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Guest TinasTroops

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I was just given it after my rotator cuff surgery. I'm allergic to pretty much all known antibiotics - but it seems I'm OK with this one! The anaesthetist said she'd never known a bad reaction to it and it's often given to allergy prone people. Of course, I am talking about people and we know animals don't always react the same.


The only other thing I know about is that (again, in people) it's associated with clostridia difficile infections, so that may be a good reason to give your pup acidophilus caps or bio yoghurt during treatment. :)


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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I've used it many times for dentals, and had only very mild stomach discomfort as a result. That does not happen often, and if the abx is given with food, there is far less of a problem.


With any antibiotic, though, I also give intestinal prbiotics. Having been on abx other than clindamycin myself, I can tell you that they do make for more bathroom trips! And when one has to go, one REALLY has to go *NOW*!


It's effective and very safe. I've only known one dog that can't tolerate it and it's one of my dogs.




It's always one of your dogs, isn't it, Lynn? :lol

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest MonsterMomma

It's one of the most effective and safest antibiotics there is. Aside from stomach irritation in sensitive individuals, I can't think of a single problem with it.

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Yes, LOL. Joplin simply can't handle clindamycin. Or rather, he can, as long as I'm standing by with lots of paper towels and a steam cleaner. In the grand scheme of things, that's not so bad... nothing like an anaphylactic reaction... just gawdawful diarrhea. Not life threatening, just messy. After several tries of clindamycin (thinking that maybe it was something else causing the diarrhea, because it is just about unheard-of for a dog to have issues with it), and always the same result, we just use something else now when antibiotics are needed. No biggie.



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