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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. She looks WONDERFUL! Get well soon Sadie.
  2. I too have a couple (one grey, one non) who are with me almost all the time. I'd be lost without them. That's an incredible photo.
  3. I'm so sorry you lost your handsome and special boy. Godspeed Festus.
  4. that the next report--and every report after that--is positive. Get well soon handsome Maxx.
  5. FWIW.... - IBS/IBD can be food related. Minnie's IBD seems to stem primarily from food allergies. - Once the gut is upset, it can take a long time to settle down. After we scoped Minnie, we put her on the maximum dose of pred and a novel diet. It was months before her poop firmed up and she started gaining weight. Granted that she was very very sick, but I've seen similar--if shorter--delays with her at other times, and with the others. My point here is that whether or not your plan works, it's a bit early to rule out food. I really hope that Beau's return to the new/old food solves the problem, or that you find a treatable bug.
  6. Unbelievable. Both that she didn't suffer damage to her eye, and that the repair is so perfect. Dora
  7. Cora hurt something deep in her hip in November '07. She didn't limp, but she couldn't do anything that required pushing with that leg, including stairs, getting up, lying down... It was a nightmare. The x-rays were negative. I thought (I may have heard incorrectly) that the vet said it would heal in 6 weeks. Around the third re-visit, we saw one of her more experienced colleagues, and she said 16 weeks. I think Cora finally started to do stairs again around the 12 or 14 week mark, and was pretty solid by 16 weeks. Soft tissue injuries can take a long long time to heal, and can be re-injured very easily.
  8. Vinnie: Chew it smaller. Betsy, Chief Stick Chewer
  9. Cysts can apparently be filled with different things. I'm with most everyone else: I wouldn't worry. If it changes, you can revise your decision.
  10. Oh no! I am so very sorry. Your lovely and precious girl had to leave much too soon. Godspeed Annie.
  11. I'm so sorry you lost your precious--and gorgeous--girl. Godspeed Pumpkin.
  12. Oh yeah. For months and months, my heart was in my throat every time Minnie pooped. For a few years, I used a flash to check whenever she pooped in the dark. I'm less nervous now, and less (ahem) anal now about the flash, but I still look. I'm glad you had a chance to speak to your vet. I hope the new plan keeps Soul on track.
  13. I'm so very sorry. Diane was a very special girl. Godspeed Diane.
  14. Poor Soul. Poor you. A few things, based on my experience with Minnie (who has IBD): 1. I'm not a huge fan of fasting, because it seems to make Minnie worse, not better. However, vets often advise it to give the bowel a rest. And, you're right--the less he consumes, the less likely it is that he'll need to poop. 2. The other thing that can bring on a bowel movement is exercise, so you might not want to walk him or let him motor around the yard. 3. Attacks don't necessarily happen immediately. Even at her sickest, Minnie could go a week or so between bouts of HGE--the meds and restricted/special diet would hold off the symptoms. Eventually the cumulative insults to her digestive tract would result in a bout. Once she was healthier, her system could handle the stress for much longer before it cratered. The delays make it extremely hard to isolate the problem. It could be that the venison (or potato) in his regular food is an issue, but it just took a while for the reaction to become apparent. I hope that Soul has a good night, so that you can deal with your regular vet tomorrow. One of the things you might discuss is keeping an inventory of flagyl. I don't keep it, but I do consider tylocine and misoprostal (stomach protection) stock items. Sigh.
  15. I'm sorry. I hope she has lots of good days left.
  16. I'm so very sorry. The thought of losing two in a month... Godspeed Tigger. Godspeed Bobby Sox.
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