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How Do I Trim Thier Nails? Help!

Guest greygirl84

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Guest greygirl84

I have clippers but am too scared to trim incase I hurt them but I know it costs load at the vets.

Can someone tell me exactly how to do it without hurting my beautiful dogs??????? :blink:

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Get yourself a dremel. I paid $25 for a black and decker (I had a dremel originally but needed something with a cord) rotary tool.


It's wonderful. My pups don't mind it at all, in fact they go to sleep and I don't have to worry about quicking them.


If you take them to the vet's it should only be $8-$10 for them to clip the pups' nails. :)

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If you're worried about hurting them with the clippers, then just shave off the very tip. It'll get them used to you handling their feet, and if you reward them afterwards, they quickly learn to associate their manicure with a treat. Once both you and the hounds are comfortable with the procedure, you can take bigger steps towards keeping their nails in line.




Some would quibble the above diagram isn't much like that for greyhounds (the angle at which the nail is cut for "normal" dogs seems very shallow in comparison to what greyhounds seem to do better with), but it's a good start.



Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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That's a great diagram. I hadn't seen it before, so thank you.


Tip's nails are way longer than I like, so I started just like the above picture and clipped the tip of the nail. Now I shave back a little more every week and we're making a lot of progress. Call your vet and ask them how much it is to have the nails done, and ask if you can watch. If it's a whole bunch of money, check the grooming places around town and ask the same thing. Good luck!

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Holly hates the dremmel, it was a two person job, one to pin her down and one to do the nails. so i bought a pair of heavy duty clippers from the pet store. shes still not enthusiastic about getting her nails trimmed but i can do it on my own now.


holly's nails are tough, every other dog i have owned has self-regulated nail length from walking about in the streets. but not holly, she needs some extra help from the clippers and they seem to grow back fast too.

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Guest joedogs_mom

that diagram is pretty good...it's trickier if your dog's nails are dark...and one of our greys REFUSES to let me trim his nails, so his stay too long and get clipped at the adoption kennel when we board them or at the vet...i try and might get a bit off here and there but it's usually futile.


good luck -- i know it's scary but once you get the hang of it, it's not so bad if you have a cooperative dog! i might have to try the dremel on our dog that is difficult...

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Guest greygirl84
that diagram is pretty good...it's trickier if your dog's nails are dark...and one of our greys REFUSES to let me trim his nails, so his stay too long and get clipped at the adoption kennel when we board them or at the vet...i try and might get a bit off here and there but it's usually futile.


good luck -- i know it's scary but once you get the hang of it, it's not so bad if you have a cooperative dog! i might have to try the dremel on our dog that is difficult...


my dogs nails are dark and i am scared about doing it!!!!!!!!!!! :unsure

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Guest joedogs_mom


my dogs nails are dark and i am scared about doing it!!!!!!!!!!! :unsure


yep -- harder when the nail is dark...maybe it would be a good idea to go up to the vet and have them give you a quick (ha ha...pun intended!) lesson on nail trimming. that's basically what i had to do in order to get up the confidence to start myself.

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Don't expect to get your hounds' nails as short as "normal" dogs, either. So long as there's space between the nail and the floor when they're standing, things are good.


But seriously- the quick should be far enough back that a quick "shave" with the clippers won't hurt. Take off the end 1mm or so, and you're good. The white ring in the center will indicate the proximity to the quick.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest greyt2love
Get yourself a dremel. I paid $25 for a black and decker (I had a dremel originally but needed something with a cord) rotary tool.


It's wonderful. My pups don't mind it at all, in fact they go to sleep and I don't have to worry about quicking them.


If you take them to the vet's it should only be $8-$10 for them to clip the pups' nails. :)


It's $8.00 at my vet, but I have 6 dogs. It adds up !!

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I would suggest that if you don't know how to trim a dog's toenails, you have a professional SHOW you how to do it.


It does not "cost loads" at most vets; you call, ask if you can have a veterinary TECHNICIAN cut your dog's nails and show you how to do it, and if so, how much will that cost.


At my vet's, they do it for free at any regular visit, but a special visit just for that they would charge $15 for the tech's time.


Well worth the money to see how to properly do it.


Dremels are great tools too, but I'm guessing you might find it too intimidating, and until you know the proper shape and length, it could be difficult.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Another recommendation on the Dremel grinder if you have them where you are. Before you just use it on the dog you have to show them that it will make noise and give them treats whenever you bring it out. Then run it beside them and give treats, then just touch it to the nail and treat. Slowly start to grind it down a little more each time. If you just start doing the nails with it the dog may be concerned, you have to associate it with positive things (treats). Here is a website that explains in detail how to use a Dremel for dog nails: http://homepages.udayton.edu/~merenski/dob...mel/dremel.html


The clippers are another option, although I find that my grey's nails are quite hard and it's difficult to cut through them easily. If you do try it, just take 1 millimeter as someone mentioned - that part of the nail almost certainly won't have the blood vessel in it (unless someone has cut their nails in the last couple of days). It is worth the money to have the vet show you if you are not sure - if you are nervous about it the dogs will pick up on that and be nervous too. The more comfortable you feel about it, the better the dogs will behave for it.

