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Concerned About My Greyhound After Dental

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Vet says she's fine but I am very concerned...


My greyhound is 12 & 1/2, had a dental this morning, over 12 hours ago, had one tooth extracted. I went to pick her up tonight, before I go (it's 20 miles away) I call to make sure she's ready and they say yes, she's "fully awake" and ready to go. I get there, pay the bill (totals over $750 and there was extra anethesia given), am taken into one of the exam rooms, given her meds to take home and then the vet tech brings her in and my greyhound can't hardly stand and is panting heavy and there's foam coming from her mouth and she does not even glance at me. She does not seem right to me. Vet tech, all the while supporting her as she slumps down into a sit position (she never sits) says she is fine and do I need help taking her out to my car? :huh I tell the vet tech no, she is not fine, please have the vet look at her. Instead of leaving her with me, she gets her up and helps her walk back out to where they do all the procedures. 5 minutes pass by, 10, 15 minutes and the then the vet comes in the room, without my greyhound. She says she's sorry, that she did not realize she had not come out of the anethesia as fully as she thought, and she has just given her some sort of reversal. Says to go home and call in 2 more hours to see how she is doing. So I do, and when I call I am told she's up and about and ready to go home. So now it's getting late, it's after-hours, I go to pick her up for the 2nd time, this time they just bring her out and hand her over to me and she seems no better to me, wobbly, has no ability to hold up her hind end, and just generally out of it. They just want to close up for the night and don't even offer to help me get her out to my car. So, I have to help her hold her front end up by holding her up by her harness and I have my other arm I under her chest helping her to keep her hind-end up. I have to lift her up to get her into the car (she's 55 pounds, I am 125 pounds). I drive home and she's panting and whining the whole way. I get her home, I have to lift her out of the car and gently put her down on the grass and help her to get upright enough to pee, then carry her up the stairs and into the house. I only make it as far as the kitchen so I put her down and run and get bedding and set her up with a bed in the kitchen. There she has remained for the past 2 hours. She won't drink any water and as for food - forget it. Her mouth and tongue are all dried and crusty. I am very worried, not so much that she is sleepy which I expect, but that she has no ability to be mobile and can't get herself up into a standing position, and when she is helped into a standing position she turns rag-doll and first the back legs go out and then the rest of her. Not sure what to do, vet is not concerned so what do I do? Meds she is now on are clavamox, rimadyl and tramadol.

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Guest Winterwish

Is she on rimadyl and tramadol for the tooth extraction? That seems like a lot if so. I'd for sure not give her those tonite at least.


When my grey had anesthesia a few years ago fro a small surgery,I too was shocked that he was sent home in a very similar state you describe your greyhound. He did get thru' the nite,sleeping steadily,but I was upset too.


How is her breathing? Her pulse?

Also,are her paws nice and warm? Her gums pink?


I'm sorry it's been so upsetting,hopefully by morning she'll be getting back to her usual self. :hope

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Guest lotsagreys4me

OMG, I hope she is better in the morning after sleeping some of the anesthetic off. How terrible for you both. I would not give her those meds tonight. Why all the meds.?? I would call the vet and ask him in the morning. Please let us know how she is tomorrow. Poor girl

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Guest FullMetalFrank

No advice, but I hope she is going to be OK. I want to reach out through cyberspace and smack your vet for sending her home in a questionable condition.

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Guest Winterwish

Are you also very far from an emergency vet?

maybe you could drive there with her now with the level of concern you have?

That way you'd be there,even if your grey will be alright.



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I would dump the rimadyl and tramadol. That's really excessive medication for a single tooth extraction.


That being said, some dogs just react badly to anesthesia. I would let her rest and give it some time. Check her gums and circulation as previously suggested, and her temperature if you can.

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Guest DaffyToons

I guess the first thing I would do would be to find a new vet. :POed There is no way my vet would send my grey home even close to the condition of your sweet pup. Dried and crusty mouth? Seems dehydrated. If there was foam coming from her mouth the first time you went to pick her up, she should have been put on an IV during the 2 hours additional time she was there.


I don't think it is that unusual, however, to have them be a little whiney after anesthesia. My vet has tried a couple different types of anesthetic to see what is the least distressing for my guys. The first time, after getting Lilly home, she whined and wimpered all afternoon. We finally found an anesthetic that leaves her happy. I would like to add, however, that if Lilly's dental is in the morning, and I pick her up around 2:00ish, she camps out on my bed, doesn't move a single muscle for AT LEAST 6 hours. But there is no panting, no crying, no distress whatsoever. I can encourage her to jump off the bed and go pee outside if I want to without having to assist her. But then she goes right back upstairs and crashes for the rest of the day. Not interested in food at all.


