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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. I'm sorry he didn't get better. I was so hoping... My deepest condolences to you, Diane. I know how much you cherish these precious seniors, and how your heart aches with the loss. Godspeed, Rob Roy. Go join your Bridge pals and run like the wind, pain free ever more.
  2. I'm very sorry for your loss. May your memories of Kissy bring a smile and warm your heart. Her loving spirit is with you always. Godspeed, precious girlie...
  3. I'm so very sorry it was time for him to go. Godspeed, sweet Beau...
  4. My heart aches for you. It is so very painful to lose one of our precious puppers, even when they're ready to leave. My deepest condolences to you. Godspeed, Luther...
  5. I feel like I've been crying for two days, with all the sad losses on GT and CoG. My heart is now aching for your tremenous loss of your little old man and best friend. What a touching tribute to him. Godspeed, precious Billy...
  6. iluvgreys


    Vince, I'm so very sorry to hear your news. Megan is with the angels now, heart strong and running like the wind. May you find peace with her passing, and feel her spirit with you in your heart, where love lives on forever.
  7. iluvgreys

    Ec Lori Ann

    Oh no... so many losses today. DeVon, you were the best greyhound momma that Lori Ann could ever want. I'm so sorry it was time for her to go. Godspeed, beautiful girl. Go join the angels and send your momma a sign when you can. God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be. So he put his arms around you and whispered "Come with me" With tearful eyes I watched you, and saw you fade away, Although I loved you dearly, I could not make you stay. A million times I've need you, a million times I've cried, If my love could have kept you here, you never would have died. If teardrops were a stairway, and memories were a lane, I'd walk all the way to Heaven, and bring you home again.
  8. I'm sorry for your heartache. I know it all too well. Know that your baby girl is now free from pain, running like the wind with our Bridge angels and smiling down upon you. She will always be with you in your heart.
  9. My heart aches for you. It is never easy to let our beloved hounds go to the Bridge, even when the time is right and it's the last compassionate gift we give them. May you always feel Sally's loving spirit with you in your heart, where love lives on. Run free with the angels, precious Sally...
  10. I'm very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, precious Goldie...
  11. I'm so sorry to hear your news. OS is such a monster. I pray for the day when it'll be stopped for good. I'm sure Walter was met at the Bridge by tons of our Bridge angels, and is once again running like the wind. May you always feel his loving spirit with you in your heart.
  12. My heart goes out to your grieving friend and all who knew and loved these beautiful girls.
  13. My heart goes out to you, and I can hear in your words how very loved she was. Godspeed, sweet Girlie. Go and join our Bridge angels and run like the wind...
  14. With a heavy heart and copious tears, I held Derby in my lap as she passed peacefully last night, freed from OSA and the intractable pain in her leg. Gone in just 6 short weeks. Your prayers and light helped us immensely, and for that I am forever grateful to GT’rs. Such a special girl deserves to be remembered. Derby asked for so little, and gave so very much. She was a two-time bounce, first losing her elderly Daddy of 7 years to cancer and being loyal and faithful to him throughout many months of intense illness. She was then given to a neighbor family who kept her in the backyard, only allowing her inside in the late evening to sleep. When their kids became teens that were too busy for a pet, the adoption group was called to pick her up. I’ll never forget walking up to that house on a busy street (4 lanes of traffic) in Long Beach and seeing the front door open and Derby walking out unleashed. My heart was in my throat! After croaking out “Can we go inside to talk?” I discovered that Derby had been trained to be off leash for years, and had never run into the street on any of her outings to the local parks. Angels must have been working overtime for this precious girl! Derbs, who was 9 by then, was only my foster for a week before she claimed her spot in my heart, and made friends with my other two hounds and the stinkin’ cats, as surely she would call them. It took her probably two months to really know that she had a permanent place inside my home. It just broke my heart to send her out to potty, and then find that she’d laid down in the grass/dirt where she planned to spend the rest of her day. My heart leaped for joy the first time (and every time thereafter) she came back to the door, asking to come back in with her big grin and happy tail. She helped to heal Wells’ grief over losing his companion Sandee, and had such a calming presence. She was always my #1 choice for visits to my office and truly had a magical touch with my difficult clients. She later worked with me at the skilled nursing facility where she quickly grew a fan club. It was especially hard for me today to share the sad news with her elderly friends. Derby never barked, except for woofies in her sleep, but had a huge vocabulary of whines and nose pokes that alerted me to her needs for timely meals, walks and tummy rubs. Her goofy side of helicopter tails and playbows were reserved for a select few only. Derby lived for cookies, laying in fresh glass, car rides and walks. She was a nearly perfect greyhound, winning over many hearts at show & tells and presenting the “perfect dog” persona at home visits of anxious would-be adopters. Our last day together will stay with me always… sharing hours outside on the grass with her napping in my arms. She leaves a big hole in my heart and a very noticeable absence in my home. I know she was met at the Bridge by her loving Daddy and a happy Wells, and will someday greet me. Until then, she’ll have lots of room for snuggles in my heart space. I love you and miss you babygirl… go run in the endless grassy fields and find the Burpdog biscuit tree.
  15. Welcome to GT! I can appreciate your challenge with a youngster and oldster. Am dealing with a similar situation, although not quite the spread in ages as yours. I, too, have a wonderful pet sitter that stays at my home, and I dread the thought of ever having to kennel my babies. Suggest you start a new topic in the EEG specifically asking for help with your question. Hopefully some of the LV folks here will see it and advise you! Would also suggest that you contact LV adoption groups and see who they recommend.
  16. My heart goes out to you and your DH. I'm sorry you didn't have years more with your precious Tyler. He was just too young. Godspeed, handsome boy...
  17. iluvgreys


