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Putting Under To Microchip?

Guest greyhound_mommy

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Guest greyhound_mommy

I talked to my vet about microchipping the dogs after their escape trick a couple weeks ago.


He said that he prefers to knock them out before inserting them because he believes it does hurt. He said that he will do them awake but prefers not to.


Now he is a very old school but new tech vet. He isn't into all the money. He does things the way he believes is cheapest and easiest but is talking about doing my Halle's surgery at his son's office because of laser.....


So I doubt he's saying that for the money.


Does anyone else's vet do that? Most I've talked to just insert it but he feels bad for the pups.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Mine were NOT put under for their microchips... Personally, a little sting is better than unnecessarily putting a dog under anesthesia, imo...

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I've never heard of that. It's just a small injection. I can't imagine it's any more painful than a normal immunization (well, maybe slightly as the needle is bit fatter, but still!).


I would not put them under just for that. If there was something else (like a dental cleaning or something) than sure.

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Neither of my two so much as flinched. If the dog was already under for something else then I'd have the chip done at the same time - if you're worried. It didnt seem to bother either of my two though. Certainly a lot less than how loopy they were coming out of GA.



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Guest SusanP

My first hound didn't even flinche when the chip went in, but the second screamed and rolled around and struggled. Because of that, we waited to microchip #3 and #4 until they were going to be "under" for a dental.

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One or two of mine have squeaked a little, and yes, it's a fat needle .. but IMHO does NOT justify the risks of a general anaesthetic! Good grief! :yikes


Couple of things to consider: Leaving aside the health risks (every GA carries health risks), does this vet REALLY think that being left at the vet, restrained, injected, put under and coming round feeling woozy in a strange place and then having to wait to be collected - sometimes for hours - does he really think this is less stressful than a momentary spasm of pain?


Secondly, if he really DOES believe that the procedure is significantly painful, why not just use a local anaesthetic?


I am at a loss as to know why a vet would put a dog under just for this kind of minor procedure. I have never heard of it being done. Only if the dog were under for something else anyway, like teeth cleaning or spay. :dunno




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Guest Hannah

Holly and Olaf were both done whilie awake and I dont think either of them even noticed what was happening.


my vet suggested doing Linus while he was under for neutering cos he was a very active and wriggly kitten and we had enough fun and games keeping him still long enough for his vaccinations :rolleyes:

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Guest CocktailGirl

I saw it done on a few dogs before I had my two chipped. I decided to wait to get them chipped while they were already under for something. Just a personal preference I guess. I felt a needle like that would hurt and I didn't want to cause them pain if I didn't have to.

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Guest DoofBert

Tania was micrchipped at 6 months... Didn't even wink...I massaged her ears and head. Vet tech held her on the left side and vet inserted chip from the right side. It was over in seconds. Of course, she earned many cookies for being such a brave girl!


Our crazy cats were chipped while awake as well.

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The risks of placing a hound under anesthesia is a lot greater than the shortlived pinch of inserting a microchip.

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Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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Guest simile

Chloe was chipped before I got her, but when I had Jack done, he was too busy gobbling the treats the vet tech was giving him to even notice the vet sticking him with the chip needle.

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If he's really concerned, he should only be giving a local to numb the area. To put into perspective, if you got to get a mole removed or a plantar's wart removed, no matter how deeply rooted they are, they never put you under, just numb the spot. And those procedures are a whole lot more painful than a needle, albeit a fat one.

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Guest greybookends

I would NOT put them under for micro chipping. My vet had an anesthetic gel she applied to the injection area, kinda like a dentist rubs an anesthetic on your gums before injecting Novocaine, before she injected the microchip because she said it does hurt.

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The risks of placing a hound under anesthesia is a lot greater than the shortlived pinch of inserting a microchip.
I agree 100%. My dogs were all awake. I do not like anyone or anything to go under anesthesia unless absolutely necessary. I am an asthmatic and do not go under for any proceedure if I can help it. Since Greys are so susceptible to having problems with anesthesia I would never risk it.



Edited by beledi

"Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the day comes God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man."

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Sahara was chipped when she went under for her spay. We microchipped our cat at a humane society clinic. She was awake and showed no reaction to the pain. There were many dogs there (we had the only cat there!) and we didn't hear any yelping while we were waiting. It probably hurts them, but as others have said, it is probably less stressful than anesthesia.

with Atlas the borzoi, Luna the pyr, and Madison the cat, always missing Sahara(Flyin Tara Lyn) and Coltrane(Blue on By) the greyhounds

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My mixed breed came to us microchipped, but we had our grey done ourselves. The vet injected a local anesthetic between his shoulder blades, gave it a couple of minutes to work, and then injected the microchip. My grey was not bothered by either injection. However, when the vet picked up his foot to look at something he yelped. :rolleyes:


I definitely don't think it warrants being put under, especially when a quick local is so easy and trouble-free.

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Guest JohnnyBell

My three were chipped while awake too,with no problems at all.I would never put mine under just for something that takes less then 5 seconds.It would take them hours to wake up from GA,that sounds crazy to me.They'll be fine without GA :rolleyes: .

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I felt uneasy about having Sunny's chip done while he was awake as I felt it must hurt, so I waited until he needed an anaesthetic for something else and had it done then. I wouldn't have an anaesthetic done just for a chip though.


When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

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I've seen plenty of the group's greyhounds microchipped without anesthesia and not one of them made a peep. When I had Bailey done, she yelped once and when I had Holly done, she didn't make a peep.

Edited by grey14me



Michelle...forever missing her girls, Holly 5/22/99-9/13/10 and Bailey 8/1/93-7/11/05

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