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Need Some Help

Guest celticfairiemom

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Guest celticfairiemom

We went out this afternoon to get some groceries. While we were gone, Callie decided to counter surf - something she hasn't done since the first week we got her - almost a year ago. As best I can tell - she ate 9 pumpkin muffins, possibly some of the plastic bag they were in although that looked like it was mostly there, all the paper wrapper none of the foil wrappers. 2 blueberry muffins, none of the foil wrapper and a half a bag of dog treats - the other half was there. The onions were whole without even a nibble taken out, the sweet potatoes were whole - no bites, the shallots were there - unopened bag. This bowl was far back on the counter - and it's a heavy pampered chef bowl so I have no idea how she managed to get the bowl to the edge of the counter in order to empty it.

I took her out for a walk, she only peed. She romped in the snow without a care and was happily wagging her tail.

At the moment she is on her bed in a food coma. What, if anything, should I do or look for? TigerLilly was in the exact same spot as when we left - so unless Callie brought the food to her (something I highly doubt) Callie ate them all on her own.

There aren't any pictures because stood there dumbfounded while my son got the vacuum and cleaned up the mess.

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

Sounds like she had an early Christmas present. As far as I know, pumpkin is good to help firm up stool, so I would think the only problem may be a bit of constipation if anything. But I am no vet, so dont take my word for it.

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It sounds like the only dangerous thing she ate is the plastic bag. Keep your eye on her for signs of distress--a painful or distended stomach, vomiting, if she's not pooping when she normally would, anything else unusual, and if you see those call your vet ASAP.


Chances are, other than a little sick from eating that much, she'll probably be fine. I swear these dogs are part goat sometimes.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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just make sure she gets plenty of outside breaks I would say. My Kiowa managed to snag many a baked goods when he was with me. He once at the entire top off of a sheet cake w/o dislodging the pan from the counter.

Once I baked a cake for my DD's B-day and ran to the store to get stuff to make spaghetti. I came home and K had eaten the cake. I dropped everything and ran to the store to buy a new cake. When I got home K had eaten the garlic bread! Ay yi yi!

But the most memorable was the day that K (with a duct taped muzzle on) managed to drag an Orange Dreamsicle cake (the kind you poke holes in and pour orange jello over) off the counter and into the LR. There was Orange Dreamsicle smooshed over every inch of the carpet and K himself had is smooshed all over his legs and his muzzle. I couldn't even get mad at him because he looked so comical laying on his dog bed with the cake pan between his paws. He looked at me with his ears perked and his tail wagging like he was in doggie heaven.

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Guest SkinnyLegDogLover

Pumpkin and pumpkin muffins are 2 different things! Muffins are high in fat, so watch out for the Big D.

She's a smart girl...I would choose pumpkin muffins over veggies, too. :lol


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Guest celticfairiemom

thanks everyone. so far she seems content. I'm skipping her dinner tonight to avoid any over doing on her stomach. She does the sad puppy look when I glare at her. I made those pumpkin muffins for my breakfast!!

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She should be fine. :) Finnian admires her prowess as a hunter. :chow

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
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Guest TBSFlame

We laugh at Star, several times a day you will see just a nose sticking above the edge of the counter sniffing as Star walks around the kitchen counter looking for anything that she might steal. She has taught me to keep a clean kitchen counter. I have seen her climb up on the foot rest of a bar stool to reach something. She has stolen a slice of pizza from a friends plate and run down the hall. You can never trust Star around food. lol.

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Look for the snagged goods in about 12 hours. That's about how long it takes for me to see stuff here.

Good luck :)


But the most memorable was the day that K (with a duct taped muzzle on) managed to drag an Orange Dreamsicle cake (the kind you poke holes in and pour orange jello over) off the counter and into the LR. There was Orange Dreamsicle smooshed over every inch of the carpet and K himself had is smooshed all over his legs and his muzzle. I couldn't even get mad at him because he looked so comical laying on his dog bed with the cake pan between his paws. He looked at me with his ears perked and his tail wagging like he was in doggie heaven.

Are you kidding? Dreamsicle cakes are wonderful! I really loved that boy and I will never tire of reading about his escapages :)


Tonya, mom to May, and my angels Vinnie, Rex, Red, Chase, and Jake.

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Guest ChasesMum

yup... sounds like something Chase would do. Only thing gets vommited back up over here is foil wrappers and plastic wrappers...otherwise everything just slides right on through. For us and Ms. Iron Gut I wouldnt even bat an eye and probably wouldnt have must worse than soft serve to clean up (though poop full of contraband is more likely to get... err recycled... around here. blah. ) .


