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Greyhound At Dewey

Guest seniorgreymom

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Guest LadyChester

This is so tragic - what a needless loss. My sympathies to Scarlett's family.


What motel was this? I'm planning to go next year and definitely do not want to stay there!

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Guest jettcricket
I heard about this on Sunday morning - what a terrible situation.  I only hope that the motel in question will be dealt with properly - this sort of thing only happens due to neglect and lack of care.  How horrible for this to have happened.  My prayers to Scarlett's family - and that she's running free at the bridge.  Just so sad.


I believe the name of the hotel is the Atlantis....some, if not, most of these hotels are old, run down and not maintained. There should not have been water flooding the elevator...would if that were a child or a person?! Horrible, horrible thing to have happened...thank God the individual who tried to help didn't die or get seriously injured. My heart goes out to the family and for those who were affected by it. :(

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This is so sad :(


Night night little Scarlett :heart

Deerhounds Darcy, Duffy, Grace & Wellington, Mutts Sprout & Buddy, Lurchers Ned & Jake plus Ella the Westie + cats. Remembering Del, Jessie, Maddison, Flo, Sally, Stanley, Wallace, Radar, Mokka, Oki cat, Tetley, Poppy & Striker.


Please visit our web store at http://www.dogsndubs.com for our own range of Greyhound related clothing for humans!

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Guest FoxyandDodgesMom

I heard about this as well on Sunday morning from someone that was there when it happened. I feel so bad for her and what she went through as well as her mom and dad...and fur brother.


Let's keep this thread about this her remembrance right now please. :f_white:cry1

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Guest PiratesMummy

If anyone wishes to make a donation in remembrance of Scarlett, the family's adoption group is:


Midwest Greyhound Adoption

P.O. Box 338

Sugar Grove, IL 60554


My husband was one of 4 people that did CPR on Scarlett for what seemed like forever - Scarlett never came back to us. Of course, the police, firemen, EMT and finally the vet came - but it was all too late. It should be a comfort to know that Scarlett died very quickly. She also saved a life - it could have too easily been a child.


Scarlett's brother's name is Rhett. It's all very tragic. The two men that were electrocuted was Scarlett's owner and another men who tried to move Scarlett out of the way to begin CPR. They were both OK and did not need medical attention.


I feel the hotel did an amazing job at handling this tragic situation. It could have happened anywhere. I will be staying there again, however my current dogs and any future dogs, will all learn stairs for sure! No more outside elevators for us!

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Guest greysx3
Her name was Scarlett, and she was staying about four doors down from us....it was not a glass elevator, and the water had been dripping in there all day...I remarked on it to my husband. 


Several people attempted to do CPR, but to no avail.  I had not heard that the owners were electrocuted at all; what I do know is that another man, who heard Scarlett screaming, ran to help, grabbed Scarlett, and HE was zapped.  I witnessed his signature because he "refused to be transported" by the paramedics.  This all happened as DH and I walked into the motel from dinner.


I am seriously considering not going to Dewey again.  Certainly not to that motel.  It was extremely upsetting to everyone in the motel. 


Scarlett's mom and dad are in my prayers....




I understand this is an emotional event but don't not go to Dewey because of this incident. This was a freak accident and a tragic one at that. Believe me my heart aches and I cannot even imagine what this family is going through.


Let's remember that Dewey raises money for the Morris Animal Foundation. My mother always thought me to turn a tragedy into a positive.


What I suggest is we remember Scarlett by going to Dewey and remembering her by going to the beach and saying a silent prayer, buying extra raffle tickets in her name, remembering her at the memorial. Remember Scarlett in a loving way.


As far as the motel that is a personal choice to stay there or not but let's not punish the Dewey organizers who work very hard to put this event together. I apologize if that sounded like a scold that is not my intent, I just want to try and turn a tragedy into a somewhat positive.

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Well said greysx3.

