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Suddenly Shedding? In The Middle Of Winter?

Guest rachel2025

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Guest rachel2025

Pike just started shedding a lot, right in the middle of winter (well, I know it's not "offically" winter yet, but it feels like it here in Chicago)? I'm confused, because I thought dogs don't shed till the summer. Is this normal? He seems very happy and healthy otherwise...

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Navigator is blowing his coat as well. I could stand there all day brushing him, and it doesn't stop. (My collie never shed this much!) This is Navigator's 3rd winter with us, and he's shedding worse than ever. His black coat has clumps of light grey fluff balls, that I can just pull with my fingers. It's everywhere!

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Both Martin and Emmet are doing the same. Last weekend we took them to the Greyhound Friends Holiday Open House. Folks were loving on them and I could see the hair flying around. Emmet is white with a few black patches so the loose white hair really stands out. They must have thought we never brush our pups. (Well, we could be better at the brushing....this early winter shedding took us by surprise.) :rolleyes:

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Guest isntitgreyt

Both mine are shedding too. I have a shedding blade? I think it's called that I use for them. It's shaped like a U and has a handle. The U has teeth and it works wonderfully. I bought it at Petco in the grooming section. Molly is worse. The hair is all over the place!!

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It's been a weird season so far, weather-wise. I suspect these poor dogs' bodies don't know what to do!


I know of several Borzoi that are naked, too, and they SHOULD be hairy! One is my own Cooper - I bushed him out and bathed him last week, and he is still shedding buckets! Poor guy is having a hcek of a time outside. He loves to play in the snow, but I have to limit him right now!

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest HersheysMom

Sonie did this last January. She grew a puffy white coat under her brindle coat, then started blowing out only the white fur. I would get five full brushfulls in a sitting. It lasted a couple of weeks and hasn't happened since. No medical problem, though. She hasn't done it yet this year but I wonder if she will.

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I've got the same thing going on here. My own theory is that they grew in their winter coats, but since we spend so much time in the family room with a wood stove that keeps the temp close to 80 degrees, and almost no time outside, their bodies are a little confused.

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Oh man, Rose is shedding tons right now, too. And she's a very, VERY furry greyhound!!

:confetti <--- imagine that the confetti is actually fur, and the marshmallow/cloud thingy is Rose. :P


**& Angels Emily, Beatrice, Okie, Rhemus ,Vixen, and Rose-always in my heart**

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