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Limping And Trying Not To Worry . . .

Guest Smiley

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So the week before last Peanut was really limping after she came in from the yard. We had our fingers crossed that it was just a muscle pull or something similiar since she loves to run full tilt through all the snow we have back there. The limp seemed to come and go, but didn't disappear so we took her to the vet last Tues. He is very aware of the prevalence of osteo in greys, but wanted to try a three day course of Rimadyl to see if it would resolve before we move on to x-rays. It did seem to resolve, but then she ran again yesterday and is limping again. So how to determine if she's aggravating a muscle, etc. , or if it's more serious? The plan now is to give it a few days and see how she does and if she's still limping, we'll go in for x-rays. To add to the situation, we just put down hardwood floors in our living room, so I know they are readjusting to getting around in the house too. I'm just really hoping it's nothing serious, but I can't help but be worried. Anyone have any thoughts?

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Guest Redpack

You need to limit her activity for longer if it is a muscle pull or something. Potty breaks on-leash only to keep her from running and reinjuring. Sending good thoughts.

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We did limit her for the first week, per our vet's instructions, but the issue now on top of everything else is that DH broke his foot last week and we have about 2+feet of snow outside, so unless I'm home, she has to go out on her own. :huh When it rains it pours I guess. . .

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We've been going through a similar situation here with Sunny.


He has been limping on and off on one of his front legs but only after running or playing. We'd rest him for a couple of weeks, but each time we let him run again he'd start limping again. Our vet could not find any cause for the limping so we took him to see a specialist greyhound vet who diagnosed a "subluxated facet joint" in his neck. I think this is just another term for a pinched nerve. I also took him to a chiropractor who agreed with this diagnosis and adjusted him. This was my first visit to a chiropractor and I have to say I was very impressed.


Perhaps if xrays show nothing and rest does not cure it, you could consider getting the opinion of a chiropractor?




When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

Always Greyhounds Home Boarding and Greyhounds With Love House Sitting

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I would do the best you can to limit Peanut's activity - hope DH heals quickly! "What to do next" is always a dilemma, one that we have been dealing with for almost a year. Suze has been examined by our Vet and limited activity for a month, (I'm sure she was doing doughnuts in the livingroom when we weren't home!), but when a sore neck appeared one morning out of the blue, we opted for xrays from nose to tail. All negative. More rest, the sore neck resolved on its own but the limp was no better, no worse, just very consistent. The following statements are not an endorsement, just MHO.

I read a blurb on GT about Springtime products; Fresh Factors, Joint Health, etc. and their positive effects on limping so I did a little investigating on my own. While I'm a skeptic by nature, I pride myself in keeping an open mind to new things. So I thought, what the heck? What's the worse thing that can happen? What with holding down a full time job, my elderly parents living with us, 3 dogs, 3 cats and one saintly DH, I don't have an extra minute to sit around waiting for, expecting to see or looking for any little change. Last weekend, after approximately 6 weeks on the new vitamins, it dawned on me that the limp has disappeared. I'm not ready to declare a miracle or petition for sainthood, but I am impressed. But, in the back of my mind, I'm still scared poopless. Suze is going to be 5 on 4/1.

Bottom line is - do what your heart/gut tells you.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Duke was near collapsing when he'd lift his leg to pee. We brought him in for x-rays and it showed an old track injury. Vet says that these can act up as they get older and become arthritic. We were given painkillers which he can be on for the rest of his life and told to give them when he seems uncomfortable.


Maybe have x-rays done if you haven't already?

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Thanks for the kind words and good thoughts. X-rays are definitely on the list. We are in the vet A LOT for various, strange issues (tongue abcess, ulcer on the eye, hot spots) and try to give things a little time when they crop up-otherwise we'd be there daily! :lol We actually get a continuous discount now every time we are there :lol -no joke. So two-for-one x-rays Redpack may be an option for us! :) At least reading some of the responses where diagnoses did not always end in osteo makes me feel a little better. We'll see how she does over the weekend and if she's still limping, we'll make the appt. for x-rays. I like the idea of a chiropractor-something I've wanted to look into for Smiley as well.

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Good thoughts coming from here.

Before GT, a limp would not scare me, now, it scares me. But the fact is, there are other things it can be.

We'll be hoping for the best


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Sending prayers and white light. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest SoulsMom

When Soul was limping the vet could tell he was indeed in pain on the initial exam. He too prescribed an anti inflammatory and pain meds before moving on to Xrays. But he also said NO RUNNING or long walks for two weeks. He had to be leashed in the backyard. If he wasn't better, then we'd do Xrays. Soul didn't like it, but it did the trick!

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Guest VanillaBean
We've been going through a similar situation here with Sunny.


He has been limping on and off on one of his front legs but only after running or playing. We'd rest him for a couple of weeks, but each time we let him run again he'd start limping again. Our vet could not find any cause for the limping so we took him to see a specialist greyhound vet who diagnosed a "subluxated facet joint" in his neck. I think this is just another term for a pinched nerve. I also took him to a chiropractor who agreed with this diagnosis and adjusted him. This was my first visit to a chiropractor and I have to say I was very impressed.


Perhaps if xrays show nothing and rest does not cure it, you could consider getting the opinion of a chiropractor?



Facets are joints on the vertebral body. They link the vertebral bodies together to make the spine. Subluxated means they are out of alignment, which will lead to nerve irritation, which can lead to pain wherever the nerve supplies. Glad the Chiropractor helped Sunny!


OH! As a side note: Before I became a Chiropractor, I worked for one. I had a dog with TERRRIBLE hot spots. So bad the Vet put her on Prednisone. I didn't like that, so my boss adjusted her and she never had a hot spot again!!

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