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Hello all. Just wondering if anyone has been through this: My 10 yr old Indy started to bleed from his right nostril about the beginning of October. Not profuse, mostly a few drops in the morning. If I dab his nostril with a Kleenex, you can see light-colored blood. Vet had a look-see (rhinoscopy). Origin seems to be within the nasal cavity. Pathology report (culture and biopsy) came back "non-specific." So far, no sign of cancer, fungus, parasites. Indy does not seem bothered by it other than I suspect he is swallowing a certain amount of blood. No unusual pawing, rubbing, sneezing, etc.


I live in Michigan and fired up the furnace early this month, but nothing else has changed and the house isn't unusually dry. Could it be from the gas-forced air? Don't know if there is anything more sinister lurking elsewhere or a ruptured vessel in his nostril?


Any thoughts, experience with this? Many thanks!

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