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Loki Has A Gash In His Leg

Guest LokisMom

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Guest LokisMom

Okay I am freaking out and cannot tell if we should go the e-vet or not, or if Loki needs stitches. I went to pet Loki's belly and saw a gash on his leg. It looks pretty bad to me but he's my baby and I have no judgment when it comes to him. It is not bleeding and he is not limping. He let me clean it and wrap it without flinching or whimpering. So would one of you with more experience tell me whether I should be rushing my boy to the vet? Please.


Here are pictures of the wound.





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My Sophie had a very similar gash on the inside of one of her hind legs recently - about half inch long and a quarter inch wide. We rang the emergency vet and he said as it wasn't bleeding it could wait until the next morning. The next morning they kept her in and she ended up with 5 stitches and some antibiotics.


When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

Always Greyhounds Home Boarding and Greyhounds With Love House Sitting

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Yes, it looks to me like it could use a stitch or two. I'm sure it will heal w/o sutures but, it will take so much longer and will leave a scar. It looks like it can wait 'till tomorrow but, the vet might have to freshen the edges.

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Guest LokisMom

Thank you all. I am always reluctant to go to the e-vet because I rushed him to the vet once only to be effectively laughed at and told I was a spastic new mommy. Now I can never tell what is truly an emergency and what is a "wait for the regular vet" situation.


DBF will be taking him to our vet in the morning. This will be our 5th trip to the vet since the last week of January(2 of the trips were routine vaccinations). I think the vet just sees dollar signs when I walk in. It makes me wonder if all greys are this accident prone or if I am a terrible mommy.


Again thank you all. I am calmer and feel better now. Loki is sleeping on the floor because he was never all that concerned in the first place, the big lug.

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When I first had Greyhounds I was not an inexperienced dog owner, but I wasn't prepared for what Greyhounds look like with just the slightest of gashes. Savannah had cut/scraped her front leg somehow - there was about a nickel-sized skinless bit. I was horrified! The muscle fibers - the very...meatiness of it. They don't have a nice layer of subcutaneous fat to hide behind! If their skin is open - you're seeing "inner workings". I think there may have a been a vein running through it, too. Gah!


So I took her to the Vet, and he said "Meh. It'll heal". I wanted to smack him! Was he blind?? So I took her to another Vet :blush who basically told me the same thing. The second Vet offered to stitch it up if that would make me happier, but reminded me that I'd have to knock her out to do it and that would be a lot riskier than just letting it granulate and heal on its own. So I took her home, it healed on its own, and after 10 years of Greyhound ownership and many unnecessary Vet trips I (jokingly!) tell my dogs that unless I see actual organs exposed or broken limbs, they're just going to have to wait for our regular Vet, and even then if it can be fixed with duct tape they're not going at all.


If I were you I would take another look at it tomorrow and maybe see if it looks like it's something that just needs a little antibacterial ointment, a gauze pad, some vet wrap (all of which you should have in your doggie first aid kit) and some time to heal - and save yourself a trip. If it's starting to look scabby or dry like jerky (ew, I know), then it's already healing up.


Rugrat's Rebel (Simon) 09/03/1995-03/22/2010, Silly Savannah 05/14/1995-02/13/2009, Isabella de Moreau the Sloughi 05/15/1993-10/14/2008, Hammy the IG 06/11/04 and ChiChi the Chihuahua 2003

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Guest LokisMom

I don't know that we have an anti bacterial ointment. I did clean it out. Any suggestions for a good ointment or is there just something at PetSmart that says it is antibacterial ointment? (I really thought we had some but cannot seem to find it anywhere and it should be in the first aid kit)


As a note the spot on Loki is not too much bigger than a nickel.

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I just use the people stuff - generic "triple antibiotic" ointment or regular old Neosporin. That's what we used on the animals when I worked at a wildlife rehab center so I assume it's okay for dogs too. :)


I guess antibacterial and antibiotic ointments are the same thing. Neosporin, Polysporin, etc.

Edited by ElizabethGPAPS

Rugrat's Rebel (Simon) 09/03/1995-03/22/2010, Silly Savannah 05/14/1995-02/13/2009, Isabella de Moreau the Sloughi 05/15/1993-10/14/2008, Hammy the IG 06/11/04 and ChiChi the Chihuahua 2003

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