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Guest HeatherDemps

Good luck. :)


My grey is a screamer when it comes to the nail trimming, so I cave and pay to have it done at the vet. Several years ago, most of his nails went from the lighter color to black, so there's no way I'll do them myself! :)

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Guest joedogs_mom

we spend so much at our vet due to having 5 pets (4 greys + 1 cat) that i can't imagine them charging to trim nails?

just ask to be shown how to do it next time...

we also buy ALL heartworm/frontline stuff from our vet, so maybe we are just lucky to get the free stuff...our vet actually matches if not beats the online prices on the heartgard and frontline...just a thought.

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We take our greys to PetSmart once per month to get their nails done. It costs $8/dog, but we figure it's worth $24 per month to have someone else do it for us. :colgate

Laura with Celeste (ICU Celeste) and Galgos Beatrix and Encarna
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Bridge Angels Faye Oops (Santa Fe Oops), Bonny (
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Guest crazy4greys
Get yourself a dremel. I paid $25 for a black and decker (I had a dremel originally but needed something with a cord) rotary tool.


It's wonderful. My pups don't mind it at all, in fact they go to sleep and I don't have to worry about quicking them.


If you take them to the vet's it should only be $8-$10 for them to clip the pups' nails. :)


It's $8.00 at my vet, but I have 6 dogs. It adds up !!



I take mine to the vet as well as the fosters.


It costs $8.00 a dog, but I get a multiple pet discount, so it is 10% off. It is still worth it!


I can do my cats nails, no problem, but I don't like that the dogs are so thick and some are dark.


Plus, Winnie freaks out, so I would be afraid that she would bite me. I have to go in the back with her when the vet techs do her nails so she doesn't freak out.

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Don't expect to get your hounds' nails as short as "normal" dogs, either. So long as there's space between the nail and the floor when they're standing, things are good.


But seriously- the quick should be far enough back that a quick "shave" with the clippers won't hurt. Take off the end 1mm or so, and you're good. The white ring in the center will indicate the proximity to the quick.

I agree with both statements there! :nod IMHO, the last pic on that diagram shows the finished nail much shorter than I like for my dogs. Their nails tend to grow less curved, and more straight, than many dogs and if I cut them that short, they'd never touch the ground even when running - and they DO use their nails to grip. I don't want mine wiping out on soft ground. ;)


But the diagrams are pretty good! :thumbs-up


I use a heavy-duty pair of side cutting nail clippers. Buy the heaviest quality you can, because they cut so much easier! Then you really can just shave small slivers off the ends until you can see the circle of the quick approaching (incidentally, some of my dogs nails show the quick with a dark circle). Also - a good mix of road walking and soft ground as you can manage. I find this really does help to keep the nails down.


I found these and have been wanting to try them since 3 of my 4 girls have black nails. But I haven't tried them yet.



quick see


Interesting. I'd like to hear from anyone who's tried them!





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Good luck. :)


My grey is a screamer when it comes to the nail trimming, so I cave and pay to have it done at the vet. Several years ago, most of his nails went from the lighter color to black, so there's no way I'll do them myself! :)


Minty's nails are dark..(she's black) and at first she'd cry every time I'd even attempt to go near her toes with a clipper.. and me.. :blink: I was sure then I'd cut her toes off..her pulling away and crying.. me apologizing :unsure So, off to the groomer who does it for $5... and then we walk thru town and if it's warm, visit the ice cream shop. Think she had that in mind all along? :P

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  • 1 month later...
Guest GreyMatter

Dremel has come out with a Cordless Pet Nail Grooming Rotary Tool, specifically for doing nails. It has two speeds (7,000 and 14,000 rpm) and runs on ordinary AA batteries. Apparently it's quiet and lightweight.


I saw it at Amazon.


I live in Canada, and it's apparently not available here yet. Has anybody out there tried it on a greyhound?


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If you use AA batteries, get some rechargeable ones and a charger otherwise it will get pricey fast. I really like the regular one with the rechargeable battery.

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Guest beerdogs31
Dremel has come out with a Cordless Pet Nail Grooming Rotary Tool, specifically for doing nails. It has two speeds (7,000 and 14,000 rpm) and runs on ordinary AA batteries. Apparently it's quiet and lightweight.


I saw it at Amazon.


I live in Canada, and it's apparently not available here yet. Has anybody out there tried it on a greyhound?



I bought it, and regular batteries run out really fast!! I am going to buy something that doesn't use regular batteries, and has a little more power. Would be better for a smaller dogs nails.

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