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Hello From The Land Of Red Dirt

Guest NeedleNoseLuvR

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Guest NeedleNoseLuvR

I registered for this site some time ago but have been lurking so I thought it was time I introduced myself and my greyhound, Lacey. Lacey will be six years old this October. I bought her from a greyhound farm here in Oklahoma when she was four months old. Lacey is my second grey. The first, my Bridge girl, Abbigail, I adopted from a woman (we use the same vet) who decided she didn't like big dogs. Abby was about six years old when I got her and I had her until she turned ten. Unfortunately she had to be put down when an old racing injury (bone spur on her 5th vertebrae) became so bad that the Rimadyl she had been on for four years could no longer control her pain. Abby was a gorgeous self-masked fawn and one of the sweetest dogs I have shared my life with.


Over the years I have lived with three salukis, 2 whippets, 1 afghanhound and 1 samoyed (my very first dog). I always have multiple dogs, somehow one is not enough. I showed the salukis and one of the whippets in AKC conformation and my first saluki, Nari, also showed in obedience. She got her CD (Companion Dog) title in 5 trials. Very good for a 'non-obedience breed'! Since she hated retrieving with a passion that was as far as we went.

These are my Bridge kids along with Abby. Conformation showing ended when I got divorced and retired my show dogs to be couch potatoes. One whippet was co-owned and went back to her breeder.


Today I have Lacey, my grey, Olivia, a GSD/Lab/whatsis mix and Soo Tee, a Chow/Austrailian Shepherd mix. Along with three cats.


So here are photos of my lovely cowdog, Lacey.


Lacey 6-2004 sprawled on my bed.




and Lacey in the backyard 1-2008





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Guest NeedleNoseLuvR

Thank you all for the welcome.

Just so they don't feel left out here are photos of my two non-greys.


Soo Tee Faux Chow, 9 year old, male, Chow/Australian Shepherd mix. Also known as Sue (Johnny Cash anyone?)




And Olivia, 5 year old, female, GSD/Lab/whatsis mix.




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