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Ellie B...

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Ok...here is the story in a coconut shell(a walnut shell would be too small)


I adopted Ellie B in May..She came with a major bout of hookworm and a serious rash on her neck. After a couple of months of Drontal we got rid of the worms but the neck rash was still there and getting worse. I then took in Ellie's mom as a foster who decided to give her daughter hookworm again.. :angry: The neck rash started to spread.


So after trying cortizone cream on the rash it flared up even more, and the fur on her tail started looking "ratty" Decided to do a Thyroid panel to be on the safe side. and have t\the vet take another look at the rash. Rash is fungal yeast infection probably brought on by....you guessed it..Hypothyroidism..


So for the next 2 months she is going to be a pill popping, Panacur juicing freak.

5 days of 17ml Panacur then a couple of weeks later same thing again then a fecal test a week after that.


For the rash the doc has her on two weeks of Fluconazole an antibiotic. Plus 3 times a week a bath with KetoChlor medicated shampoo for the rash and now 6 weeks of Thyroxine .7 strength twice a day for the hypothyroid,.


Her T4 was 0.8 and cTSH was 0.41...then a retest in 6 weeks.


She is either going to love me or kill me in my sleep :lol


Little did I know the blue brindle I fell in love with was a closet special needs gal..But I love her all the same, but I think it's going to be Top Raman for a while on my plate.. :lol





Isis, Always in my Heart Bijou, My Sweetest Angel

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Guest BlackandBrindle

The flucanozole is hard on their systems, so be sure and feed her before you give it to her :) That's the drug Sadie is on, and I give her the pill 20-40 minutes after eating. Otherwise she throws up a lot.


Hope Ellie feels better soon and that the nasty hookworms go away!

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After talking with our greyhound adoption vet, I think the vet I used was high... :lol


Seems according to her and a study from the Univ. of Florida Greyhounds naturally have a lower T4 level. Seems .5 to 3.6 is normal range. Looking at the chart the vet gave me he is using other breed levels. So Ellie's .8 is a little low but within a greyhounds normal range. The weight gain may be from lack of exercise in this 100+ heat the last 5 months. So i am hesitant to shove pills down her throat for hypothyroidism. I really don;t want to medicate her if not neccessary.


I would love some input from other GTers out there.



Isis, Always in my Heart Bijou, My Sweetest Angel

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Spud tested low on the thyroid straight off the track and the meds made him crazy :crazy


Does she have any other symptoms other than the fungal infection and hair loss? (which is a result of the infection, no?)


I'd be tempted to try just the fluconozale and not the thyroid meds.

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You can have the test read by the greyhound gurus at Michigan State University and Dr Couto. There's also a TON of general info on their website here:



Some people have also emailed their results. And Dr Couto is really good about answering grehound specific related question. I don't know his email address but someone else might have it.


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Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

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Spud tested low on the thyroid straight off the track and the meds made him crazy :crazy


Does she have any other symptoms other than the fungal infection and hair loss? (which is a result of the infection, no?)


I'd be tempted to try just the fluconozale and not the thyroid meds.


we are leaning towards the T level being on the low side as a side effect from the yeast infection on her neck and the worm infestation. Think i will do the run of antiviotics and the Panacur. She has some wieght gain..about 8 lbs since she retired in May but with it 100+ degrees everyday I wouldn't get out and run around either. She does chase and play with Bijou when it cools down at night. Then go from there.


Oh yeah.,..know how muh fun it is to squirt 18ml of Panacur down a dog's throat.. :lol



Isis, Always in my Heart Bijou, My Sweetest Angel

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I personally would have a full thyroid panel done at MSU before starting her on thyroid meds. We recently went through this with the Flashman...he IS hypothyroid and doing well on his Soloxine. :)


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First, Molly wants to apologize for giving Ellie hookworms (again). Well, I'm sure she would feel very bad if she had a clue :lol


I think you are right to get the rash cleared up first, then retest her thyroid with a grey savy vet and go from there.


Molly's Panacur was in powder form, I mixed it with baby food and she ate it right up :)

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First, Molly wants to apologize for giving Ellie hookworms (again). Well, I'm sure she would feel very bad if she had a clue :lol


I think you are right to get the rash cleared up first, then retest her thyroid with a grey savy vet and go from there.


Molly's Panacur was in powder form, I mixed it with baby food and she ate it right up :)


How is my little momma doing? I haven't seen many shots of her here..Don;t make me come over there young lady.. :lol


Is her happy tail all fixed up?

Isis, Always in my Heart Bijou, My Sweetest Angel

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A bad thyroid is SO easily managed. Once they get her dose right, you'll do great! My last dog had a thyroid problem, and the medication was incredible--fixed up his crunchy dry coat really quickly! I never noticed any side effects either.


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Miss Molly is staring at me right now, wondering when we are going to bed :rolleyes: Her happy tail is fine (not that she doesn't still swing it around. a lot) Her latest "trick" is rooting around in my closet and carrying my shoes into the backyard :lol Frye boots look *better* with scratches and teeth marks, right? Will post some pictures tomorrow, I hope :)

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