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Bella Hot A Wierd Sore...

Guest WI_grey_mom

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Guest WI_grey_mom

Last night as I was going over the dogs I noticed Bella has a weird, angry looking, red sore. She doesn't react when I touch it so it doesn't seem to be painful, but I'm a bit worried. Even more because it is lighter in the middle than the outside.I checked to see if there was a tick involved but I don't see a tick at all.

Here are a few pictures to help





Ideas, or suggestions on how to rid the poor Bean of a sore spot?


eta: And the title was supposed to be Bella HAS a wierd sore. I can't spell :blush

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Guest shelbygirl07

I agree that it looks like a hot spot.. I use 2 things for hot spots:


Anamax Cream - from the vet and MegaTek Coat Rebuilder

THe coat rebuilder helps sooth the hot spots and helps the hair grow back. I use this on all the spots that SHelby licks the hair off of. She has been diagnosed with LICK GRANULOMA which there is no cure for what causes hers. She just licks and licks and licks.. It started out as a skin infection due to allergies and moved onto a more untreatable learned behavior. I have coned her, washed her paws 10 times a day, wrapped her, bitter apple, hot sauce, had skin scrapes, biopsies and xrays done and we have settled on the fact that she is not going to stop licking. SO now i just treat and correct her when i see her doing it. She does it 99% of the time when we are sleeping..... The cone doesn't work because she's figured out how to lick around the cone.. GRRRR Even muzzling her doesn't help.... She does it as a self soothing thing like a baby with a pacifier...

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Guest WarmheartedPups

Those look exactly like what Roo gets...in fact she has five right now....and she got them after playing and running with other dogs. I think they are skin bruises.. lighter in the middle...pretty round in shape.


If it runs the same course as before...they get a little bigger sometimes turn into more of a bruise looking thing and disappear in about for or five days.


I can touch them, there is no raised area....it looks like it is just beneath the skin....and they dont itch and she doesnt lick at them


:dunno She has had them before and never a problem.

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Guest SusanP

It reminds me of the sandfly bites my hounds get up in the Boundary Waters area of MN. I had run to a vet with one of them, fearing the bulls-eye mark of lyme disease. They get them on tummies and thighs.

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Guest JenZ

Lucy had several spots like that turn up on her belly last year. I was terrified it was ringworm (ringworm often shows up with ring-like sores on the skin, and it is AWFULLY hard to get rid of), so she went through a battery of tests that all came up negative. I ended up putting Sulfadine (from the pet store) on the sores, and they were gone in 2 days. I guess it was just hot spots or ecsema!





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Wendy has a scar that looks just like that, on her shoulder, under the fur. It's not red, sort of a silvery color. I had myself all worked up imagining someone from her 'old life' had burned her with a cigarette. :angryfire

Irene ~ Owned and Operated by Jenny (Jenny Rocks ~ 11/24/17) ~ JRo, Jenny from the Track

Lola (AMF Won't Forget ~ 04/29/15 -07/22/19) - My girl. I'll always love you.

Wendy (Lost Footing ~ 12/11/05 - 08/18/17) ~ Forever in our hearts. "I am yours, you are mine".

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Guest WI_grey_mom

Thank you everyone for the responses. They must have been a little hot spot or from something in the grass. I cleaned it with a little rubbing alchohol and it has cleared up nicely. I am just a worrywart mom. :blush

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

It looks like a bruise to me. If it isn't raised, scaley or oozing then I would think it's a bruise.


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