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Found 4 results

  1. Hello friends! My five year old greyhound developed soft stools yesterday, and I'd love some help and guidance! He is still acting normal- his appetite and energy are unchanged, and he is still his bright, cheery self. We're 99.9% certain he hasn't eaten anything unusual (he's always leashed on walks with us, and is well-supervised at home) and we haven't changed his diet. However, his last three bowel movements have been unusual. I'm still able to pick it up, but the consistency is quite soft (like soft serve or a "cow patty"), and there seems to be a bit of grey mucous on the exterior. Last winter, we went through a bout of HGE, so I think that experience scarred me a bit- every time I see any unusual bowel movement, I become a nervous wreck. I called our vet, and the soonest he could get us in for an appointment is a week from today (next Thursday). They didn't sound concerned when I described his symptoms, so I made the appointment, and asked to be put on a wait list in case they get a last minute cancellation and can fit us in. Until then, the plan is to fast him tonight and then introduce a bland diet in the morning. However, if you have had a similar experience and have advice to share, I'd love to hear it! Thank you in advance for your help.
  2. Hello, We have hooks and diarrhea and have gone through multiple treatments of Panacur and one treatment of Drontal Plus. Reading through some posts, there seems to be some vets that have put them on long term treatment of Panacur, etc. Could anyone tell me what your protocol was that finally rid your grey of these vile parasites? Thanks in advance!
  3. How many different kibbles did you try before you found one that worked? And how long do you let each go before giving up and moving on? Currently on our 4th....
  4. We adopted an ex-racer about 5 months ago. As expected, he initially had very loose stool every time (not liquid but very soft like mud). After an extensive deworming treatment, then another dewormer a few weeks later, he solidified a little but never entirely. His first poop in the morning is usually fairly solid but progressively through the day he gets looser. At night or directly after physical activity, he usually releases a big soft mudpie. I'm concerned because last night, we woke up and he had pooped in the house after pooping three times throughout the day and directly before we went to bed. Because of his deworming treatment I'm assuming it isn't an issue with worms. Is this soft poo normal for greyhounds? If not, what are things I can do to help solidify his stool? I tried switching from a chicken/rice mix to a lamb/rice mix but that hasn't seemed to help. Any suggestions welcome!
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