    I'm so very sorry for your loss. Was so hoping he would be found safe and sound. Godspeed, beautiful boy...
  18. iluvgreys


    Oh no... When pain can no longer be controlled, it's an act of loving compassion to give a beloved pet freedom from pain. May you find peace, and know that your little guy is happy again. Godspeed, precious Beanie. There's plenty of Bridge angels that will appreciate your talents.
  19. Ron and Ann, my heart aches for you, dealing with yet another vicious attack on your sweet baby girl. You did all the right things to rescue her from a very bad situation. Unfortunately, the reality is that this can happen anywhere. It's legal to carry pepper spray here (mace) if you take a class. It's much more potent than Direct Stop. A big stick or golf club might have been useful, had you had seconds more notice. Thankfully, you and your DW were both there, so you could coordinate the escape. I hope you'll pursue filing a report with AC, as this is clearly an idiot owner with an aggressive off-leash dog. It's not illegal to be stupid, but letting a vicious dog off-leash is. In my mind, it's the same as a hit and run "accident". Do you have any friends that are attorneys you could talk to? Surely you could go to small claims court and get a judgment against him for the vet bills. Keeping Princess Leia in my prayers for full healing on all levels. Many hugs to you both...
  20. I'm sorry it was his time to go... He was quite a character! No doubt he's found his pals at the Bridge and is running like the wind again.
  21. PTS 14 - Shari, inoperable shoulder injury 9 - Sandee, osteo 9.5 - Wells, osteo Living Phoenix - 14.5, health and happy Derby - 11, just dx with osteo Finn - 5, great health
  22. I'm very sorry for the loss of your precious Dodger. May you always feel her loving spirit with you. Godspeed, sweet girlie...
  23. My heart aches for you. I'm so sorry it was Cat's time to go. We never have enough time with our beloved hounds, no matter how long they're with us. May you feel his loving spirit with you always, and know that his body is healed again and he's running like the wind at the Bridge.
  24. I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss of Witness. Surely she's now best of friends with all of our beloved Bridge angels and has joined their ranks. Opening your heart to Sky will help your healing process, and bring joy back into your day.
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