You are right to skip supper tonight, she had enough! lol make sure there is lots of water out, carb hangoers always give Chase the thirsties. and watch for the bag but likely it'll just come rampaging out with the rest.


Have fun! Hope you werent going too far tomorrow.... :lol:

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Guest BlackandBrindle
She should be fine. :) Finnian admires her prowess as a hunter. :chow



:lol :lol As do Spud and Sadie.


The microwave is your friend! Spud started counter surfing after TWO YEARS!!! I think it's my little hooligan Sadie who gave him the idea. He knocks the food off and they share in the bounty :rolleyes:



Definitely don't feed her dinner and maybe just a light breakfast. I'd expect some diarrhea or at the least some wretched gas.

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Guest LoveMyJoseyBean
just make sure she gets plenty of outside breaks I would say. My Kiowa managed to snag many a baked goods when he was with me. He once at the entire top off of a sheet cake w/o dislodging the pan from the counter.

Once I baked a cake for my DD's B-day and ran to the store to get stuff to make spaghetti. I came home and K had eaten the cake. I dropped everything and ran to the store to buy a new cake. When I got home K had eaten the garlic bread! Ay yi yi!

But the most memorable was the day that K (with a duct taped muzzle on) managed to drag an Orange Dreamsicle cake (the kind you poke holes in and pour orange jello over) off the counter and into the LR. There was Orange Dreamsicle smooshed over every inch of the carpet and K himself had is smooshed all over his legs and his muzzle. I couldn't even get mad at him because he looked so comical laying on his dog bed with the cake pan between his paws. He looked at me with his ears perked and his tail wagging like he was in doggie heaven.


OMG Sheila, you had me laughing out loud...the dog actually came over to see what was wrong with me!!

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

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I agree, probably diarrhea, and hopefully that plastic will go right through her... :goodluck


I wouldn't worry too much at this point - just monitor. I bet she'll be fine.


On a side note - what a little sh*t... stealing your muffins... Bloody cheek! :lol::lol:


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Oh my...that is quite a lovely dinner! :P


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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oooh, pumpkin! Pumpkin and Abbey means many outside trips during the night! He sooooo can't handle pumpkin! Although he had his own counter-surfing episode when I went out last night (and I have high counters, high enough that my very big boy has to get up on his hind legs) - he stole a completely unopened bag of chicken jerky. Delicately opened the ziplock bag and scarfed it down. Then again, right now he's totally allowed to have everything and anything he wants!

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Guest celticfairiemom

Well, so far she has pooped once and although it was loose, it was a lot better than I expected. By my calculations it's been about 6 hours. She was seriously annoyed that I skipped her dinner (TL got dinner because she asked for it - and she never does if she has any snacks - so I know Callie got all the goodies in today's foray).

I will definitely be moving the stuff off the counter. The little stinker keeps going over and nosing around there. All the homemade, from scratch, pumpkin muffins are gone!! I am really glad I didn't put any glaze on them! The blueberry muffins were made earlier in the week but jeez, teh pumpkin muffins were fresh <sigh>.

It's nice to know Callie isn't alone in her hunting skills!

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Guest celticfairiemom

Well, she did fairly well overnight. She woke me at 5 to go out - and the big D hit her. She made it out the door though and for that I am thankful. She has asked to go out one other time and is now doing a Carvel ice cream machine impersonation. We have decided no food for today. Tomorrow we will start with rice and pumpkin (minus the muffin part!). She is drinking water and sleeping off the food coma.

Whoever went for the 12 hour mark - you nailed it!

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Guest ChasesMum

blah! well at least she made it outside. Is it cold enough to freeze the ..uh... icecream to aid in pickup?


A pepto tablet may help settle her tummy as well.

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Well, she did fairly well overnight. She woke me at 5 to go out - and the big D hit her. She made it out the door though and for that I am thankful. She has asked to go out one other time and is now doing a Carvel ice cream machine impersonation. We have decided no food for today. Tomorrow we will start with rice and pumpkin (minus the muffin part!). She is drinking water and sleeping off the food coma.

Whoever went for the 12 hour mark - you nailed it!

Thank you :) We have some expereince in the timing of the poops. And now you do, too! :lol

Tonya, mom to May, and my angels Vinnie, Rex, Red, Chase, and Jake.

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