Even though we didn't know you...always in our hearts little Scarlett :hope and our love to your family f_yellow


Edit to add -OMG I realize now my friend and I saw Scarlett Saturday afternoon trying for some time to cross the street in Dewey with her Mom in her wagon. At the time we didn't know it was this little princess but it warmed our hearts to see her enjoying the weekend despite her age/health. I remember thinking how beautiful she was and how much her family must love her.


Always an angel...



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Guest dwolfe711

We met Scarlett last year when she was tooling around Dewey in her little wagon because she had a hard time walking long distances and so she could go with her family when they went out. She was a dear little girl. This year we saw her with Rhett and her Mom and Dad numerous times and always stopped to chat. I had heard about the terrible accident but just found out this morning that Scarlett was the grey involved. I cannot imagine what her family is going through and it horrifies me to know what she went through when this happened. I hope that all involved in trying to save her are okay. Our deepest sympathy goes out to her family - you are in our thoughts and prayers. She was a spunky little girl for her age and it sorrows me greatly to know we will not get to see her there in her little wagon next year. Hugs and kisses to Rhett - I'm sure he is brokenhearted to lose his constant companion. I know she is running free of pain at the Bridge with all the other Angels but wish her departure had not been so tragic.


We will miss you, sweet little Scarlett - :brokenheart - run free sweet little angel :candle



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I am so sorry to hear this. I saw sweet little Scarlett being pulled around in her cart. I'm sure her family is thankful that she lived a very long and happy life!

Run free sweet Scarlett!! :f_pink:gh_run

Forever in my heart: my girl Raspberry & my boys Quiet Man, Murphy, Ducky, Wylie & Theo
www.greyhoundadventures.org & www.greyhoundamberalert.org & www.duckypaws.com


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Guest Sportingfields

Godspeed dear Scarlett and many hugs to your Mama, Papa, & Rhett. For those that would like a small rememberance of this dearly loved senior girl, clicky link below. Thank you for the information on where to send a memorial donation to in her honor.




Tails hanging low


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Guest VNaught
Godspeed dear Scarlett and many hugs to your Mama, Papa, & Rhett. For those that would like a small rememberance of this dearly loved senior girl, clicky link below. Thank you for the information on where to send a memorial donation to in her honor.




Tails hanging low





Oh my ... looking at her picture and the thought of this tragedy breaks my heart. Run happy and free Scarlett.


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I'm so shocked to hear of this tragic accident :(. One can't help but cry for this dear grey and her family. Bless all of those who stepped in to help.


Run free, sweet Scarlett.

Mom to Daisy (1999-2012), LB (aka Little Bit), and Sammy James (aka Sammy or Buddy)

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Guest cnewsome

Run free, sweet Scarlett...

Scarlett's owners told us Sunday morning at the board walk that he got burn marks on his arms and legs when he tried to pull Scarlett away from the elevator... It could have killed him or his wife if they would have touched the metal molding first... Rhett looked so sad and lonely, he didn't know what was going on.. This is so sad... :(:(

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Guest IndyTwister

How tragic! We met Scarlett & Rhett on Friday while waiting for our lunch. Her parents had gotten them ice cream and Scarlett was thoroughly enjoying it in her cart. :(


Run with the wind sweet girl....

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Guest cnewsome
How tragic!  We met Scarlett & Rhett on Friday while waiting for our lunch.  Her parents had gotten them ice cream and Scarlett was thoroughly enjoying it in her cart. :( 


Run with the wind sweet girl....



Yes, they sure are nice folks, Scarlett was a lucky hound to have them as her parents. :)

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Guest shadesofgrey

Run free sweet Scarlett. What a tragedy. Take comfort that she is now at peace at the bridge among friends and that she experienced the "Best of the best", the beach, boardwalk, friends, other greyhound friends, lots of lovin', and Ice cream before her journey to the bridge.

Our thoughts are with the family and everyone who is touched by this tragedy.

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