I still think you might want to consider a new vet. Mine also gives me a painkiller that I can rub on Lilly's ears afterwards if she isn't up to taking oral meds. It works great.


I hope your girl is doing all right. If you have any concerns at all, I wouldn't hesitate contacting an e-vet. Please keep us posted.


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Guest tricolorhounds

I do NOT think the meds your Vet gave you are unreasonable at all. My Savannah came home with the same meds from her dental last month. The tramadol and rimadyl were on an as needed basis only. I did not give any the first night.


I does sound like your girl was not as fully recovered from the anesthesia as she should have been. Let her rest and continue to offer her water. I wouldn't feed her anything until tomorrow morning, and then it would only be something soft, maybe boiled hamburger.



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It's been a very bad night, now going on 5 am and I have not had much sleep. She's been up every hour and several times I have carried her outside to pee. She still can't stand on her own 4 legs, I am half afraid she's going to break a leg. She's like a drunk Bambi on ice. She was crying out in pain around 3 am and I gave her tramadol and she fell back asleep, but I have not given her any rimadyl. I just had her outside again and this time I carried her into my bedroom (lucky for me I live in a ranch house) and she's laying there occassionaly whining softly. I just brought her over a small bowl of water (since she cannot walk over to the water bowl) and this time she finally drank some. Now I am going to attempt to get another half hour sleep before I have to be up to get ready for work. I am worried about leaving her home all day, but I have no other choice.


This is not my regular vet. My regular vet is not set up to provide the anethesia that greyhounds need. This vet is at the animal hospital that my regular vet refers greyhound people to go for things more major than he is equipped to handle. I told her I thought the meds were more than she needed (the rimadyl and tramadol) but she insisted, saying they tooth that was taken out was very "involved".




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Guest LittleGreys
. I told her I thought the meds were more than she needed (the rimadyl and tramadol) but she insisted, saying they tooth that was taken out was very "involved".


I certainly don't think Rimadyl and Tramadol are "too much" for an "involved" tooth extraction. If you ever watch some of those extractions, you would know why!! I know I would want pain meds for a tooth extraction.

My one greyhound reacts pretty much the way you describe your girl. Of course, at the vet clinic where I work, we describe that to people and if the dog is in that state, we recommend they stay the night, some owners insist on taking the dog home anyway.

My girl has to be carried in the house, then we put her on the couch for the night, and that's about where she stays until morning. She does not eat or drink. Her tongue is always dry from not drinking for so long, but she is not in danger of dehydration.

I certainly understand that it can be frightening for someone who isn't used to it though. I guess since I deal with it everyday, I know what is going on. I'll bet by tomorrow your girl will be back to normal. I'll keep you both in our prayers that she recovers quickly!!

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I agree with some of the suggestions that if she has not recovered today it might be good to take her to an e-vet. Could you drop her off at an e-vet on the way to work so they could keep her under observation for the day? Please keep us posted.


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First, check her temp. Make sure it is normal.


Find out if they gave her any acepromazine. If they gave her even a small amount it could be what is wrong. I've had a vet use it and had a drunk dog for 2 days! (obviously that was the last time they used it)


Mizzy had two teeth pulled, was up and walking and I was to give her a tramadol if she needed it. She only needed a few the first 36 hours and she was eating by morning.


If you are not comfortable, take her to your regular vet.


Sending lots of prayers.

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Guest luckydog

Since you took her to a second vet that your regular vet recommended, I would give the regular vet a phone call today -- to let him/her know about the vet he/she is recommending.


Any chance you can take a long lunch today to go home and check up on your dog? Or get a neighbor to check in?

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That vet sounds suspect...to charge that much for a dental and one tooth extraction is crazy talk! Not to mention the way they blew you off when you expressed concern. And it sounds like they did the dental about an hour before you picked her up so she hadn't fully recovered. Usually when Argos has his dentals or any other anesthesia, he is drunk that night and needs help getting around, but is just fine after a good night's sleep. I would stick to the lowest dose of pain meds that seem to work, and try not combining them. Try one and see if it works, then if it doesn't, try the other. After Argos had 4 extractions at once (all molars, so very involved), he was on 1 rimadyl per day for a week. He did just fine and never seemed to be in pain. All dogs are different of course, but it's better to start with the smallest dose.


I agree with Burpdog - ask about acepromazine. That can really wipe a dog out. I've had to use it on Argos before and he is down for the count for a good 12 hours with just one pill.


I'd also talk to your regular vet about his concerns about what happened and have him do a follow up.


Christie and Bootsy (Turt McGurt and Gil too)
Loving and missing Argos & Likky, forever and ever.
~Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. ~

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

I have no advice either but the same thing happened with Spencer. After his dental he was crying and panting and wouldn't put any weight on his IV leg (turns out they struck a nerve and the leg was numb). Anyway, I spent the whole night lying next to him and listening to make sure he was breathing. He didn't move a muscle so every once in a while I would lay my hand on him to make sure he was breathing. Scared me witless! I hope your baby is better today!


