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Ugh, I Hope We Did The Right Thing

Guest Smiley

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Peanut went in for her dental yesterday and we had made the decision to have her corn removed at the same time. We had tried everything else on that darned corn-hulling & Abreva, tape, dremmeling, and nothing has worked. Peanut is such a joyful girl and we feel like her quality of life has really diminished as the corn has grown-she runs much less, doesn't hang outside as much and in general just wants to lay down and get pressure off that foot that makes her limp. So, fast forward to yesterday . . . they removed the corn and while I knew she's be sore, I didn't realize she would be in SO much pain. She tries to walk without using that foot at this point. I know it will get better and as long as they got it all, she will benefit in the long run. But it's hard knowing she is in so much pain due to a choice WE made for her. Anyone else have experience with recovery from a corn removal? Thanks!

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Guest Redpack

No. But I do have experience in questioning my decisions. Don't do it. You did what you thought was right at the time. Based on her recovery, you will have more information to base your decision on. I think you did the right thing. I hope you are both feeling better very soon!

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Guest boondog

We had Boon's corn removed a couple of years ago. He didn't use his foot at all for several days (I also felt bad). Otherwise, he did very well with the procedure and recovery. However, the stupid thing came back only a few months later. I was hoping he'd have more time before it returned. I wouldn't do it again, but only for that reason. I hope Miss Peanut remains corn-free!


edited because I can't spell

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All the reports I've heard regarding surgery to remove a corn have not, I'm afraid, been positive. Don't beat yourself up - you made the decision with her best interest at heart. She'll probably be really sore for a while, but she'll heal up eventually. Unfortunately, the corn may well come back :(


I treat Turbo's corn by hulling it when it gets bad (it's getting there again) and using Therapaws and a low dose of tramadol in between (as well as all the other corn treatments, abreva, etc.).


There are times that I've been really tempted to amputate Turbo's corn toe - it gets so sore, even when there's no corn visible - and I get so frustrated and sad for him because I know he's so uncomfortable. Just when I'm on the verge of discussing removing the toe, he magically gets better. Go figure :lol


Best wishes for a quick recovery for your pup :):grouphug

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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Thanks for the feedback and good thoughts. My hope is that this corn will never show it's ugly face again, but I hope that she gets a good amount of time without pain if it DOES come back.

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Did you show vet "how to hull a corn"? Sounds like he went too deep :( And no, going deep does not mean it won't come back.


The most successful corn removal re length of time is laser.


Dr. Feeman, the GT resident corn hulling expert :colgate not only hulled it himself twice, but showed us how to. It just got bigger in diameter. Thus, we are trying a surgical removal with our regular vet who is pretty amazing. Let's hope it won't return!

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Good thoughts for you and your girl.

From Wisconsin -- It's Nancy, Bob, Carla, June Bug and our newby Skorch.... along with Buffy. She's the little hound that meows.

With loving memorials to K.C., Barko and Major Turn -- all playing at the bridge.

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Sending prayers and chanting...no more corn! :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest ChasesMum

OUCH! I too have experience in questioning my decisions. Whether with my daughters or my dogs I always think that I seem to be "making the wrong decision" or so it feels after the fact if there are complications. Even when others assure me that it was NOT the wrong decision, I still feel like I am not always qualified to be the one making these decisions!


Off topic but I don't know what corns look like... can someone post a pic?

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Laser surgery wasn't given to us an option-I imagine he doesn't use it or he would have mentioned it. I'll ask about that if the corn makes another appearance . . .

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My 9 year old greyhound had a corn and it got so bad he was limping. I checked out all the options and decided on surgery. It was done on 10/10/08 - He was sent home with pain medication and antibiotics. He also has a large cast on his leg that will be removed in 3 weeks (10/30). I can't wait for the cast to be removed. If it gets wet, I need to take him back to the hospital to have the cast removed and put on again. Luckily, it hasn't rained that much, but this weekend we are going to get a soaker. To prevent it from getting wet, I am wrapping the cast in plastic bags, socks and vet wrap. He is walking fine with the cast on. Hopefully, when it is removed, he will remain corn free for awhile, although, from what I have been reading here, I have my doubts. I also purchased a Thera Paw and will use that because I think his paw will be tender from the surgery and after being wrapped up for such a long time.

