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15 Month Old Greyhound Is Very Sick`~update Post #99

Guest crazy4greys

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Poor little thing!


Do they have her on anything to reduce inflammation right now? (Pred or otherwise?)

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Alisha, Bob, Livvie (the 2.5 year old!) plus Mia Bella, Tippy, + Wahoo and Diesel the crazy kitties (and missing sweet Iceman, Paradise, Bandit, Cujo & Sebastian) in Indian Trail, NC

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Guest crazy4greys
Poor little thing!


Do they have her on anything to reduce inflammation right now? (Pred or otherwise?)


I don't think so. She is going back tho the vet tomorrow. :(


Her foster mom left a voicemail with Becky's sisters adoption group. Maybe they came up with something.

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Guest LindsaySF
Do they have her on anything to reduce inflammation right now? (Pred or otherwise?)

She's on Rimadyl, which is an NSAID.


The vets need to make sure they rule out infections and TBD's before giving any steroids like prednisone. It looks like everything came back negative, so maybe pred is the next step.


I have been doing a ton of reading on IMPA and related diseases, and I wonder if that is the culprit. Especially as Becky was treated for heartworm and then received a bunch of vaccines all at once.






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Sending out healing thoughts and white light that you can find out quickly what is causing these problems for sweet little Becky and her sister.


On the Giardia - seems that is becoming common nowadays. Our vet knocked it out very quickly with a combination of metronidazole and the panacur - which are used at the same time and are viewed as the optimal treatment plan for Giardia according to the parastology community. Gus at the time was much younger (3 mos) and smaller (24 lbs) but according to the recommended dosage you would use 44 - 50 mgs per kg of body weight. His rx was metronidazole 500mg once a day for 10 days and panacur suspension 10% giving 5mls orally every 24 hours until gone. Once he was done with his meds his tests all came back clean and he did not get it again - nor did he spread to the others at home, which was really good.


Hopefully this will at least help her a little bit so that you can get a clearer look & handle on the symptoms that could be covering the other issues. Sending hugs and scritches.

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Guest LindsaySF

I took some video of Becky tonight. (Errr... last night).



The first video shows her in her crate when we enter the room. You can tell she wants to get up and greet us, but she is too weak or in too much pain to get up. Poor girl. :( Her tail is wagging like crazy and she is whining (even though you can't hear it).





This next video shows how she walks (or wobbles) once she is put into a standing position. Her foster mom climbed into the crate and used a towel under her belly to get her legs underneath her. You can see her wobble to the dog bed and sit down, and then return to the crate.





Anyone have any more ideas after seeing these videos? It seems like her rear legs are more affected than her front legs, but all of her joints are swollen. :dunno



(We will be having an online auction soon to help raise funds for her mounting medical bills).







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Guest crazy4greys

Well I found out that her sister is not as bad off as Becky. Miss Billy, her sister has red swollen bumps especially at the injection site of the the heart worm treatment.


Becky's foster mom is going to ask VCA Northboro to send Becky's test results and chart to Dr. Couto. Hopefully he can help.

Edited by crazy4greys
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Poor baby, sending healing thoughts for Becky.

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Guest houndlover

Could it be Lupus? Claire said that years ago G.O. had a dog with the same symptoms as Becky and she was diagnosed with lupus.



Good thoughts for Becky. I hope they figure out what is wrong with her soon.

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Guest LindsaySF
Could it be Lupus? Claire said that years ago G.O. had a dog with the same symptoms as Becky and she was diagnosed with lupus.

Thanks for the reply.


I was thinking IMPA, SLE (lupus), and a few other immune system disorders. Once we are certain it is not something infectious, the vets will probably put Becky on a steroid. I am going to suggest that bloodwork (including an ANA test) be done to check for an immune system disorder.






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Checking in and keeping her in our thoughts and hoping that the tests come back quickly - it is so hard to watch them in pain and when you are unsure of what you can do, it just makes it worse. Sending gentle hugs and scritches.

Edited by Vinnie
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Guest crazy4greys

VCA Northboro will be faxing Becky's records to Dr. Couto. We will keep everyone updated on her progress.


Please keep sending good thoughts and white light this little girls way. :candle:hope

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Guest HoustonGreys

When they checked for tick borne diseases did it include Babesia? Doxy will not work on Babesia. If Babesia gets into the central nervous system the symptoms are very similar to what you're describing and the protocol for treatment is very rough. I'll be praying for Becky. I am so sorry she's so sick.

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She has so many prayers coming from me. Those videos were hard to watch but I hope they help and someone can find out what's wrong with her. She looks so sweet.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Sending more prayers for the sweet little baby. :grouphug


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Poor sweet girl. Could it be neurological? I'm coming at this late but just wondering. I really hope someone can find out what is wrong with her and there remedy for it. You are angels for taking care of her. Please get better Becky, please...our thoughts are with you to give you strength.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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