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35 Packages


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System still shows 35 packages needing to be sent out or marked as sent if they have already been shipped. The shipping deadline was Dec 10, so please get those packages out ASAP.

If you for some reason are not going to be able to follow through on your obligation, let me know ASAP so my team of extras and myself can get something out before Christmas.


Still lots of people waiting on packages in transit - please mark them as received once you get them.

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Guest Tenderhearts

Randy thinks he's been bad this year. The system still shows nothing went out for him.


I'm trying to soothe his battered ego by doling out extra treats! :nod:rofl

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Guest greyhound_mommy

Ok ok Trudy, I will be nice and instead of waiting until the 19th I will ship Tuesday. lol Just make sure I can blame you when I don't get to buy more stuff. ;)


Every year I wait until the last minute to ship UPS. I always check to make sure they arrive on time.

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I don't know if I'm more anxiously awaiting Danny's package or waiting to see if our SS gets their package. I think the latter because I hope they like the gifties. It should have arrived by now but no word yet. Maybe I didn't send enough treats or chocolate. Oh the stress!

[gallery_4177_3286_2416.jpg Neighbor Mike

Inspired by Beloved Angels Danny & Mick

Custom Quilted Coats, Wallhangings & MORE

"From there to here, From here to there, Funny things are everywhere.

Especially with a greyhound in your life!

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Guest weycoolgrey

Both of mine have been received, but none of mine have arrived....yet....hopefully not buried under those many inches of snow we received yesterday :P

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Guest junefour
I don't know if I'm more anxiously awaiting Danny's package or waiting to see if our SS gets their package. I think the latter because I hope they like the gifties. It should have arrived by now but no word yet. Maybe I didn't send enough treats or chocolate. Oh the stress!


I keep giving Willie Bradys' yogurt treats, but his was acknowleged a few days ago. I also sent something out and never heard it if was liked, or hated, if it arrived in one piece or anything. I did notice they clicked the received button but that was it.



How is the countdown now?

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We are still waiting on one package here. "My packages" area says that it was sent on Dec. 7th. I've been anxiously checking the mailbox and front porch steps everyday! Maybe today will be the day!!! :D

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I don't know if I'm more anxiously awaiting Danny's package or waiting to see if our SS gets their package. I think the latter because I hope they like the gifties. It should have arrived by now but no word yet. Maybe I didn't send enough treats or chocolate. Oh the stress!


I keep giving Willie Bradys' yogurt treats, but his was acknowleged a few days ago. I also sent something out and never heard it if was liked, or hated, if it arrived in one piece or anything. I did notice they clicked the received button but that was it.



How is the countdown now?


I never did hear back on one of my packages last year, I truly hoped they liked it. :(


Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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Those that mark receive and you hear nothing more - my guess is maybe they haven't opened their box/package and are waiting until Christmas. I wouldn't worry about it yet :)


But once all packages have been opened, I would hope you all get at least some little note of thanks - regardless of what they thought of what you sent.

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I'm getting a bit worried. According to FedEx, my package was left at the recipient's door yesterday at noon, but the person hasn't marked received or otherwise acknowledged. I so hope it didn't get stolen!!! :(

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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I don't know if I'm more anxiously awaiting Danny's package or waiting to see if our SS gets their package. I think the latter because I hope they like the gifties. It should have arrived by now but no word yet. Maybe I didn't send enough treats or chocolate. Oh the stress!


I keep giving Willie Bradys' yogurt treats, but his was acknowleged a few days ago. I also sent something out and never heard it if was liked, or hated, if it arrived in one piece or anything. I did notice they clicked the received button but that was it.



How is the countdown now?


I never did hear back on one of my packages last year, I truly hoped they liked it. :(


How rude! It is entirely possible that a thankyou on GT could get lost because there are so many posts. It would be easy for one to slip by. I agree with Trudy that all the SS gifts, large and small, deserve a thank you. It is a tremendous kindness for people to give to others. Of course, it's second nature for Greyfolk.


[gallery_4177_3286_2416.jpg Neighbor Mike

Inspired by Beloved Angels Danny & Mick

Custom Quilted Coats, Wallhangings & MORE

"From there to here, From here to there, Funny things are everywhere.

Especially with a greyhound in your life!

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I was so excited today when I got back from our M&G, there was a package on the front step! :yay But is wasn't SS package, it was a x-mas gift I ordered on e-bay. :huh

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I double checked "my Packages" section and it shows that it's been 100% done. All packages both ours and our recipients have received theirs.

Edited by kurri1092

Shelby - Hyuall 8 yrs old (Coldwater Guv x Coldwater Mesa) Litter #97183

Major - Rapido Ramrod 7 yrs old (Iruska Excalibur x Kacy Marque) Litter #18841

Sadie - Hank's Erin 3 years old (Hallo West Acre x Noble Storm) Litter# 40759

Sgt Bilko - Our 13 yr old Rhodesian Ridgeback mix - Running at the bridge Kurri, Kassidy and Dove


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I don't know if I'm more anxiously awaiting Danny's package or waiting to see if our SS gets their package. I think the latter because I hope they like the gifties. It should have arrived by now but no word yet. Maybe I didn't send enough treats or chocolate. Oh the stress!


I keep giving Willie Bradys' yogurt treats, but his was acknowleged a few days ago. I also sent something out and never heard it if was liked, or hated, if it arrived in one piece or anything. I did notice they clicked the received button but that was it.



How is the countdown now?


I never did hear back on one of my packages last year, I truly hoped they liked it. :(


Were you my SS last year? I never did find out who mine was as there was no return name or any notes inside. :dunno


Edited to add: Carmens SS last year was BlackandBrindle... I never knew who Bella's was...

Edited by kamsmom

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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