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No experience here... just sending lots of good thoughts for healing and for the corns to stay away! :shakefinger

:getwell Peanut!! and glad your teefers are clean :brushteeth:D


(Beth it was great seeing you at Dewey, I hope you did well and had fun too)

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OUCH! I too have experience in questioning my decisions. Whether with my daughters or my dogs I always think that I seem to be "making the wrong decision" or so it feels after the fact if there are complications. Even when others assure me that it was NOT the wrong decision, I still feel like I am not always qualified to be the one making these decisions!


Off topic but I don't know what corns look like... can someone post a pic?


This is a "hulled" corn. It's the white spot at the tip of the pad: Before hulling, it's the same except it's a dark yellow/brown colour.



Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Wishing Peanut gets better very very quickly. I have vested interest in knowing how her recovery is. We're bringing in Bailey for hulling in a couple of hours. We are also considering surgery.

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I don't have experience with corns, but have *lots* of experience in second guessing my choices when it comes to my pups.


In February Shadow had surgery to remove a tumor on his knee. They ended up having to take out so much tissue and it took until September (!) to heal. Turns out the kind of tumor he has is very slow growing and doesn't metasticize, although they didn't know that until they did the cytology after the surgery - the needle aspirate we did first was inconclusive. Even my vet said if he had known what the tumor was and how much trouble Shadow would have he wouldn't have done the surgery - but we both did what we thought was best.


Shadow is now completely healed and the tumor hasn't come back. He never held it against me, even when he was stuck wearing a muzzle 20 hours a day for over a month!


Fingers crossed that the surgery works, but just know that we know (and your pup knows I'm sure) that you're doing what you think is best. :)

Jenn, missing Shadow (Wickford Big Tom), Pretty Girl (C's Pretty) and Tori (Santoria)

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My 9 year old greyhound had a corn and it got so bad he was limping. I checked out all the options and decided on surgery. It was done on 10/10/08 - He was sent home with pain medication and antibiotics. He also has a large cast on his leg that will be removed in 3 weeks (10/30). I can't wait for the cast to be removed. If it gets wet, I need to take him back to the hospital to have the cast removed and put on again. Luckily, it hasn't rained that much, but this weekend we are going to get a soaker. To prevent it from getting wet, I am wrapping the cast in plastic bags, socks and vet wrap. He is walking fine with the cast on. Hopefully, when it is removed, he will remain corn free for awhile, although, from what I have been reading here, I have my doubts. I also purchased a Thera Paw and will use that because I think his paw will be tender from the surgery and after being wrapped up for such a long time.


Thera-paw has been our best friend in this house. Peanut does very well with it on, but it's not her favorite accessory (dirt is :lol ). We have the indoor Thera-paw on now post-surgery and thank goodness for those products-they have enabled Peanut to take long walks relatively comfortably (though in the last months prior to her surgery, the boot didn't help quite as much). I highly recommend the Therapaw for those tootsies with corns!

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

Another question, a bit off topic. Are all corns painful? My guy would appear to have a corn on his rear right pad, but he doesnt limp or otherwise show signs of discomfort with it. In fact at the GPA reunion on the 10th, he ran 43mph in the fun run (fastest of the day), and didnt come up limping.



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Guest greytexplorer

I have a friend who pted for lazer removal of her grey's corn

Took about a month to heal fully

Now he's zipping around like he used to!

Good luck!

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Another question, a bit off topic. Are all corns painful? My guy would appear to have a corn on his rear right pad, but he doesnt limp or otherwise show signs of discomfort with it. In fact at the GPA reunion on the 10th, he ran 43mph in the fun run (fastest of the day), and didnt come up limping.




I'm not sure what the answer is on that, but I think that how much pain they feel depends on where the corn is located. Peanut's is dead center on her toe, not on the side, so she can't avoid walking on it. It may depend on what toe it's on too???

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