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If The Poop Isn't Firm, Is The Dog Unhealthy?

Guest ArtysPeople

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Wow. Well Roscoe is always a 3, so i guess I'm not going to worry about it any more.


I think when the scale referred to #6 as 'fluffy', they were referring to what we call 'pudding poo'. I know Roscoe has gotten 6 from time to time and i can see why it might be called so.



Not to hijack...but I love your siggie!!!!


Back to our regularly scheduled poop talk.

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I wonder if this is a Greyhound thing--this tendency towards soft serve. I have a young dog--18 months old--healthy and I've had her since 3 months (rescue pup.)


She has the same as what's described here by some--the first one's firm and then they're softer the next few she does during the day. We also give her pure pumpkin every day with her food which definitely helped.

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As I am sitting here with my lunch.... this caught my attention the fastest...

OK this is for humans Stool Analysis


Abnormal: The stool is black, red, white, yellow, or green.

:huh:eek White?? :blink:



When we first got Sammi, she stayed on the same food she was fed at the foster house. For 2 months or so, we dealt with soft serve. (I can't remember who here on GT told me of the paper trick, but heck, I still use it on occassion and her poops are "normal" now ) 2 months tho, of frustration, pumpkin, bland diets, posts here, and calls to the vet. Finally, it straightened out. 2.5 years later, her meals consist of: Glucosime, kibble+homecook mixture, a multi-vit and then for the coat, either~ an egg, peanutbutter, or a capful of olive oil. Her dry skin is only an issue in the winter (strangely, like mine). Her poops? The may vary in the shade of brown, they may sometimes be softer than normal (depending activity level that day and time of day) but other than that, they are formed.


My Mom had 2 theories. One... nerves. She was in a new situation and stress can make a human sick to their stomach and cause the big D, why not a canine? and Two... the water. She got this one because of me. I am very sensetive to water. I grew up with water that had no taste, smell, color or texture. I cant stand chlorine of floride in my water. When we would travel, I would have to drink bottled water or I would get sick and have the big D (even in the states). So on her hunch, into the second month, I used water out of the Brita for her dog dish. The firming started to happen.


Whether or not it was one or both, or neither theory... dunno.

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