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What's With The Ticks?

Guest MonsterMomma

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Guest MonsterMomma

We live in southeastern PA, and we're diligent about applying Frontline Plus to our dogs monthly from April to November. The dogs had their most recent application just two weeks ago. We never, ever see fleas...and I remove 1-2 ticks per season (at most) from each dog. I check the dogs daily from head to toe.


For the last few days we've been removing ticks from the dogs at an unprecedented rate! They're not the typical brown dog ticks, but rather, the smaller deer ticks. Just yesterday we removed nearly ten from two dogs! They were not attached, just crawling on their fur. I don't get it. Why isn't the Frontline Plus working? I'm surprised that the ticks are even still active, considering we've had temps down in the 30s at night for the last week or more.


Is it safe to use Frontline Plus spray in addition to their regular application of FrontLine Plus? If not, are there other methods of keeping these nasty bloodsuckers away from our dogs?


Ticks creep me out.

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Guest SoulsMom

Preventic collar always works for us, I've not once had to pull a tick off of Soul. That said, I think maybe our ticks are migrating. I haven't had to use the collar since July and I have a 22acre forest behind my house. . . . . .

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