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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. I'm so very sorry you lost your precious baby boy. He's whole again at the Bridge, and will live on in your hearts forever. Godspeed, sweet Marvin...
  2. Had SO hoped he would pull through. My prayers are with you, Heather. Godspeed, sweet Dagger...
  3. I'm very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, precious Chippy...
  4. My heart goes out to you... May you always feel Booker's loving spirit with you, and know that he's whole again at the Bridge. Godspeed, precious boy...
  5. My heart aches for you... losing your precious Marcus so suddenly. Although I never met him, he touched my heart deeply, and I always enjoyed his gorgeous and goofy pictures, and the lovely stories of his life with you and the gang. Heaven is blessed with a very special angel tonight... Godspeed, sweet Marcus... Many hugs and blessings to you and your family for the loving kindness he knew in your care.
  6. iluvgreys

    Sweet Edie Lee

    Karen and Terri, I'm so very sorry for the sudden and unexpected loss of your precious Edie. She was blessed to share your home and hearts, and knew love and safety in your care. And yes, heaven's chorus just got better. Godspeed, sweet girl...
  7. Can't underestimate the cleverness of our bridge angels, or their desire to help with our pain. Hopefully that sign puts your heart at ease.
  8. What a very touching memorial for such a special, loving greyhound. My heart was with you in spirit... and Gable Honor will never be forgotten.
  9. I'm very sorry for your loss. We never have enough time with our babies... Godspeed, sweet Nadine...
  10. How very sad. Poor fella was quite ill. Please extend my heartfelt condolences to his "mom" for her tremendous loss of a friend and helper. Godspeed, precious Finn...
  11. My heartfelt condolences to all the hearts this precious little girl touched... Time is always too short. Godspeed, Ginger.
  12. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your little girl. :group Godspeed, sweet Mags...
  13. iluvgreys


    I'm so very sorry, Diane. I know Soloman brought much joy to your life, and was a valiant and loving senior. He will be joined at the Bridge by lots of our beloved angels. Godspeed, precious boy...
  14. I'm very sorry for the loss of your precious Mocha. I can only imagine how much harder it must be for you, as a vet, to reach that point of non-response to treatment. You gave your beloved girl the final loving gift of freedom from suffering. She will live on in your heart and memory forever. Godspeed, sweet girl...
  15. My condolences to her loving family and all the hearts that she touched. What a lovely tribute to dear Kimi. Godspeed, precious girl...
  16. :weep What a precious "goodbye" for you, and for all of us.
  17. Please extend my heartfelt sympathy to his family and all the broken hearts Otis leaves behind. Godspeed, precious boy...
  18. My heart aches for you, Cheryl. No doubt Honor and Old Fella will have a roo fest when Easy joins them in the place of light and love. May his passing be gentle and peaceful. Many hugs to you and Scott for all the heartache this past year has brought. Sending lots of light to Christine for her healing process as well.
  19. Beautiful puppers. Maybe you'll hear from a littermate's family. That's how I connected with my heart dog, Wells' brothers. BTW, you may want to edit Sadi's profile to add your email addy, so folks could contact you. See examples in my grey's links in my siggy.
  20. My deepest condolences to you... Godspeed, precious Nolan.
  21. What a heartbreaking and unexpected loss of your precious boy. Big was fortunate to share your home and heart for the last 4 years, and knew that he was a cherished pupper. He is with you always in spirit. May your memories of his specialness bring you comfort. Godspeed, sweet Big...
  22. Honor, you are free from harm now, and safe forever with our beloved Bridge angels. You will never be forgotten... My heartfelt condolences to her adoptive mom and all the other broken hearts. edited to add her picture~ Gable Honor
  23. iluvgreys


    Very sad... My deepest condolences go out to Lois and all whose hearts were touch by this precious little one. Godspeed, sweet Egypt...
  24. iluvgreys

    My Ditey

    I'm sorry for your loss. Ditey was a beautiful girl. Heaven must have needed more fun police. You were blessed to know the special love that a senior gives, and she'll always be with you in spirit. Godspeed, precious girl...
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