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Getting Her Back On Regular Food


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Sugar had been eating fairly well, even after she hurt her back last week. Until Sunday, that is. She re-injured or aggrevated the injury on Sunday, and we started her on Tramadol for the pain. It helped the pain, and she is slowly recovering, but her appetite has pretty much vanished. Could the pain meds be supressing her appetite? She has also been diagnosed with low thyroid and just started taking meds for that. Will the thyroid meds help her appetite? And, now that she is starting to recover, I'd like work on getting her back on her regular food. Just keep offering it?

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Yes, Pepcid is one of the approximately 5000 pills she is taking :rolleyes: . She is mostly raw fed, with a kibble meal a couple of times a week (when she wants "cereal" for dinner). She has never been a picky eater. Since Sunday, she has been eating mostly vanilla Ensure and baby food.

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Actually I have the exact same thought as you. Pearl had a leg problem last week. According to their chiropractor, it looks like Pearl and her littermate Dima had a major collision. (Pearl's right hing hip was majorly bruised and Dima's right shoulder was way out of wack).


Pearl was on Tramadol and her appetite hit bottom too. She's never been a super enthusiastic eater, but the appetite is generally okay.


She's off now and snarfed down her meals the last two days. So, I'm thinking that maybe tramadol does bother their tummies.




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