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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. iluvgreys

    Sweet Pea

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious baby girl. Godspeed, Sweet Pea... our beloved Bridge angels await you.
  2. I'm very sorry for your loss. The time with our beloved pups is always too short. Godspeed, sweet Gracie...
  3. iluvgreys

    Elsie Is Gone

    My heart is breaking for you. I'm so very sorry that you lost your baby girl. Know that she's free of suffering and whole again at the Bridge. May you always feel her loving spirit with you in your heart space. Godspeed, sweet Elsie...
  4. I"m so very sorry for your loss... Godspeed, sweet Larry...
  5. iluvgreys


    What a beauty. Here's a direct link: http://www.greyhoundsunlimited.org/support...ml#sitesponsors
  6. iluvgreys


    My deepest condolences to you. It is SO heartbreaking to lose our babies to this nasty disease. Godspeed, precious Josephine.
  7. He was a very special and cherished boy. Godspeed Benny...
  8. iluvgreys


    How heartbreaking... I'm very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, sweet Sharkie...
  9. I'm very sorry for your loss. It's especially hard to loose one's heart dog... they take a big ol' chunk of your heart with them. I hope that you will become aware of her spirit with you... as love never dies. The physical form may change, but the love you shared is still ever present.
  10. Poor lil' baby girl... How heartbreaking for you and all those who knew and loved this precious soul. Godspeed, Freedom...
  11. iluvgreys


    What a lovely tribute to a precious and cherished old soul... Godspeed, Slick.
  12. iluvgreys


    I'm very sorry for your loss of your handsome baby boy. Godspeed, Jammer...
  13. Ed, take Streak off the list. He was found. Keeping all the other lost puppers in my prayers... hoping they're in a safe place and not suffering.
  14. iluvgreys


    I'm so very sorry Diane. Ivey was so special to you. She's free from pain now, and no doubt has found all her pals and is running like the wind. Godspeed, little girl...
  15. iluvgreys


    I'm very sorry for the loss of your beloved boy. Godspeed, precious Rafferty...
  16. iluvgreys

    Farewell, Jett

    I'm very sorry for your unexpected loss of Miz Jett. Seniors are such treasures, and I'm sure her last three years were heaven on earth with you. Godspeed, precious girl...
  17. My heart aches for you... Your baby boy is whole again, running like the wind with our beloved Bridge angels. May you always feel his loving spirit with you. Godspeed, sweet Ricky...
  18. How heartbreaking... My heart goes out to you in this time of loss. May you always feel Chloe's loving spirit with you. Godspeed, precious one...
  19. iluvgreys

    A Long Time

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful angel with us.
  20. iluvgreys

    Tragic Death

    OMG! What a horrible tragedy for all. My heart aches to think of the trauma your precious Rudy suffered, and the heartache of returning Brad after 3 years of no problems. My prayers are with you and your family, for healing of the pain and loss of your babies.
  21. iluvgreys

    I Had A Dream

    What a lovely gift your angel gave you.
  22. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Your beautiful baby girl knew she was cherished and safe in your loving care. Godspeed Sadie Sue...
  23. iluvgreys


    My heart goes out to you, Rhiannon, for the untimely loss of your precious Dee Dee. We had all hoped and prayed for a different outcome to her search. Know that she is whole again, running like the wind at the Bridge, in the exquisite care of all our beloved Bridge angels.
  24. iluvgreys


    Such heartbreaking news... I send Annie love and light to guide her to the Bridge, and many hugs for her grieving family and all who knew and loved her. Godspeed, sweet girl...
  25. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Heart had lots of fans worldwide, and was blessed to share your home and heart. Godspeed, beautiful Heart...
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