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Posts posted by Trudy

  1. It's 9am and we haven't gotten in the truck and driven anywhere yet :lol

    T's getting some quality jolly ball time in this morning.

    My car is in Mobile - was very nice to be back in my car again - especially with no dog hair in it... just nasty grease/dirt/crap that wasn't there when I dropped it off and a few more scratches and dings... Oh well - I can clean it again and we'll deal with the new dings/scratches later. Was just nice to drive my car again.


    Hopefully we'll know more about the house today. We stopped by yesterday to let the dogs run around and check out the house - they approved.

  2. Dallas, TX to New Orleans, LA today. Pick up my car in the morning and drop it off in Mobile and on to see Jeff's mom.



    Was a bit of a hellish day today.

    Guess you don't want to stay in Dallas with NY plates if the Yankees beat the Rangers - it lands you a trip to the garage... on a Sunday am... when garages are not open... to find out some dumbass loosened your lug nuts on your front wheels during the night to the point the guys at the garage could take them off with their fingers, with the exception of one.

    And La Quinta is apparently not all pet friendly. The one I had booked tonight had breed restrictions (Tavarish not welcome) and their pet rooms are smoking rooms only. We are now next door at Motel 6.

  3. disabled snow plow



    Our line of vehicles waiting to go - some stuck where they are

    notice the snow plow on the north bound side of the road... going south lol



    Some FedEx truck/trailers causing issues...



    sucks to be this guy



    a bunch of people waiting down near the border to get on the north bound road when it opens (it wasn't opened yet when we went past going South)



    The line waiting to cross the border into Canada (the truck lane leaving Canada was just as long) - roads were great in MT by the time we got there



    somewhere in Montana


  4. Didn't make it to Salt Lake City as we had hoped today due to that spring blizzard in Alberta.

    90 mins to get about 40 miles. Then we sat, on the highway for ~4.5 hours. There were ~15 semis, plows, graders, private vehicles stuck somewhere on the road preventing the rest of us from passing.

    After we were on the road this morning, they closed it from a point behind us to a point in front of us, then extended it to the border - due to the mess that was out there of stuck plows and graders and other stuff. That's why we sat... they were digging out the stuck people. Once we hit the border, we made good time again, but no way we were making it to SLC in a reasonable time, so we are here in Idaho Falls, ID for the night.



  5. Sorry thought you were going through California, well then driving in the first "city" with traffic may be a culture shock to the system after so long in Alaska.


    We drove through Edmonton and then Calgary at rush hour last night - hit city traffic already.

  6. Amazing sights you are seeing and just glad Trudy isn't driving because sure enough a beefalo or moosen or something might run into your truck :P


    Hurry up and get down to the South. Weather is beautiful :)


    I was driving for the herds of caribou, the herd of buffalo and the moose IN the road :lol

    Weather can't be worse than it is tonight. We are on the edge of a blizzard - made for slow going for the last 90 miles.

  7. 2 themes today...

    Caribou and crazy dogs



    The caribou - not good for time or gas mileage when you have to keep stopping to let a caribou or two or three or a herd of 20 get out of the road








    Crazy dogs and their thoughts for the day



    (this was NOT staged lol)










    Yes - he rode like that for quite a while

  8. Some friends hanging around while we departed Kodiak...












    Some last Kodiak eagle pics...











    Kodiak in the rear view mirror



    Pulling into Homer, AK this morning on the ferry






    The first moose I've seen in AK - they DO exist :lol

    This one was on our way out of Homer


  9. Why add the KBr if the Pb was working fine?


    Ryan wasn't getting the control on Pb alone after a couple of years and we had to increase the dose so much he was having side effects from that, so we added KBr to help control his seizures instead of continuing to increase his Pb. He was drunk for a month.

    We've since been able to reduce him on everything, but will up him again for our trip out of here.

  10. He gained some weight while eating just chicken and rice for a while? And his poops were good?

    And all that changed again when you went back to a food suggested by the old vet??


    To me, that doesn't sound like a pancreatic issue, but a food issue. If he can do well on chicken and rice then he's absorbing what he needs - or at least absorbing something.

    Good luck with the new vet.

  11. I've never had an issue with my dogs walking into a new house and 'claiming' it. They've been in plenty.

    Though Jet did pee on Liz's new rug once....


    In a month we will be living in an empty house for a week before we hit the road south. Then living in an empty house there until the stuff arrives. They'll have a few toys, their beds, food, bowls, etc - and they'll be fine.

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