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Vision Question

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We have a few foster- looks the same as the foster we brought in for adoption last night (what a coincidence!)- and there's an eye difference that I wanted to ask the group about.


In the right light, his one eye flashes green- the normal kind of reflective green thing that some hounds do. The other eye does not, or at least doesn't flash green nearly as brilliantly. They're quite different. When I was checking him over last night, when I put a finger a few inches in front of each eye separately, he blinked- so there's no *complete* loss of vision in either one. But the reason we have him is that he bounced from a home where he apparently snapped at some children. I'm just not seeing that in his behavior, so I was thinking it was a vision thing.


Could the asymmetry in the "eye flashes" mean there is a deeper problem, or is this an occasional thing that's normal?


ETA: I got him in to see the go-to vet for greyhounds in Phoenix, and it took him all of about 5 seconds to inform me he has a cataract in his left eye, possibly with "some displacement," whatever that means. He speculated it was due to an injury some time ago; the cornea looked normal to me, as does the iris (although it's slow to respond, as one would expect from a bad lens). When I asked for an approximate percentage of vision, he assessed it again, and said- 30%, ability to discern large objects, that sort of thing.


So- his right eye is fine, but the left eye is pretty bad. My guess is that he can live his life comfortably in the absence of children, as he quickly adapted to our home, not bumping into anything for a week or two now. Other'n how the one eye flashes green and the other doesn't, it's tough to tell anything is different about him, in fact. And there's always cataract surgery if the owners are so inclined.


The same day I took him to the vet, I got an email saying he has a home as of Friday. Yay!

Edited by ahicks51

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest MnMDogs

I'm certainly no expert. But with Mork, he has PRA in both eyes, and both flash a very "brilliant" green when light is reflected in them. His vision is questionable in low light in both, and I don't think he has peripheral vision in either.



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Guest LadyChester

We had a dog returned because it snapped at someone and I noticed the exact same thing - one eye "reflected" differently. The dog did have a vision loss in that eye caused by bad case of Lyme. Of course every situation is different, but I'd certainly get it checked it out.

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When passing through a doorway just a few minutes ago, he smacked the left side of his face- the same side with the green eye- into a doorframe. Whether he's just goofy or has limited vision in that eye, I don't know, but I suspect something's up.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Here's KennelMom's pics with her PRA dog.




And I was trying to find the link where they show eyes having different reflectance (I think it was also PRA?), but I can't seem to find it. I want to say it was actually an example in humans? I'll keep looking.

With Buster Bloof (UCME Razorback 89B-51359) and Gingersnap Ginny (92D-59450). Missing Pepper, Berkeley, Ivy, Princess and Bauer at the bridge.

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When passing through a doorway just a few minutes ago, he smacked the left side of his face- the same side with the green eye- into a doorframe. Whether he's just goofy or has limited vision in that eye, I don't know, but I suspect something's up.


My collie would do the same thing, ie. bump doorways, etc., and it was his old man eyes. (I never moved the furniture around, so he was comfortable knowing his way around my house.) I noticed the problem the minute he came into our home, and I had it checked out. The vet agreed that there was vision loss. I just always made sure no-one spooked him by reaching for him quickly at the left side of his face, and by always speaking to him first. Once he was here a few weeks, he was never a problem, and never bit anyone.

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Guest KennelMom

I would start with a regular vet visit and get a referral to an eye specialist to confirm any diagnosis. You can see what PRA eyes look like in my thread referenced above.

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Hmm. Well, there's no opalescent quality to the eye, nor do I see anything in the cornea or growing from its margins. He's 4 years old, and otherwise very healthy; I'll do some careful observations over the next week. The group is amenable to a vet visit based on my suspicions, but I'd like to collect some more data before bringing him in for no good reason.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest KennelMom

how old is he? Vision can be hard to assess because dogs don't tend to rely on it like humans do... Even knowing Hanna is blind, there are days when I'd swear she could see :rolleyes Good luck w/your foster... Hopefully it's just some camera anomolies!

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how old is he? Vision can be hard to assess because dogs don't tend to rely on it like humans do... Even knowing Hanna is blind, there are days when I'd swear she could see :rolleyes Good luck w/your foster... Hopefully it's just some camera anomolies!


He'll be 5 in April.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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