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Waiting For My First Grey To Arrive...

Guest iaksma

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Guest iaksma

Thought I'd pop in and say hello! I've been wanting a Greyhound for years but life got in the way. Our dog of 10 years passed on a few weeks ago and our house is lonely without a pup. We've never had a Grey, but have met them and believe them to be wonderful!


Our Grey will be here on the 24th of March and the whole family is excited. There's a good possibility we're getting a tripod. Although I was hesitant at first, my kids put me to shame. We asked them how they would handle it if other kids teased them about their 3-legged dog and both kids told me it didn't matter if she had 3 legs and it didn't matter what anyone else said. "We'll love her just as she is." So, if she is cat trainable she will likely be ours.


Can't wait to start reading the forums. Seems like a hoppin' place!


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Welcome to GT! You've made a great choice in chosing a greayhound and your kids sound very wise :)

Missing my sweet girl Scout. My snuggler, my chow-hound, my kissy girl.
It never thunders at the Bridge, and your food bowl is ALWAYS filled.

So strange not living in Atty World. I was a love struck handmaiden to your every whim.

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Guest Cossiedog

Hi there!


I'm playing the waiting game too- my puppy is coming home on the 26th!! It's really hard to wait patiently isn't it?!


Everybody here will be looking forward to seeing pictures of your new baby!


Welcome to GT :colgate



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Guest K9_Lady
:welcome Hi and I am so sorry about your dog :f_red . I do not have a Greyhound as of yet but you will find a lot of information and meet many nice people on this board! Your children sound wonderful and the Best of luck with your new addition! :confetti
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Guest OnecoRose

Welcome and congrats to you and your family. It is very exciting waiting for your grey, you will fall in love immediately. Keep us posted, and have fun. You won't regret it.

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Guest KaylyRed



I share your excitement about bringing a greyhound into your life. We're waiting for our greyhound, too. Only we don't have a date yet--we're waiting to learn when GPA will have some greys for us to meet. The anticipating is killing me! (I think my kids are actually handling it better than I am. :huh )


Best of luck with your new dog. I think it's great that you're considering a special needs dog, and your kids have the perfect attitude!

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Guest iaksma

Thanks for the welcome everyone! I'm going to go and figure out how to upload some pictures of Mabel! It's good to see more newbies waiting for their pups! The anticipation is almost unbearable!! :bounce2


edit: Woo hoo, there she is in my signature! These are pictures that were e-mailed to me. As soon as she gets here I will get different pictures of her!

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Guest iaksma

She is pretty. I remember waiting for my grey - it was very hard! Did she break her leg?


Yup. Think she might have fractured it in a race as she pulled up and didn't finish one race in August, then didn't run in her next race. I don't know the whole story, but her last race was August 26, she had x-rays taken on September 26, but didn't have the amputation until December. I suspect it just didn't heal or something. I get to talk to the vet who cared for her tomorrow, so hopefully I will find out more details.

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Guest iaksma

Mabel arrived early Saturday morning and whe is such a love! We've been so busy with her that I haven't had much time to sit at the computer and upload pics, etc. I see how to upload pics on some forums but I don't see one on the introduction forum...maybe i'm missing it? Anyhoo...as soon as I can figure out how to post pics, I will do so!

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