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Our Oliver was sent home in a similar condition to your baby - weak and wobbly and dragging a leg- something just wasn't right. It's not how he looked after a previous dental. By the time we got home he was worse. Got him to the ER vet and my regular vet who'd done the dental was on duty. He was shocked at Oliver's appearance in just an hour. Oliver had had a stroke and we had to put him down. He was a month shy of 13.


Ditto checking his temp. Ditto asking about what meds were used. Years ago Gracie returned very drunk for 2 days and vet stopped using whatever it was.


I hope your baby feels better soon.


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Guest lizmego

After dentals, my greys usually don't have a huge difficulty in walking but have a glassy stare and seem a tad drunk. I find it best if you warm up canned dog food and get food into their system to start "soaking" up the drugs that are in their system. Mine usually have some difficulty eating it, but to get a bit of food into their system is really the best way to start their recovery from the anesthesia and drugs.


Totally agree with the poster that said to contact the vet and ask if they gave your pup ACE or acepropamine. I HATE that drug. Its a tranquilizer. HATE HATE HATE HATE it.


Good luck and hope your pup is feeling better this morning. My pups usually are back to their usual selves after 24 hours max.

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I am just outraged for you. Not because your pup wasn't doing well, because some can react badly and have a hard recovery, but that is not the vet's fault. But they should have done a little more, in my opinion, to help your pup and explain to you what is happening, what to expect, and how you will know what is/isn't ok. That they told you to just go away, and twice, is terrible.


Can you take her to your regular vet for a follow-up? I would also let your regular vet know about your experience, especially since he is referring people there.


I hope your pup is feeling okay today. If I were you I would probably call in sick to work, I'd be worried that she might try to walk around and hurt herself. Let us know how she is doing later, okay?

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I had problems with my girl exactly like you're seeing. Very frightening for me, hard on the dog & took quite a while for her to get over. It happened with 2 different vets & like yours, they didn't seem concerned. (I have a new vet now. :) ).


I would watch for dehydration - my girl had what I think was rhabdomyolysis (her urine was bright red for a day or 2, her right inner thigh was bruised & swollen & she had trouble walking). Again the vet was not concerned, but we were lucky she didn't have any further problem. I think she really needed fluids.


Anyway, I hope she is feeling better today. The rimadyl & tramadol are not excessive, but if she reacts badly to either one, that could be adding on to her troubles.



Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest jettcricket

Poor girl...do you know what type of anesthesia they used??? Sounds like they gave her too much or not the proper type used for a greyhound. I had that happen to my first greyhound when he needed some x-rays done. I went to pick him up the following day and the poor boy was still out it! So much so that when we went to leave the vet office he fell going down the stairs. That was the last time that I took him there.


It's a scary feeling.....


I hope she starts feeling better.

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Guest Kitty_cat

Oh that is really scary! Please let us know how she's doing today.

I have to bring my boy in for a dental next week and I'm so worried...

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Since you took her to a second vet that your regular vet recommended, I would give the regular vet a phone call today -- to let him/her know about the vet he/she is recommending.


Any chance you can take a long lunch today to go home and check up on your dog? Or get a neighbor to check in?


I did come home at lunch, but it was not a good day to come home as the head owner of the company had flown in from Canada to visit our office. So, work's not happy with me but it's the first "strike" against me ever. I got home, as soon as I got out of the car I could hear her crying and screaming through the walls of the house. I assisted her with going outside (hind end still not working right), as soon as she got to the grass she flopped down like a ragdoll. I got her back up, with much effort she was able to pee, then her rear legs gave out again and she flopped back down into the grass. I let her rest there for 10 minutes (standing right next to her) before I got her back up and into the house. I got out of my work clothes, called work and said I won't be back in this afternoon, I have to take care of my dog. This morning before I left for work, I called the animal hospital and left a message asking them to call me about her. No one called. So, I called back a little while ago, was put through to a different vet who swaid it sounds like it's just taking her a little longer (the procedure was finished by 11 am yesterday) and that if I wanted to I could bring her in and they would take a look at her and put her on sub-q fluids. I told them let me think about that. I called my regular vet, he had me check her rear paws to make sure they were warm and to pinch each foot and watch for her to pull away. She passed with flying colors. So, he said it is likely her just taking longer to get over the anethesia, to try and get her back outside to go to the bathroom (she needs to poop, has been passing gas and smells like a skunk, but she's not able to stay upright long enough to go). I will try with a towel under her, to keep her up, just not sure she will care for that. Letting her rest right now, will try getting her outside again soon.

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