring up again -- in the afternoon, so we debated on whether or not to feed her. We did, but just 1/2 of what she would normally get. By 5:30pm or so, she was acting more off -- not able to get comfortable, kept sitting when she was up, more lethargic than usual. She also kept doing this 'neck stretching' thing, which was new? She was streching a lot, but only arching her back a few times. The first time, she did this repeatedly, and also vomited.


I spent the entire night watching her, ready to take her to the Evet if she seemed worse. She didn't vomit (big sign of trouble). She finally fell asleep around 11pm, and we went to bed around midnight (I stayed up to watch her a bit longer). Since her sypmtoms weren't nearly as bad as the first time, we just did a watch and see. She slept fine, and seemed much better this morning. I did what we did the last few times I thought she might be having the same problem -- withheld food and water for 24 hours. The other times she was just fine.


we fed her just a cup of white rice at 6pm last night and within 1 hour she was back acting distressed again so we immediately took her in. The whole time we were there and found out how serious it was, I was just beating myself up for not getting her in on Sunday night! :( The doctor said that it's quite possible the stomach flipped "back" to an okay position during the night and then back into a bad position this evening again. We also suspect (and may never know for sure) that those other few episodes may be from this same issue and not actually the pancreatitis we suspected, as she said this could have happened before! (the first one was, we had a special test done that confirmed it). The situation was SO weird that the surgeon they called in at midnight was the head surgeon at this hospital and one of the best in the area!


sorry this is so long, and sorry for my first post, I was typing on my Blackberry from the vet's -- a "texter" I am NOT. I hope this update makes sense, I am exhausted and probably not making any sense...


thanks again for the prayers and if you could continue to keep her in your thoughts, she sure could use it. Both Bruce and I couldn't live without our little snuggle girl!!! I mean that :sad1 :sad1 She is our first greyhound, and the little sweetheart that introduced us to the world of greyhounds and the world of wonderful folks that own them :) She literally changed our lives -- and I'm NOT ready to lose my little girl!!!!! :hope :hope :hope

:o Rainysmom, this is Mary Slavicek - Des Plaines, IL. Oh, God came thru for me for you. I always pray for sick and lost greys to come back or get well. Rainy, U hang in there girl! Mama's doing what she can for you; for goodness sakes, tell her if U feel sick, NOT TO FEED U too much; take U to the Evet as a precaution. Thank U for sharing your troubles with me. Email me anytime:maryslavicek@netzero.com.

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Just reading this from begining to end. So happy she is home and doing well.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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